A Question of Timing: What America Can Learn From the Revolt in Europe

What ended the GREAT DEPRESION?

Deficiet spending on the war.

And how was the US economy after that?

Best in the world.

Best EVER.
Jeebus, Pub dupes are ugly 'Merican morons- LOL

It was the SECOND Pub World Depression, not demon socialism, MORONS> LOL!

Past the point of being funny but scary...Franco is just stipid...enough to be scripted...

Frankie is a pretty sucked in individual....there aint much that can be done for a chump like that......he has let the bullshit take him over.....when you believe every fucking thing your "party" tells you without ever questioning them....your gone....
And yet it's pub cronyism/corruption/greed that causes all the recessions AND the two Great Depressions...how do dupes breath LOL? And they blame the victims AGAIN! Terminal shytteheads...

Frankie if what you say is true.....explain how they caused California to fall.....in English,not Franco-American....
And you're seriously obsessed with Bass living in France facktard.

He's not just living there. He denounced his US citizenship here for all to see.

He never denounced his citizenship you dumbass, you just hate him because he says he likes living in France better than he does in America right now, puss.

so after things get better.....he will come back like all the other dipshits who leave when things get tough....."Americans" like that we dont want here....
One more example of members of the New Right attacking the messenger(s) and not taking on the issues. This thread has attracted some of the dumber members of the USMB; now for those who want to suggest I'm attacking the messengers too, I'll disabuse them of this notion. Not one of the echo chamber above has offered any alternative to fixing our economy other than to echo (parrot, really) the same mantra which created the economic malaise grinding too many Americans down: "Cut taxes, Cut regulations, Cut Jobs (government employees) and Cut the income of working Americans by attacking labor unions.
So this thread is about advocating for a European Economic Policy? Seriously? You do realize that all they are doing is making the end of this trail worse right? Not only for themselves, but most of the rest of the world gets to suffer with them. Watch closely what happens to their currency, unemployment, retirements and health benefits.
No, it's about cons following Europeans' austerity.

Oh, you mean a plan where those of us who reaped the benefits of the spending try to dodge the consequences? You have two choices. Follow Europe into a worldwide depression or be fiscally responsible. That is it, no other reasonable possibilities exist.
Revolt? What 'Revolt?' They voted for more misery. More Socialism is the exact opposite of what Europe needed. They'll pay for it one way or another.
I agree. It wasn't a revolt. It was just going back to the nanny state because taking care of yourself is to damned hard.

They can't afford it but what the hey. Who wants to work till they are 62??

I'm pretty sure tht Americans aren't smart enough to learn anything from anybody .. here in the land of lemmings..
Jeebus, Pub dupes are ugly 'Merican morons- LOL

It was the SECOND Pub World Depression, not demon socialism, MORONS> LOL!

For a person who "claims" to be an educator, you have extremely poor communication skills. That and you are obviously a moron.
Revolt? What 'Revolt?' They voted for more misery. More Socialism is the exact opposite of what Europe needed. They'll pay for it one way or another.

Austerity is socialism? Man you're facking retarded as shat, the facking rightwing banana boat needs to sink.
I agree. It wasn't a revolt. It was just going back to the nanny state because taking care of yourself is to damned hard.

They can't afford it but what the hey. Who wants to work till they are 62??

Right out of rightwing bible of bullshat but when a person is too facking dumb to know what socialism is I guess its about proper to speculate falsely about what people in other countries are doing with their personal lives while contradicting their facking selves by blaming Obama for their miserable condition, :rolleyes:
Revolt? What 'Revolt?' They voted for more misery. More Socialism is the exact opposite of what Europe needed. They'll pay for it one way or another.

Austerity is socialism? Man you're facking retarded as shat, the facking rightwing banana boat needs to sink.

'Austerity' is a myth in Europe. It hasn't been applied in many many years over there. They've gone with Big Government Nanny/Police State Socialism for several years now. And we're heading down that same road here. When the Takers outnumber the Producers, it's all over. The long hard crash begins. We're now beginning to see that here as well. Takers will only take. But what happens when the Producers are all gone? The Takers better start thinking about that a bit more. Who do they think funds their insatiable Entitlement appetite?

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