A Question of Timing: What America Can Learn From the Revolt in Europe

Too much austerity is a mistake, dupes- get over it. GD tax cut zombies...except for the bloated mega rich. Change the channel fcs.
Too much austerity is a mistake, dupes- get over it. GD tax cut zombies...except for the bloated mega rich. Change the channel fcs.

Let me know when Europe actually tries Austerity. It hasn't happened in many many years over there. Socialism/Communism just doesn't work in the end. It doesn't work for many reasons. The Economy is only one aspect of its inevitable failure. Total Government domination is never a good thing in the end. Ultimately, the People suffer. The promised freebies just aren't worth it in the end. And the Takers need the Producers. Without them, there are no freebies. Demonizing and attacking the Producers will only lead to misery for all the People. Like i said, more Socialism is the last thing France needed right now. They'll pay for it one way or another.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ran out of talking point already? LOL!

Every country that tries too much austerity has gone into recession. Conservatives are ideological chumps everywhere...especially the savage capitalists in US and UK that got us in this mess in the first place.: greedy, myopic PUBS, Tories, and banking a-holes on Wall St. and in the city. Like my cousin, a lawyer/investment banker un London, I'm afraid.

Ah, yes...the newest liberal "myth"...that too much austerity will bring on another recession.

Now would one of you like to show me a European country that has actually MADE draconian cuts to their spending? You SAY that austerity has failed there and I'd like one of you to point out where it was even ATTEMPTED!

The fact of the matter is that Europe is spending what they were spending before...they haven't CUT anything...unless of course you count not "increasing" your spending as "cutting" it.

The people of France and Greece bridled at having their entitlements reined in. They were lied to by politicians who told them that they don't have to give up anything and that somehow it will all magically get paid for and they were naive enough to believe that. Now comes the amusing part...watching those same politicians try to keep the house of cards from collapsing. Germany has already stated that the deal worked out between the EU partners is not going to be "renegotiated" and that the ONLY way that Germany will bail out countries is if they cut spending. So the new President of France says that he will get the money for his entitlement spending by raising taxes on the wealthy to 75% (gee, where have I heard that "tax the rich" mantra before?). Watch what happens to France's revenue levels, folks...you're about to see it fall off a cliff as the wealthy take their money and move it elsewhere. Pay CLOSE attention because the fiasco that Europe is about to become is what we can avoid if we keep Barry from having a second term.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ran out of talking point already? LOL!

Every country that tries too much austerity has gone into recession. Conservatives are ideological chumps everywhere...especially the savage capitalists in US and UK that got us in this mess in the first place.: greedy, myopic PUBS, Tories, and banking a-holes on Wall St. and in the city. Like my cousin, a lawyer/investment banker un London, I'm afraid.

Ah, yes...the newest liberal "myth"...that too much austerity will bring on another recession.

Now would one of you like to show me a European country that has actually MADE draconian cuts to their spending? You SAY that austerity has failed there and I'd like one of you to point out where it was even ATTEMPTED!

The fact of the matter is that Europe is spending what they were spending before...they haven't CUT anything...unless of course you count not "increasing" your spending as "cutting" it.

The people of France and Greece bridled at having their entitlements reined in. They were lied to by politicians who told them that they don't have to give up anything and that somehow it will all magically get paid for and they were naive enough to believe that. Now comes the amusing part...watching those same politicians try to keep the house of cards from collapsing. Germany has already stated that the deal worked out between the EU partners is not going to be "renegotiated" and that the ONLY way that Germany will bail out countries is if they cut spending. So the new President of France says that he will get the money for his entitlement spending by raising taxes on the wealthy to 75% (gee, where have I heard that "tax the rich" mantra before?). Watch what happens to France's revenue levels, folks...you're about to see it fall off a cliff as the wealthy take their money and move it elsewhere. Pay CLOSE attention because the fiasco that Europe is about to become is what we can avoid if we keep Barry from having a second term.

Yeah, the EU is in real trouble. They're hanging by a thread. Socialism/Communism just doesn't work in the end. The Takers are beginning to outnumber the Producers over there. And that's when you reach the tipping-point. Third World is the next phase. I just hope we don't continue down that same disastrous path.
Yup. Tax the rich. They will pay for everything.

LMAO I'm sure the rich in France will be more than happy to comply.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ran out of talking point already? LOL!

Every country that tries too much austerity has gone into recession. Conservatives are ideological chumps everywhere...especially the savage capitalists in US and UK that got us in this mess in the first place.: greedy, myopic PUBS, Tories, and banking a-holes on Wall St. and in the city. Like my cousin, a lawyer/investment banker un London, I'm afraid.

Ah, yes...the newest liberal "myth"...that too much austerity will bring on another recession.

Now would one of you like to show me a European country that has actually MADE draconian cuts to their spending? You SAY that austerity has failed there and I'd like one of you to point out where it was even ATTEMPTED!

The fact of the matter is that Europe is spending what they were spending before...they haven't CUT anything...unless of course you count not "increasing" your spending as "cutting" it.

The people of France and Greece bridled at having their entitlements reined in. They were lied to by politicians who told them that they don't have to give up anything and that somehow it will all magically get paid for and they were naive enough to believe that. Now comes the amusing part...watching those same politicians try to keep the house of cards from collapsing. Germany has already stated that the deal worked out between the EU partners is not going to be "renegotiated" and that the ONLY way that Germany will bail out countries is if they cut spending. So the new President of France says that he will get the money for his entitlement spending by raising taxes on the wealthy to 75% (gee, where have I heard that "tax the rich" mantra before?). Watch what happens to France's revenue levels, folks...you're about to see it fall off a cliff as the wealthy take their money and move it elsewhere. Pay CLOSE attention because the fiasco that Europe is about to become is what we can avoid if we keep Barry from having a second term.


French wealthy eye escape exit as tax burden rises

From February this year...with the threat that Francois Hollande could win.
And he did...think the exodus is being expedited?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ran out of talking point already? LOL!

Every country that tries too much austerity has gone into recession. Conservatives are ideological chumps everywhere...especially the savage capitalists in US and UK that got us in this mess in the first place.: greedy, myopic PUBS, Tories, and banking a-holes on Wall St. and in the city. Like my cousin, a lawyer/investment banker un London, I'm afraid.

Ah, yes...the newest liberal "myth"...that too much austerity will bring on another recession.

Now would one of you like to show me a European country that has actually MADE draconian cuts to their spending? You SAY that austerity has failed there and I'd like one of you to point out where it was even ATTEMPTED!

The fact of the matter is that Europe is spending what they were spending before...they haven't CUT anything...unless of course you count not "increasing" your spending as "cutting" it.

The people of France and Greece bridled at having their entitlements reined in. They were lied to by politicians who told them that they don't have to give up anything and that somehow it will all magically get paid for and they were naive enough to believe that. Now comes the amusing part...watching those same politicians try to keep the house of cards from collapsing. Germany has already stated that the deal worked out between the EU partners is not going to be "renegotiated" and that the ONLY way that Germany will bail out countries is if they cut spending. So the new President of France says that he will get the money for his entitlement spending by raising taxes on the wealthy to 75% (gee, where have I heard that "tax the rich" mantra before?). Watch what happens to France's revenue levels, folks...you're about to see it fall off a cliff as the wealthy take their money and move it elsewhere. Pay CLOSE attention because the fiasco that Europe is about to become is what we can avoid if we keep Barry from having a second term.

Why are you monkeys constantly talking about what goes on over here in Europe when you don't know what's going on?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ran out of talking point already? LOL!

Every country that tries too much austerity has gone into recession. Conservatives are ideological chumps everywhere...especially the savage capitalists in US and UK that got us in this mess in the first place.: greedy, myopic PUBS, Tories, and banking a-holes on Wall St. and in the city. Like my cousin, a lawyer/investment banker un London, I'm afraid.

Ah, yes...the newest liberal "myth"...that too much austerity will bring on another recession.

Now would one of you like to show me a European country that has actually MADE draconian cuts to their spending? You SAY that austerity has failed there and I'd like one of you to point out where it was even ATTEMPTED!

The fact of the matter is that Europe is spending what they were spending before...they haven't CUT anything...unless of course you count not "increasing" your spending as "cutting" it.

The people of France and Greece bridled at having their entitlements reined in. They were lied to by politicians who told them that they don't have to give up anything and that somehow it will all magically get paid for and they were naive enough to believe that. Now comes the amusing part...watching those same politicians try to keep the house of cards from collapsing. Germany has already stated that the deal worked out between the EU partners is not going to be "renegotiated" and that the ONLY way that Germany will bail out countries is if they cut spending. So the new President of France says that he will get the money for his entitlement spending by raising taxes on the wealthy to 75% (gee, where have I heard that "tax the rich" mantra before?). Watch what happens to France's revenue levels, folks...you're about to see it fall off a cliff as the wealthy take their money and move it elsewhere. Pay CLOSE attention because the fiasco that Europe is about to become is what we can avoid if we keep Barry from having a second term.

Why are you monkeys constantly talking about what goes on over here in Europe when you don't know what's going on?

Ashamed that we all realize you are living off the French government teat? How much whine and cheez do the rich....er, I mean caring gubmint.....provide you free of cost per week?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Ran out of talking point already? LOL!

Every country that tries too much austerity has gone into recession. Conservatives are ideological chumps everywhere...especially the savage capitalists in US and UK that got us in this mess in the first place.: greedy, myopic PUBS, Tories, and banking a-holes on Wall St. and in the city. Like my cousin, a lawyer/investment banker un London, I'm afraid.

Ah, yes...the newest liberal "myth"...that too much austerity will bring on another recession.

Now would one of you like to show me a European country that has actually MADE draconian cuts to their spending? You SAY that austerity has failed there and I'd like one of you to point out where it was even ATTEMPTED!

The fact of the matter is that Europe is spending what they were spending before...they haven't CUT anything...unless of course you count not "increasing" your spending as "cutting" it.

The people of France and Greece bridled at having their entitlements reined in. They were lied to by politicians who told them that they don't have to give up anything and that somehow it will all magically get paid for and they were naive enough to believe that. Now comes the amusing part...watching those same politicians try to keep the house of cards from collapsing. Germany has already stated that the deal worked out between the EU partners is not going to be "renegotiated" and that the ONLY way that Germany will bail out countries is if they cut spending. So the new President of France says that he will get the money for his entitlement spending by raising taxes on the wealthy to 75% (gee, where have I heard that "tax the rich" mantra before?). Watch what happens to France's revenue levels, folks...you're about to see it fall off a cliff as the wealthy take their money and move it elsewhere. Pay CLOSE attention because the fiasco that Europe is about to become is what we can avoid if we keep Barry from having a second term.

Yeah, the EU is in real trouble. They're hanging by a thread. Socialism/Communism just doesn't work in the end. The Takers are beginning to outnumber the Producers over there. And that's when you reach the tipping-point. Third World is the next phase. I just hope we don't continue down that same disastrous path.

Yup we already have 49% of the population that pays no Fed taxes.

We are on that slippery slope and the Clowns in Govt apparantly have blinders on.
The Taker Entitlement crowd will never get it. It's the Producers who actually pay for their freebies. Demonizing and hurting them, only hurts themselves in the end. You eliminate the Producers, you eliminate the freebies. The Takers have become too lazy & greedy. All their Anti-Business hysteria really is gonna come back to bite em. Capitalism isn't perfect, but i've yet to see anyone propose a better system. Socialism/Communism is a proven failure. Europe is committing a monumental blunder embracing it. They'll pay for it.
Why anyone would listen to the greedy a-hole Pubs that made this mess, or to their dupes that are brainwashed by proven BS propaganda is beyond me. A never ending disaster. Thank god they haven't been in power, or we would definitely be in another Pub Great Depression. Goes for their tory pals too, vying for most, arrogant and oblivious tools for many years.
I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, deregulate Wall St, destroy Medicare and raise military spending, cut deficit by 2036....unbelievable...
Why are you monkeys constantly talking about what goes on over here in Europe when you don't know what's going on?

Frenchy's feeling special again...

Say Frenchy, just how badly do you want someone to call you that animal you mention in every post so you can then cry racism? Not too obvious and clumsy. :rolleyes:
Too much austerity is a mistake, dupes- get over it. GD tax cut zombies...except for the bloated mega rich. Change the channel fcs.

Maybe you should go live with Frenchy, because you clearly have no hope of learning English. French might be a little easier for you.
Socialism/communism only exists in the minds of cold war dinosaurs. Socialism is ALWAYS democratic, communism never. The countries that fell for the Pub policy style toxic assets, or bought them, are the ones in trouble, exacerbated by Pub style austerity. see UK.

Thanks for the financial meld down and the stupidest wars ever, and now screwing up the recovery.
I already speak French and Spanish fluently, used to teach them. If Pubs are reelected, good chance I will take my money elsewhere.I said I'd do it if Reagan was elected, and I'm sorry I didn't. This is his legacy- snarling greedy Ugly 'Merican Morons/haters slowly being ruined...see sig pp1

Get a passport and see the world- maybe you'll figure out why everyone in the world but Pubs and Tories are disgusted by arrogant, idiotic, brainwashed, monolingual at best, greedy,vulgar, loudmouth Pub and Tory dupes. Bad citizens of the country and the world.:eusa_liar::cuckoo::evil::mad::lol::lol:

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