A rape, and a likely rape that did not happen, a difference between two countries...

80zephyr said:
Everyone here that is dissing the thread author for being obsessed. Many here have topics they love to explore, and this one is no different...except rather than using logic and reason, they attack the poster. That tells me they don't have an answer to his points.


If that was the case, I’d be inclined to agree with you, however in 2aguy’s case I’m not sure exploration of a topic would require such a plethora of threads about the same subject. If you want to explore a topic, start a thread and expound on it then let the discussion begin. Here’s a sample of the last 10 threads 2aguy has started in the Europe forum:

Anyone hear about this school shooting in France, I thought not...

Good news...Burglar didn't use gun during robbery, used his bare hands to beat owner to death...

First they will use knives, then they will use guns...

Irish gunmen use their guns to punish, not kill....

Woman raped in back of taxi...good thing she didn't have a gun...

Baby injured after shots are fired into homes in Britain...where guns are banned and confiscated...

How do you rob a 14 year old at gun point when guns have been banned and confiscated?

Man in Britain shot multiple times with a gun that isn't supposed to be in Britain....

17 students killed in school shooting in Crimea....explosives also used...

So...European country has to have "hand grenade" amnesty... but they can't get guns?

In every one he basically repeats the same flawed “argument”; and I for one am getting a tad weary of it especially as he’s been shot down time and again.

Since he’s started 500 threads according to his profile, using his preferred methodology of taking a small sample and extrapolating, 367 of these threads are probably about the need to carry guns for self defence. So if we start to believe 2aguy is either a paid shill for the NRA or a bit OCD, perhaps we can be forgiven for getting a bit tetchy?

What's your stance on gun control Mark?
I am astonished that he has only started 500 threads. It feels more like 5000 as he constantly trolls the Europe thread making bogus arguments for an American audience.

Thank you for taking the trouble to highlight his trolling.
I am astonished that he has only started 500 threads. It feels more like 5000 as he constantly trolls the Europe thread making bogus arguments for an American audience.

Thank you for taking the trouble to highlight his trolling.

and how many have you started on Brexit or Tommy Robinson?
I am astonished that he has only started 500 threads. It feels more like 5000 as he constantly trolls the Europe thread making bogus arguments for an American audience.

Thank you for taking the trouble to highlight his trolling.

No problem.:)

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