A REAL black president?


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Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Rupert Murdoch: Ben Carson Would Be a "Real Black President"

Rupert Murdoch said:
"Ben and Candy Carson terrific," Murdoch wrote about the candidate and his wife. "What about a real black President who can properly address the racial divide? And much else."

I actually agree with him. The moonbat messiah may as well be a white queer from Munich, rather than a half black queer for Hawaii. He has no clue what it's like to be poor and black in America. He has no idea what it takes to be successful as a poor black youth. He never had to make the decision to be either an educated black kid and get ridiculed for acting white, or join in some gang and likely end up in prison. He has no clue what it's like to grow up with a single mother who struggled to make ends meet. He lived a sheltered life in Indonesia. When he grew up he chose to party and coast by through life knowing people would just give shit away to a liberal black.

He has never had to earn anything and he has never earned anything. He's never had a real job and there isn't a human being alive on earth who could testify that their lives have been positively impacted thanks to the voluntary efforts he made. If there was we would have heard their "story" endlessly for years.

Ben Carson has earned everything he has, especially respect. He has saved lives. The moonbat messiah has allowed our own countrymen to die for political expediency. Ben Carson understands poverty because he lived through it. He understands how black people have suffered because he shared that experience.

I'm still a Cruz guy, but I would be delighted to have Bed Carson be our first REAL black president.

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if he wins the GOP,,,here we go again with the argument over who is the first black president,,,,havent we had 4 already?

Liberals will argue with human beings over what the color of the sky is.

We haven't had ONE yet. The Brahman of Bullshit may have some DNA of a black person, but he shares little else.

I mean fuck man, he married a shaved wookie. Real blacks marry fat ugly white women if they can't find a suitable black woman.

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i can just see the front page headline on all magazines....Ben Carson....The First Black President.

You won't see that in a US publication. They'll lighten his skin in the pictures, and rant about his "privileged upbringing".

They'll NEVER acknowledge him as the first anything.

poor Bill Clinton will be so pissed....and so will Hillary who always wanted to be the first Black President.
so now we will have Jimmy Carter in his final years knowing he was no longer the worst president in modern times,,,and when Bill gets to be around 90,,,will be in mourning being he was no longer the first black president.
if he wins the GOP,,,here we go again with the argument over who is the first black president,,,,havent we had 4 already?
Obama was our first black president. And his legacy is living proof why another black liberal should NEVER hold the office again.
I thought it was Bill.
Bill was a playa with game. Obama is just a charlatan.
well Bill did crave all of those fast foods that black people ate quite often. maybe he is at least 1/32nd black.
If Carson is the nominee, I'll vote for him.

I don't think any of you actually watched the second debate!

Ben Carson is no doubt a brilliant surgeon and a very nice guy. But it's more than clear he is in no way ready to be POTUS

He disclosed that he had called G.W. Bush directly after 9/11 to tell him not to go into Afghanistan to get Osama Bin Laden and kick Al Queda's butt. He is also for a minimum wage hike, with another that is indexed to inflation.

Ben Carson has serious problems answering a lot of questions.

Carly Fiorina is our Iron Lady.


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