A real conservative speaks

Well then don't complain with who you got.
I don't buy the bullshit that I had to vote one of the shitty candidates to comment on the shit they are. I put my due dillagence in, There was simply nothing on that ballot worth voting for.

Besides, there is always Carlin:
If you disagree with my point prove me wrong by showing what you think is a real Conservative....

Ummm, it appears I wasn't clear enough in my inquiry. Mia culpa.

You see, dear poster JT, it was you who suggested 'real Conservatives' don't get invited.....yet, you offer the forum no hint on who are the "real Conservatives" that suffers such deprivation.

You seem to think you know who they are. But I, for one, am not sure you know....or, at minimum, you're not confident in what you think you know.

However, I could be wrong about your knowledge and your confidence. But the forum will never know unless you share. Share what you think you know. That's sorta kinda how it works on internet chatrooms, gossiboards, forums.

Not my rules, JTFord.
It's how the adult world works. Even on the internet.

Good luck.

I'm mildy sure you already know htat.
Ummm, it appears I wasn't clear enough in my inquiry. Mia culpa.

You see, dear poster JT, it was you who suggested 'real Conservatives' don't get invited.....yet, you offer the forum no hint on who are the "real Conservatives" that suffers such deprivation.

You seem to think you know who they are. But I, for one, am not sure you know....or, at minimum, you're not confident in what you think you know.

However, I could be wrong about your knowledge and your confidence. But the forum will never know unless you share. Share what you think you know. That's sorta kinda how it works on internet chatrooms, gossiboards, forums.

Not my rules, JTFord.
It's how the adult world works. Even on the internet.

Good luck.

I'm mildy sure you already know htat.
I have no desire to school dumbass Leftist on what real Conservatism is.

That would be a fools errand on any "internet chatrooms, gossiboards, forums".

You either possess the IQ to know or you do not.

And, if one does not know ... no amount of evidence can give one this Super Power known as common sense.

So ... to attempt to throw pearls to swine would be futile.
A extremely well educated and reasonable conservative speaks, as opposed to the fruitloop "Conservatives".

Once again, we at USMB have a problem with definitions.

Parroting moron = well educated and reasonable

Good grief....

We as a message board really ought to force some posters here to define the words they use. Some of the definitions of "conservative" posted here....

For war and homeland security - warmonger

W has been cited as a conservative. W...

Maybe LBJ was one too... The two biggest spending presidents ever....

Seriously, this bozo birdbrain cuckoo clock OP needs to define the word conservative for us....
"I have no desire to school dumbass Leftist on what real Conservatism is."

Nor were you asked to.
Nor is there a need to.

Rather, you were asked to back up your statement. Prove your word.
About "Real Conservatives".
Not Conservativism.

outlets DO NOT allow real Conservatives

Umm, I guess my queries are not as clear as I intend.
Or the good poster JT, didn't quite understand what he stated. I dunno.
Folks sometimes say things they can't back up.
It happens.
Heat of the moment, you know
Nor were you asked to.
Nor is there a need to.

Rather, you were asked to back up your statement. Prove your word.
About "Real Conservatives".
Not Conservativism.

Umm, I guess my queries are not as clear as I intend.
Or the good poster JT, didn't quite understand what he stated. I dunno.
Folks sometimes say things they can't back up.
It happens.
Heat of the moment, you know
You missed the polite Fuck Off part in my comment.

So let me help you out.

I'm not about a fool's errand.


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