A Refreshing Change From The Idiot trump’s Countless Unsavory Diatribes


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The idiot trump launched his presidential campaign well over two years ago. During that time his bombast grew from obnoxious and offensive into total, white supremacist hate-speech.

While the verbal garbage he spewed easily swayed conservatives’ view of Republicans away from traditional candidates like Jeb Bush, Chris Christy, Ted Cruz, and the like in 2016, the conservatives wholehearted acceptance of Nazis, pedophiles, the overtly bigoted and racist, and convicted criminals for federal office in 2018 is a giant leap backwards for our once civilized society.

However, the ever-increasing hundreds-of-thousands of students (and adults) united by the survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High School mass murder are being inspired by the calm dignity and sincerity shown by the young people speaking out against gun violence and the politicians bought by the NRA and other special interests intent on maintaining the status quo.

Emma Gonzalez, David Hogg, Naomi Wadler, Cameron Kasky, and others addressed over 200,000 people attending Saturday’s March For Our Lives in Washington (though some estimates put the number closer to 800,000). They spoke with eloquence and with composure as they described those who were murdered and their families, and they respectfully demanded the politicians beholden to the gun lobby to refuse to accept further campaign contributions.

Americans have listened to many months of the idiot trump, and other Republican politicians who have adopted his style of hate-speech at campaign rallies. Which are accompanied by the endlessly cynical and paranoid rants by conservatives of their ongoing victimization and persecution as white, Christian, gun owners.

The student speakers at the March For Our Lives in Washington and in the other 800 plus sister rallies that took place across the nation and around the world, are a refreshing return to civility. It is civility from young people who have endured the conservatives’ lies about them and death threats in the weeks since the Stoneman Douglas mass murders.

Rational people familiar with the gun violence issue in the U.S. deeply respect the rapidly growing number of accomplishments of these young citizens. They are doing what the adults have failed to do in the past ten years, reverse the damage caused Americans by the 2008 USSC ruling in the District of Columbia v. Heller case.

Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens recently wrote in an op-ed published in The New York Times, “ ‘That decision — which I remain convinced was wrong and certainly was debatable — has provided the (National Rifle Association) with a propaganda weapon of immense power.’ ”

The grassroots movement started by the Stoneman Douglass survivors may not solve all the gun violence issues brought on by the 2008 USSC ruling of the conservative Supreme Court majority in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, or remove the greatly increased firepower the ruling by those conservative Justices put on the streets.

But passage of the legislation the students demand is a very good start, and this scares the he11 out of Republican politicians, conservatives, gun nuts, AND especially, the NRA.

For all their claims of being pro-life, conservatives find the school shootings, articles that report school shootings, and opinions opposing school shootings to be funny. At least that is what participants on these message boards usually see.





The idiot trump launched his presidential campaign well over two years ago. During that time his bombast grew from obnoxious and offensive into total, white supremacist hate-speech.

While the verbal garbage he spewed easily swayed conservatives’ view of Republicans away from traditional candidates like Jeb Bush, Chris Christy, Ted Cruz, and the like in 2016, the conservatives wholehearted acceptance of Nazis, pedophiles, the overtly bigoted and racist, and convicted criminals for federal office in 2018 is a giant leap backwards for our once civilized society.

However, the ever-increasing hundreds-of-thousands of students (and adults) united by the survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High School mass murder are being inspired by the calm dignity and sincerity shown by the young people speaking out against gun violence and the politicians bought by the NRA and other special interests intent on maintaining the status quo.

Emma Gonzalez, David Hogg, Naomi Wadler, Cameron Kasky, and others addressed over 200,000 people attending Saturday’s March For Our Lives in Washington (though some estimates put the number closer to 800,000). They spoke with eloquence and with composure as they described those who were murdered and their families, and they respectfully demanded the politicians beholden to the gun lobby to refuse to accept further campaign contributions.

Americans have listened to many months of the idiot trump, and other Republican politicians who have adopted his style of hate-speech at campaign rallies. Which are accompanied by the endlessly cynical and paranoid rants by conservatives of their ongoing victimization and persecution as white, Christian, gun owners.

The student speakers at the March For Our Lives in Washington and in the other 800 plus sister rallies that took place across the nation and around the world, are a refreshing return to civility. It is civility from young people who have endured the conservatives’ lies about them and death threats in the weeks since the Stoneman Douglas mass murders.

Rational people familiar with the gun violence issue in the U.S. deeply respect the rapidly growing number of accomplishments of these young citizens. They are doing what the adults have failed to do in the past ten years, reverse the damage caused Americans by the 2008 USSC ruling in the District of Columbia v. Heller case.

Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens recently wrote in an op-ed published in The New York Times, “ ‘That decision — which I remain convinced was wrong and certainly was debatable — has provided the (National Rifle Association) with a propaganda weapon of immense power.’ ”

The grassroots movement started by the Stoneman Douglass survivors may not solve all the gun violence issues brought on by the 2008 USSC ruling of the conservative Supreme Court majority in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, or remove the greatly increased firepower the ruling by those conservative Justices put on the streets.

But passage of the legislation the students demand is a very good start, and this scares the he11 out of Republican politicians, conservatives, gun nuts, AND especially, the NRA.

For all their claims of being pro-life, conservatives find the school shootings, articles that report school shootings, and opinions opposing school shootings to be funny. At least that is what participants on these message boards usually see.





^^^^ This:


The idiot trump launched his presidential campaign well over two years ago. During that time his bombast grew from obnoxious and offensive into total, white supremacist hate-speech.

While the verbal garbage he spewed easily swayed conservatives’ view of Republicans away from traditional candidates like Jeb Bush, Chris Christy, Ted Cruz, and the like in 2016, the conservatives wholehearted acceptance of Nazis, pedophiles, the overtly bigoted and racist, and convicted criminals for federal office in 2018 is a giant leap backwards for our once civilized society.

However, the ever-increasing hundreds-of-thousands of students (and adults) united by the survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High School mass murder are being inspired by the calm dignity and sincerity shown by the young people speaking out against gun violence and the politicians bought by the NRA and other special interests intent on maintaining the status quo.

Emma Gonzalez, David Hogg, Naomi Wadler, Cameron Kasky, and others addressed over 200,000 people attending Saturday’s March For Our Lives in Washington (though some estimates put the number closer to 800,000). They spoke with eloquence and with composure as they described those who were murdered and their families, and they respectfully demanded the politicians beholden to the gun lobby to refuse to accept further campaign contributions.

Americans have listened to many months of the idiot trump, and other Republican politicians who have adopted his style of hate-speech at campaign rallies. Which are accompanied by the endlessly cynical and paranoid rants by conservatives of their ongoing victimization and persecution as white, Christian, gun owners.

The student speakers at the March For Our Lives in Washington and in the other 800 plus sister rallies that took place across the nation and around the world, are a refreshing return to civility. It is civility from young people who have endured the conservatives’ lies about them and death threats in the weeks since the Stoneman Douglas mass murders.

Rational people familiar with the gun violence issue in the U.S. deeply respect the rapidly growing number of accomplishments of these young citizens. They are doing what the adults have failed to do in the past ten years, reverse the damage caused Americans by the 2008 USSC ruling in the District of Columbia v. Heller case.

Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens recently wrote in an op-ed published in The New York Times, “ ‘That decision — which I remain convinced was wrong and certainly was debatable — has provided the (National Rifle Association) with a propaganda weapon of immense power.’ ”

The grassroots movement started by the Stoneman Douglass survivors may not solve all the gun violence issues brought on by the 2008 USSC ruling of the conservative Supreme Court majority in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, or remove the greatly increased firepower the ruling by those conservative Justices put on the streets.

But passage of the legislation the students demand is a very good start, and this scares the he11 out of Republican politicians, conservatives, gun nuts, AND especially, the NRA.

For all their claims of being pro-life, conservatives find the school shootings, articles that report school shootings, and opinions opposing school shootings to be funny. At least that is what participants on these message boards usually see.




These kids you speak of are very naive and easily manipulated by totalitarian propaganda forced on them by asshole adults in their schools.

When they get older and accumulate knowledge and wisdom, the intelligent among them will feel foolish when they reminisce and actually realize how easily they were manipulated into protesting against their own civil rights during their youth.
Last edited:

The idiot trump launched his presidential campaign well over two years ago. During that time his bombast grew from obnoxious and offensive into total, white supremacist hate-speech.

While the verbal garbage he spewed easily swayed conservatives’ view of Republicans away from traditional candidates like Jeb Bush, Chris Christy, Ted Cruz, and the like in 2016, the conservatives wholehearted acceptance of Nazis, pedophiles, the overtly bigoted and racist, and convicted criminals for federal office in 2018 is a giant leap backwards for our once civilized society.

However, the ever-increasing hundreds-of-thousands of students (and adults) united by the survivors of the Stoneman Douglas High School mass murder are being inspired by the calm dignity and sincerity shown by the young people speaking out against gun violence and the politicians bought by the NRA and other special interests intent on maintaining the status quo.

Emma Gonzalez, David Hogg, Naomi Wadler, Cameron Kasky, and others addressed over 200,000 people attending Saturday’s March For Our Lives in Washington (though some estimates put the number closer to 800,000). They spoke with eloquence and with composure as they described those who were murdered and their families, and they respectfully demanded the politicians beholden to the gun lobby to refuse to accept further campaign contributions.

Americans have listened to many months of the idiot trump, and other Republican politicians who have adopted his style of hate-speech at campaign rallies. Which are accompanied by the endlessly cynical and paranoid rants by conservatives of their ongoing victimization and persecution as white, Christian, gun owners.

The student speakers at the March For Our Lives in Washington and in the other 800 plus sister rallies that took place across the nation and around the world, are a refreshing return to civility. It is civility from young people who have endured the conservatives’ lies about them and death threats in the weeks since the Stoneman Douglas mass murders.

Rational people familiar with the gun violence issue in the U.S. deeply respect the rapidly growing number of accomplishments of these young citizens. They are doing what the adults have failed to do in the past ten years, reverse the damage caused Americans by the 2008 USSC ruling in the District of Columbia v. Heller case.

Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens recently wrote in an op-ed published in The New York Times, “ ‘That decision — which I remain convinced was wrong and certainly was debatable — has provided the (National Rifle Association) with a propaganda weapon of immense power.’ ”

The grassroots movement started by the Stoneman Douglass survivors may not solve all the gun violence issues brought on by the 2008 USSC ruling of the conservative Supreme Court majority in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, or remove the greatly increased firepower the ruling by those conservative Justices put on the streets.

But passage of the legislation the students demand is a very good start, and this scares the he11 out of Republican politicians, conservatives, gun nuts, AND especially, the NRA.

For all their claims of being pro-life, conservatives find the school shootings, articles that report school shootings, and opinions opposing school shootings to be funny. At least that is what participants on these message boards usually see.





Amazing display of butthurt. How many paragraph is that? Poor self-hating guy must have been really triggered.

It's okay to have white babies, lots and lots of white babies. Particularly if they are also Christian republican babies. What would you say about that?

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