A repub congressman speaks

gwennie, the dems won the presidency and increased their majority in the Senate and their minority in the house. You better understand the American people are listening and choosing. We GOP have to do better on these issues.

From what I heard on the floor of the House these last two days the far right are digging in their heals. If you have optimism for a more moderate republican House your hopes are about to be dashed. Or should I say run over by a truck, and then backed over.

Sorry man, just the way I see it. First they are going to sink the rest of the Sandy funding and then flat refuse to given an inch or the rest of the fiscal cliff negotiations. I actually very, very much hope I am wrong but just calling them as I see them as it stands right now. Someone had better get in there and show some leadership which means a steel spine.

The dems/liberals are digging in their heels as well.....why is this completely ignored by the libs? Both sides suck right now when it comes to negotiating and doing what's right. The far left and the far right of both parties are all about power grabs, refuse to compromise, and come out swinging whenever the opportunity presents itself.....and then they go public and point the finger at someone else as to why things aren't getting done. It's all bullshit. The two party system has become so thoroughly corrupt there is no hope for either one of them to do the right thing, though the liberals do a better job of presenting their rhetoric and keeping their party (for the most part) in liine.....the repubs are doing a terrible job of both right now. If repubs want to have any hope of regaining control, they had damn well better figure out how to market their brand to elect them into office....because right now both parties have become dog and pony shows. The liberals and conservatives need to get off their high horses and start acting like adults again.
It's interesting that the left wing media managed to blame the republican president for the lack of federal response after Katrina when the democrats had the majority in congress and now they blame the republican majority in congress for Sandy when the president is a democrat.

This. :clap2: The liberals are so thoroughly corrupt it's beyond all reason. This is obama's Katrina.....if they were to change obama's name to GWB, I seriously doubt they would bending over backwards to praise obama's response to hurricane sandy. Instead they would be howling about how incompetent and uncaring Bush is because all those people are still suffering and had to go without a home for the Christmas holiday season, among other things. But, no, the dumb ass liberals insist on praising obama's response to the hurricane even though there are still thousands going without and no real help is in sight.
gwennie, the dems won the presidency and increased their majority in the Senate and their minority in the house. You better understand the American people are listening and choosing. We GOP have to do better on these issues.

From what I heard on the floor of the House these last two days the far right are digging in their heals. If you have optimism for a more moderate republican House your hopes are about to be dashed. Or should I say run over by a truck, and then backed over.

Sorry man, just the way I see it. First they are going to sink the rest of the Sandy funding and then flat refuse to given an inch or the rest of the fiscal cliff negotiations. I actually very, very much hope I am wrong but just calling them as I see them as it stands right now. Someone had better get in there and show some leadership which means a steel spine.

The dems/liberals are digging in their heels as well.....why is this completely ignored by the libs? Both sides suck right now when it comes to negotiating and doing what's right. The far left and the far right of both parties are all about power grabs, refuse to compromise, and come out swinging whenever the opportunity presents itself.....and then they go public and point the finger at someone else as to why things aren't getting done. It's all bullshit. The two party system has become so thoroughly corrupt there is no hope for either one of them to do the right thing, though the liberals do a better job of presenting their rhetoric and keeping their party (for the most part) in liine.....the repubs are doing a terrible job of both right now. If repubs want to have any hope of regaining control, they had damn well better figure out how to market their brand to elect them into office....because right now both parties have become dog and pony shows. The liberals and conservatives need to get off their high horses and start acting like adults again.

Like I mentioned before. There will be two measures of the functionality of the House this month, Sandy relief and budget negotiations. I very much hope JakeStarkey is right and I am being overly pessimistic. The 15th the remainder of the Sandy relief gets passed or it does not. That day might just foretell the tone of the 113th congress.

Saying the House as a single body is going to support this (see below) is "starting off on the wrong foot", to quote a House member (although I don't recal who.)

Defense Of Marriage Act: House Republicans Tie Federal Gay Marriage Ban To House Rules
A GOP source told The Huffington Post that, during a closed-door meeting of the House Republican Conference, lawmakers gave a green light to including language in the 113th Congress rules package that authorizes the House legal team, known as the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG), to keep paying outside counsel to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court. The proposed House rules package also states that BLAG continues to "speak for" the House in its defense of DOMA.
Democrats loaded up a wish list, called it aid for Sandy victims and then complained when they were called on their crap.
[ame=http://youtu.be/VTr_tefdJK8]Sandy Victim Fed Up With Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Both parties, as well as the ultras of the left and the right, are corrupt. We must ride our representatives and senators hard. I already emailed mine this morning. They have to work together for our good, not theirs.

The TeaP members and the ultra lefties must not be allowed to obstruct joint governance.

Scott might not know the details of the bill but I would guess, although maybe incorrectly, that the host does. The fact that that host is presenting a blatant lie to kneecap the Sandy relief bill is beyond words I care to conjure up for the post. If someone needs to be taken to task here it is not the President or Schumer or even Scott. It is the host of this show and the network which gives him a camera. To kind of paraphrase King, anyone from the Sandy affected area that watches Fox needs to have their head examined. I wonder how Scott would feel if he was aware he was being played for a pawn on a political chess board. What happens if on the morning of the 16th no relief has been passed and Scott realizes that based on a lie he was one of the people who helped stopped that aid?
anyone else notice how the rest of the lamestream media has shut off anything about Sandy except how Republicans are voting on a bill?

Just like the Iraq war dead they did with Bush, everyday they did a count..now Nothing since obama took over Afgansistan and Iraq,

the lamestream media are not to be trusted for your news..
Proof, Stephanie, are you whining to just whine . . . hmmm?

The Republican Party is simply refusing to listen to the ultra right, finally.
Proof, Stephanie, are you whining to just whine . . . hmmm?

The Republican Party is simply refusing to listen to the ultra right, finally.

worry about yourself dear, from day to day it looks like you need to...post on the top one day, on the bottom the next...

Proof, Stephanie, are you whining to just whine . . . hmmm?

The Republican Party is simply refusing to listen to the ultra right, finally.

worry about yourself dear, from day to day it looks like you need to...post on the top one day, on the bottom the next...:eusa_shifty:

Keep stumbling around, hun, and people will check to see if you are drinking again. :lol:

I have no respect for any congressman Republican or Democrat who thinks it's okay to steal one third of the Sandy victims relief money and send it to places Like Alaskan Fisheries. Fuck King and the horse he rode in on.

I have no respect for any congressman Republican or Democrat who thinks it's okay to steal one third of the Sandy victims relief money and send it to places Like Alaskan Fisheries. Fuck King and the horse he rode in on.

so why didn't the house prepare it's own bill without those things? or why weren't they amended out?

I think they are being taken out. thats why the delay. thanks for asking.
I have no respect for any congressman Republican or Democrat who thinks it's okay to steal one third of the Sandy victims relief money and send it to places Like Alaskan Fisheries. Fuck King and the horse he rode in on.

so why didn't the house prepare it's own bill without those things? or why weren't they amended out?

I think they are being taken out. thats why the delay. thanks for asking.

the delay is still inexcusable - at least by most reasonable standards.

what was it congress was doing for all that time since the storm?
so why didn't the house prepare it's own bill without those things? or why weren't they amended out?

I think they are being taken out. thats why the delay. thanks for asking.

the delay is still inexcusable - at least by most reasonable standards.

what was it congress was doing for all that time since the storm?

good question, what was king and all the rest of the representatives in those districts doing all this time? And why do some of the victims still live without power, and why is it okay with you for them demoncraps to load the bill up with PORK?
I think they are being taken out. thats why the delay. thanks for asking.

the delay is still inexcusable - at least by most reasonable standards.

what was it congress was doing for all that time since the storm?

good question, what was king and all the rest of the representatives in those districts doing all this time? And why do some of the victims still live without power, and why is it okay with you for them demoncraps to load the bill up with PORK?

i don't know, but i do know that nothing gets done in the house without the gop doing it - and that means what they fail to do is also at their feet.
I think they are being taken out. thats why the delay. thanks for asking.

the delay is still inexcusable - at least by most reasonable standards.

what was it congress was doing for all that time since the storm?

good question, what was king and all the rest of the representatives in those districts doing all this time? And why do some of the victims still live without power, and why is it okay with you for them demoncraps to load the bill up with PORK?

I have no doubt the Dems porked where they could but can we say the Pubs did not pork, and say it truthfully.

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