A rush from Rush

Your not winning the countrywide debate.

Your historically failed ideas are being tossed by more and more Americans.
Your not winning the countrywide debate.

Your historically failed ideas are being tossed by more and more Americans.

okey dokey, because some radio show is down in ratings that is what it means.

Then I guess we can assume your Liberal ideas have NEVER caught on because PMSnbc ratings NEVER get out of the toilet?

good grief.:lol:
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decrease in viewership by 30% in just six months will not impress his sponsers no matter how much you try to spin it.

Both him and Hannity being down sure sends a message , you just dont want to hear it.
Oh I see a 30% drop in veiwership is NOW good business sense and proves you are getting your word out.
Well let me see, What happened in the November elections that was HISTORIC?
And what are the Obama's and his comrades in arms rating now. down in LOW 40's....that is how you know YOUR Progressive ideas are falling in the crapper WITH THE American people..:lol:

As for Rush's ratings, who gives a shit?
For some strange reason this place called, business insider considers this BIG NEWS.

that should tell you something about them.
Go ahead and claim this is good news for Rush Cali.

I really dont understand why you act so obviously out of emotion when you answer certain peoples posts.

I wish you could see it from the outside viewers point of view and realise just how vulnerable it makes you look.

Grow up little girl and get past the adolesent need to punish your female "elders" for whatever someone in your past did to you.
Go ahead and claim this is good news for Rush Cali.

I really dont understand why you act so obviously out of emotion when you answer certain peoples posts.

I wish you could see it from the outside viewers point of view and realise just how vulnerable it makes you look.

Grow up little girl and get past the adolesent need to punish your female "elders" for whatever someone in your past did to you.

hole smokes, because she DOESN'T get her panties in a bunch over some radio shows ratings dropping and they don't SEE it the way your simple mind does.

come on TM, it's just a SIMPLE drop in his ratings, IT MEANS nothing except, THAT.
Go ahead and claim this is good news for Rush Cali.

I really dont understand why you act so obviously out of emotion when you answer certain peoples posts.

I wish you could see it from the outside viewers point of view and realise just how vulnerable it makes you look.

Grow up little girl and get past the adolesent need to punish your female "elders" for whatever someone in your past did to you.

1. I am not making any claims. You are.

2. I don't do 'emotion', sweetie. I do ridicule when ridicule is an appropriate response. Don't deflect your emotions onto others.

3. I wish you could see from a rational point of view and realize just how completely ridiculous you look.

4. Well, that's a tad overly emotional. Mine your own business about my life and stop projecting your own ridiculous opinions about me. It makes you look even more moronic.

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