A second Miss America dead

Her mother was quoted as saying;

"She out der drivin on dat syzurp!

I tolt huh!

Yo crazy azz gon git kilt...drivn all crunk up on dat serp."

It is a damn shame, and a sign of the times, how even a tragic death can only be seen through the political lenses for so many people.

We are truly a wicked people
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Well, and Robert and JFK and how old was she because we could question Matt Gaetz to see where he was?

Then again where were you and where was I and does anyone know why Colonel Mustard was in the Kitchen with the rope?
That gaetz thing might work, but she might have been old for him, being out of high school and all.
I was in the conservatory with the lead pipe. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

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