
Being gay is a mental illness?

It appeares that way to ill educated people .

But first you need to scientifically exclude the effects of being poisoned and the effects that might have on hormonal balance .

I personally regard the LGBTQ community as Mutants but tragically that might not be their fault .
And it does not follow that these Mutants are less worthwhile than full humans .
imho .
Thankfully, today is the last day of celebrating and encouraging mental illness. It's insane how much collective time and energy has been wasted in the West over the past several years on this completely manufactured "issue." A sane society would just say "no" and keep moving. There is no need to validate people's delusions and feelings.

In the past, people with mental imbalances who represented a danger to society were institutionalized. Today they are given a microphone and a camera.

Damn, I missed the parades.
Thankfully, today is the last day of celebrating and encouraging mental illness. It's insane how much collective time and energy has been wasted in the West over the past several years on this completely manufactured "issue." A sane society would just say "no" and keep moving. There is no need to validate people's delusions and feelings.

In the past, people with mental imbalances who represented a danger to society were institutionalized. Today they are given a microphone and a camera.

Kind of ironic that this post is all about validating your own delusion of your educational level and professional experience and capability in determining mental illness.
''As New York City's Pride month came to an end Sunday evening, violence broke out at Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village, video shows...''

The usual suspects, of course...
I bet a lot of folks here would laugh at a streaker as long as they don’t hold a pride flag while doing it.

In collage at least once a weekend you would see someone streak the Bar District when they had the Block Parties.
Dems lie more.

Lame ass whataboutery. You aint' got shit. P01135809 lied thousands times when he was in the WH. The running something 25,000. He is twice Impeached Convicted Felon, He an adjudicated Rapist. He is Traitor. He refuses to accept losing 2020, Democrats did NOT send Insurrectionists to the Capitol Building on Jan.6. Democrats do NOT encourge supporters to attack police with metal poles and fire extinguishers. Democrats did try to get a false of electors to change the outcome of the 2020 Election. That was all the Orange Shit Gibbon.

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