A serious question, serious replies only

He punished China and started no war. The farmers were compensated unlike today when Biden is punishing farmers with sky high fuel prices and sky high fertilizer prices which will result in food shortages and sky high food prices.

So you want Biden to give them billions more in tax dollars?

China was never punished but the hypocrisy is just oozing here with your defense of billions on taxpayers money going to corporations.
So you want Biden to give them billions more in tax dollars?

China was never punished but the hypocrisy is just oozing here with your defense of billions on taxpayers money going to corporations.
Way to obfuscate. Biden is a world class economic disaster. China is back to cleaning our clock. Putin is back making war and OPEC is back in control of oil prives.
Way to obfuscate. Biden is a world class economic disaster. China is back to cleaning our clock. Putin is back making war and OPEC is back in control of oil prives.

Whether Biden is a lousy president or not changes nothing I have noted.

"The success or failure of Trump’s Presidency will be the critical factor in the future of the Democratic Party. “If he delivers somehow and increases employment among the white working class, and increases prosperity, then we”—the Party, that is—“have a political problem,”

When someone tells you who they are- believe them.
The Swamp was a lot bigger, deeper with far more gators than Trump ever thought. Some of the people he appointed to drain the Swamp were Swamp critters.

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The Same Thing Happened to Gorbachev

The dumbed-down opinionists, with Diploma Dumbos the most robotic of all, cannot see historical parallels. Besides Perestroika and MAGA, the easiest to understand, except for lazy pre-owned minds, is the parallel of the barbarian invasions ending the classical period, leading to 500 years of Dark Ages chaos and ending only with the exhausted stagnancy of the Middle Ages. Here's a datum that foretells our future if the conceited trash have their way: Rome's population at the height of its glory was one million; deep into the pit of the Dark Ages, its population has dwindled to 20,000.

"Postmodern"? Touted as the Wave of the Future. Well, modern meant a return to the classical period of Rome and Greece. So Postmodern is a parallel back to the Dark Ages. The only wave its New Age sewage will be is a tsunami.
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It's not rubber tires that make us oil dependent.
I agree with you. It is Biden and other ignorant people who have NO idea how the real world works that will make us destitute.
I mean this idiot tells people "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels

BlindPoo... are you ready to pay an average of $2,278.73 per month for 20 years to your electric company?
Please tell me where the electricity will come from to replace "fossil fuels" ? Nuclear plants? Solar? Wind?
To do away with "fossil fuels" will mean EVs and EVs will need 10,151,170,439,575 kWh to run all the car/truck EVs. Every year.
Don't ignore reality BlindPoo...Do away with fossil fuels means something has to replace it.
10,151,170,439,575 kWh per year is needed. 1,000,000,000 kWh is generated by a nuclear energy power plant on average.
1,000,000,000 means 10,051 MORE nuclear power plants. Each plant costs about $7,000,000,000 to buy land/ to construct.
Total cost to build : $71,058,193,077,027 divided by 129 million American households (by the way don't say...well businesses will pay for it!)
$546,896 per each American household or $2,278.73 per month for 20 years to your electric company!
BlindPoo... you will be paying for it in higher electricity bills. Because anyway that $71 trillion construction cost is paid YOU and the rest of us will be paying for it, either directly, or higher food, services, etc. costs. And even though you might have solar panels... you will still pay through businesses passing on their higher costs.
Oh and by the way your EV will still need tires and asphalt to travel on... that costs will be going up immensely as I've pointed out!
As Nietzsche said, “Der Teufel stecktim Detail".
The Same Thing Happened to Gorbachev

The dumbed-down opinionists, with Diploma Dumbos the most robotic of all, cannot see historical parallels. Besides Perestroika and MAGA, the easiest to understand, except for lazy pre-owned minds, is the parallel of the barbarian invasions ending the classical period, leading to 500 years of Dark Ages chaos and ending only with the exhausted stagnancy of the Middle Ages. Here's a datum that foretells our future if the conceited trash have their way: Rome's population at the height of its glory was one million; deep into the pit of the Dark Ages, its population has dwindled to 20,000.

"Postmodern"? Touted as the Wave of the Future. Well, modern meant a return to the classical period of Rome and Greece. So Postmodern is a parallel back to the Dark Ages. The only wave its New Age sewage will be is a tsunami.
Good points.

I feel our biggest failure was allowing liberals to teach our children what to think but not how to think.
Well I am going to have to try to convince you of that, Trump is an asshole,it's mind boggling how stupid he is, he only takes a cue from fox news,he doesn't have a original thought in his head.
Is this another one of those "billionaires are stupid, I'm smarter than billionaires" type of posts posted in cyberspace by a TDS’er?
Hate? I just think it made the U.S. look really bad in having a president with the mental mentality of a 12 year old.

IRVING, Tex. — A televangelist who served as a spiritual adviser to Donald Trump says the former president has the tendency to act “like a little elementary schoolchild” and suggests that Trump’s focus on minor spats was preventing progress on larger goals.

In an essay sent to The Washington Post earlier this month, Mike Evans, a former member of the evangelical advisory board, said he would not vote for Trump again and recalled how he once left a Trump rally “in tears because I saw Bible believers glorifying Donald Trump like he was an idol.”

“Donald Trump can’t save America. He can’t even save himself. He used us to win the White House. We had to close our mouths and eyes when he said things that horrified us,” Evans wrote. “I cannot do that anymore.”

Trump would act ‘like a little elementary schoolchild,’ former spiritual adviser says
IRVING, Tex. — A televangelist who served as a spiritual adviser to Donald Trump says the former president has the tendency to act “like a little elementary schoolchild” and suggests that Trump’s focus on minor spats was preventing progress on larger goals.

In an essay sent to The Washington Post earlier this month, Mike Evans, a former member of the evangelical advisory board, said he would not vote for Trump again and recalled how he once left a Trump rally “in tears because I saw Bible believers glorifying Donald Trump like he was an idol.”

“Donald Trump can’t save America. He can’t even save himself. He used us to win the White House. We had to close our mouths and eyes when he said things that horrified us,” Evans wrote. “I cannot do that anymore.”

Trump would act ‘like a little elementary schoolchild,’ former spiritual adviser says
A Televangelist? He was mad the weren't idolizing him!

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