A serious question, serious replies only

IRVING, Tex. — A televangelist who served as a spiritual adviser to Donald Trump says the former president has the tendency to act “like a little elementary schoolchild” and suggests that Trump’s focus on minor spats was preventing progress on larger goals.

In an essay sent to The Washington Post earlier this month, Mike Evans, a former member of the evangelical advisory board, said he would not vote for Trump again and recalled how he once left a Trump rally “in tears because I saw Bible believers glorifying Donald Trump like he was an idol.”

“Donald Trump can’t save America. He can’t even save himself. He used us to win the White House. We had to close our mouths and eyes when he said things that horrified us,” Evans wrote. “I cannot do that anymore.”

Trump would act ‘like a little elementary schoolchild,’ former spiritual adviser says
Bad Orange Man owns you.

I'm not the one who made the comments.
But the comments by the televangelist sound right. Trump is a childish bonehead.

Though it is a toss who’s worse, Don or Joe.

What a country!
But the comments by the televangelist sound right. Trump is a childish bonehead.

Though it is a toss who’s worse, Don or Joe.

What a country!

Joe's issues are largely brought on by age. Trump's are another issue all together. Sadly there are people clamoring to do it all again.

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