A serious question, serious replies only

4-10 years. Thats right, you finally are coming around to learning simple facts.

But this is what you've claimed here in this thread:

So now you admit that your BIG, BOLDED STATEMENT is completely false.

4-10 years means there would not be increasd oil production under Trump due to leases he signed and there wouldn't be production effects from leasing under Biden because again, it takes 4-10 years for production to get effected.

You think you can you finally get that and stop wasting everyone's time with your mountains of silly bullshit?
Drilling and production are two separate things. Sorry whiney tdser
...I'm quoting your own words. What links do you need?

I'm starting to belive I'm dealing with an insane person, not just really stupid.
Same thing happened with me last time I argued with that imbecile. I was quoting HIS link and telling him I was quoting HIS link and then he tried dismissing my claim because I didn't post a link. :cuckoo:

4-10 years. Thats right, you finally are coming around to learning simple facts.

But this is what you've claimed here in this thread:

So now you admit that your BIG, BOLDED STATEMENT is completely false.

4-10 years means there would not be increasd oil production under Trump due to leases he signed and there wouldn't be production effects from leasing under Biden because again, it takes 4-10 years for production to get effected.

You think you can you finally get that and stop wasting everyone's time with your mountains of silly bullshit?
The significance of what Trump did with oil is that the price of oil by the barrel of crude, and gas at the pump are based on futures (the price that a barrel of crude can be bought for in the future) So when more drilling is authorized and pipelines are built/opened, the price of futures goes down. When, like now, no new permits are issued and pipelines are closed the price of futures goes up. That is probably too complicated for you, but that's how it works in the real world.
trying to get libs to understand the real world is like trying to teach a garden slug to talk.

WE need to remember this and treat them as we would garden slugs -- grab them and throw them over the fence into the annoying neighbor's yard. Works good for snails too, which crack loudly, in a very satisfying way, if they just happen to hit the concrete walk.

I don't have to run your six month old posts down to quote you, stalker. You put them right there in front of me.

But sure, whatever you say with your ridiculous cartoon.


Three weeks ago was 6 months ago?? Just how deranged are you?

There are so many to pick from. Now I'm the one being entertained.

God, you're hilarious. Keep it coming. Entertain me. In 14 days, you'll be crying too hard.

Here I am, crying again (from laughter)...

The significance of what Trump did with oil is that the price of oil by the barrel of crude, and gas at the pump are based on futures (the price that a barrel of crude can be bought for in the future) So when more drilling is authorized and pipelines are built/opened, the price of futures goes down. When, like now, no new permits are issued and pipelines are closed the price of futures goes up. That is probably too complicated for you, but that's how it works in the real world.
It's not too complicated, it's actually pretty simple, just like pointing out swiss cheese holes in your half-baked understandings.

Those futures contracts are primarily SHORT TERM (couple of days to 6 months) based on supply and demand technicals, not 4-10 years.

Hate? I just think it made the U.S. look really bad in having a president with the mental mentality of a 12 year old.
Mental mentality? That sounds like something a 12 year old would say.
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.

The left knew when he won that his succeeding would be a major blow to their existence. Some of them admitted as much when he was elected. Barney Frank flat out said it in an article. Of course, he retired so he could actually speak the truth, but he was high enough up in their power structure to know what they were thinking.

This was always about the dem's power. They spun out one bullshit story after the next to undermine his presidency in any way they could, and hauled the country through a river of shit for 4 years in the process, not for the good of the American people, but for their own continued relevance.

It's no more complicated than that. They saw him as an existential threat and so attacked him with everything they had. And their spin machine spun that bullshit out to the masses, which happily gobbled it down like manna from heaven itself. And some of those stupid bastards never caught onto the fact, and still haven't, that they were nothing more than useless idiots.
Trump cut off billions in farm exports and then had to bail the farms out with billions in taxpayer dollars.

Simple fact.
He punished China and started no war. The farmers were compensated unlike today when Biden is punishing farmers with sky high fuel prices and sky high fertilizer prices which will result in food shortages and sky high food prices.

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