A serious question, serious replies only

I was asking about Trump, not Biden. Or maybe you were referring to Fetterman.
Trump is a con man with decades of dodging the law... Trump represents what is wrong with America, inherited his wealth and used it to create legal loopholes to not pay contractors...

Could you tell us when Trump has done a manual days labour in his life? I don't hate him for not doing that but I don't think he should be looking down at people who do...

In the end Trump is not the problem, in certain ways I am thankful for him. He abused the system and didn't exploit it because he was incompetent... It is the people who empower and enable Trump are the problem, they are going to leave Trump and find someone worse...
Trump is a con man with decades of dodging the law... Trump represents what is wrong with America, inherited his wealth and used it to create legal loopholes to not pay contractors...

Could you tell us when Trump has done a manual days labour in his life? I don't hate him for not doing that but I don't think he should be looking down at people who do...

In the end Trump is not the problem, in certain ways I am thankful for him. He abused the system and didn't exploit it because he was incompetent... It is the people who empower and enable Trump are the problem, they are going to leave Trump and find someone worse...
Impossible to be WORSE than Donnie Boy

And I watch Criminal Minds
And yet, you are.

Regardless of your obsession, here's are some fun posts...

Well, it looks like you're having fun, spunky!

Good for you. Means the babysitter doesn't have to work so hard to keep you away from the matches.

Trump is a con man with decades of dodging the law... Trump represents what is wrong with America, inherited his wealth and used it to create legal loopholes to not pay contractors...

Could you tell us when Trump has done a manual days labour in his life? I don't hate him for not doing that but I don't think he should be looking down at people who do...

In the end Trump is not the problem, in certain ways I am thankful for him. He abused the system and didn't exploit it because he was incompetent... It is the people who empower and enable Trump are the problem, they are going to leave Trump and find someone worse...
you have it all wrong, the media has lied to you and you bought it. The blue collar people in Trump's companies say he is the best boss they have ever had, he talks to them as equals, pays them well, and respects them and their work. He dated black women, has blacks and women in high positions in his companies

Yes, he works the tax code, what successful person doesn't? By the way those loopholes you bitch about, they were put in the tax code by the dems that have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years, they put them in to help their contributors and those who fund their campaigns.

Trump gets audited every year and the IRS has never found anything illegal or improper in his tax returns. Do you think the clintons and bidens can say that?
I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.

none of the above IMO (even though all those things a re really good things to do for the US and the libs don't want to do good things for the US)

He was FOR

the People

That is the unforgivable sin in the Sewer

You've just said that oil production increased because Trump signed some leases in 2019. Right?

But FACTS are that production contracted, not increased. So what the hell are you talking about?

I know you are good for parroting same pages of irrelavant bullshit you always do, but how about turning on your fucking brain and actually addressing direct facts.
Look at the attached.
Trump signed more leases in 2019, than 2018, than 2017 than Obama did in 2016,2015,2014,2013 and so forth.
So as I pointed out with the "relevant" FACTS it takes years i.e. ....the timeline from lease to production can vary from four to 10 years depending on water depth at the lease location, the drilling depth needed to reach the target reservoir, the distance from shore and from infrastructure, the geological characteristics of the reservoir and complexity of production facilities design. An Offshore Timeline | Coastal Review
The point for your feeble brain is that it takes years from when a federal lease is signed. So Trump's oil production increases were smaller due to Obama signing fewer leases! Then as the FACTS point out Trump SIGNED MORE leases versus Obama fewer leases and the AFFECT is Biden's production increased. BUT with Biden signing FEWER leases MEANS less production in the next few years!
Now why this is important is this FACT... again you don't provide but I do!
Oil production from federal lands and waters provides approximately 24% of total U.S. oil production.
Additionally, natural gas production from federal lands and waters is approximately 11% of total U.S. natural gas production.


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