A serious question, serious replies only

I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
It is the tax cut. The stupid Liberals hate tax cuts more than life itself because it takes money away from their beloved government. They hated Trump for putting more money into the pockets of those that pay taxes.

That and the fact that Trump had a successful agenda to make the US great again and the stupid Liberals have an agenda to make the US to be a woke Socialist shithole.
It is the tax cut. The stupid Liberals hate tax cuts more than life itself because it takes money away from their beloved government. They hated Trump for putting more money into the pockets of those that pay taxes.

That and the fact that Trump had a successful agenda to make the US great again and the stupid Liberals have an agenda to make the US to be a woke Socialist shithole.
well said.
The U.S. was a major exporter with Trump, today we are a major importer, gas prices are soaring and Diesel is worse. Biden did what he said he would do, cut fossil fuels. Your mish mosh of excuses just won't fly when folks are hurting because of bad policy.

Trump cut off billions in farm exports and then had to bail the farms out with billions in taxpayer dollars.

Simple fact.
It is the tax cut. The stupid Liberals hate tax cuts more than life itself because it takes money away from their beloved government. They hated Trump for putting more money into the pockets of those that pay taxes.

And got us 7.8 trillion further in debt. All in only 4 years.
Moron, production CRASHED in 2020.


Wtf are you talking about?
Pretty Simple "dummy"! AGAIN you evidently don't know shit about what is planning!
Look at this list.. and tell me WHICH President after Bush signed more federal leases authorizing EXPLORATION.
Now you idiot, are you truly that dumb to think "oh boy, leased signed start drilling today"! Geez you never have put a spade in the ground
much less a multi-million dollar drilling rig. Drilling didn't start the day the lease was signed you idiot! It takes months if not years.. here read facts not guesses.."One study found the world's largest oil and gas fields averaged 5.5 years from discovery to first production"

So you ignorant of FACTS idiot... 5.5 years from not lease signing...DISCOVERY!!!
And so oil production occurs nearly 5 years AFTER leases have been signed.
SO if you 8.5 sec attention span can handle it...
FACTS about lease signings...
Obama 5 years before 2020 signed nearly 300 fewer leases than the before.. SO dummy 5 years before production 2020..DROPPED
Obama 5 years before 2021 signed again 300 fewer leases than the year before ...so dummy... 5 years before production 2021.. DROPPED
I don't know how to make it more clear OIL production is related to exploration and with Obama signing nearly half as many leases as Bush and
with Biden having signed nearly half as many leases as Trump you will see production decline on Federal land!
REMEMBER this is what Biden says when it comes to fossil fuels.
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
And he PROMISES.....
Biden Promises ‘No More Drilling’ Just Days After Demanding More Drilling “no more drilling...there is no more drilling...I haven’t formed any new drilling.”
Trump cut off billions in farm exports and then had to bail the farms out with billions in taxpayer dollars.

Simple fact.
Prove it! Where is your links? Who the hell are you? Give me a SIMPLE FACT.
NOW WHO do you think this affected because you are so ignorant!

Here’s your check’: Trump’s massive payouts to farmers will be hard to pull back​

The president was already spending double his predecessor to spare farmers the cost of his trade war.

Farm sales to China plummeted from $19.5 billion in 2017 to just $9 billion the next year; as producers continued to hemorrhage profits in 2019, .
So the FACT is Trump was doing what should have been done before... reducing AID to communist China!
Would dummies like you send jets, rockets, rifles to Chinese communist military?
Well this is what stopping shipments of food to the Chinese military did.
Cost Chinese more.
Prove it! Where is your links? Who the hell are you? Give me a SIMPLE FACT.

The links have been posted over and over. If you are unable to even remember back a few years ago I'm sure posting them one more time will not help.

Just rant away.

NOW WHO do you think this affected because you are so ignorant!

Here’s your check’: Trump’s massive payouts to farmers will be hard to pull back​

The president was already spending double his predecessor to spare farmers the cost of his trade war.

Farm sales to China plummeted from $19.5 billion in 2017 to just $9 billion the next year; as producers continued to hemorrhage profits in 2019, .
So the FACT is Trump was doing what should have been done before... reducing AID to communist China!
Would dummies like you send jets, rockets, rifles to Chinese communist military?
Well this is what stopping shipments of food to the Chinese military did.
Cost Chinese more.

Funny as you then post the link to his massive give away when he lost to China.

LOL, it also did not cost China more. They were able to obtain what they needed at a lower cost. They only bought from us to show some sort of offset to the massive trade deficit.

So they were cut off, bought elsewhere and we continue to import from China.
so telling the truth makes one hated?. And as we exchange typings, Biden is making deals with Xi and refusing to discuss any of the real problems of the world mostly caused by China's aggression. Biden and his entire family are on China's payroll, he is Xi's puppet and you libs know it but cannot bring yourselves to admit your own indoctrination.
I tried.

You’re not interested in understanding why people hate Trump. You just want to rant about what you read on gatewaypundit.
I tried.

You’re not interested in understanding why people hate Trump. You just want to rant about what you read on gatewaypundit.
What you and the other resident libs have confirmed is that you hate Trump because the media told you that you should hate him. All you have to back up your hate is the lies pumped into your heads by the lying left wing media and the lying DNC who care nothing about your well being as long as you vote as you are told. The indoctrination worked on most of you and that foretells a sad future for the USA. Because of your ignorance and compliance our great country is becoming a third world shithole and a socialist dictatorship. What you fools fail to grasp is that YOUR freedoms are also being taken away.
What you and the other resident libs have confirmed is that you hate Trump because the media told you that you should hate him. All you have to back up your hate is the lies pumped into your heads by the lying left wing media and the lying DNC who care nothing about your well being as long as you vote as you are told. The indoctrination worked on most of you and that foretells a sad future for the USA. Because of your ignorance and compliance our great country is becoming a third world shithole and a socialist dictatorship. What you fools fail to grasp is that YOUR freedoms are also being taken away.
So much for that “serious question“. You’re not here to honestly learn what people think. You just want to tell them what you think.
I think you summed things up nicely. We have elected a bunch of greedy people who use their seats in the House or Senate as a means to make a fortune or to increase the one they already have. They fear independent outsiders like Trump who threaten to drain the Swamp.
Why didn’t DONNIE BOY already do just that?
You and the other libs on this forum continue to verify that you only do as your masters instruct you. you are incapable of independent thought, you have become mindless sheep.
^ the guy who had an “honest question” and really wanted to learn what people think.


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