A serious question, serious replies only

So the answer to my question is ... "seriously fucking deranged."

Moron, what I posted showed it took 26 months for all those jobs to come back.
It's not an if. It's simple math. It's the same math used in 2019. Adding the natural gas production to the oil production and coal even, equals our total energy production (fossil fuels). We have an excess of natural gas and a shortage of oil. We are still oil dependent because we love our cars, and motorcycles. Gasoline.
And we love our tires which use 300 million barrels of oil and the asphalt we love to drive on requires 1.5 billion barrels of oil per year.
Finally there are the following items that we all love that depend on oil.
Yea sorry but we do love our oil products. And frankly I don't think we are willing to pay $ $2,278.73 per month for 20 years by everyone of the 129 million households to provide the additional 10 Trillion kWh per year at a cost of to each household JUST to build the 10,151 NEW nuclear plants just to cover the EVs. Please review the attached chart and correct any mistakes. Because even if I'm off by 50% ...that's still over $1,100/mo/ for 20 years JUST to pay the electric companies to build the power plants.


Idiot, that shows 21 million jobs lost in March and April of 2020. It then shows it took 26 months, from May, 2020 through June, 2022, to get those 21 million jobs back.

This is was your post ... "so you're saying, that we lost 21 million job for two months and then regained them all plus? Dang was Trump good."

What the fuck are you looking at in those numbers that shows Trump got those 21 million jobs back??

You're making my point while exposing what an imbecile you are.

I would really like to understand the hate.
I believe it's a very dangerous phenomenon and it's sobering to see it in action. Until he decided to run for president, he was mostly a darling of the media. Once the media and DC crowd began to understand that unlike all other Republicans whom they could control, he did not need them so they could not make him "behave".

By the time he won the election, they were straight up panicked at what he might accomplish as an outsider and they and their media made his destruction a full-time quest for 4 years, THEN they continued on with the effort because they realized that he COULD come back and if he did, he would have little or no restraint, AND he'd be vengeful.

To sum it up... he is hated because the media was used to create and enhance tribalism among Americans. Those who think otherwise should go back and consider our recent past. Can they name ANY OTHER personality that has gone from popularity to abject, irreconcilable hatred before? I can't recall anyone being that hated, for no apparent logical reason.

Sadly, I think if he runs, he may well be assassinated because if they cannot stop him in any other way, they'll do what they have to do to keep him from interfering with their plans to finish taking down America for the globalists. Want proof? Watch them continue an all-hands-on-deck assault against him, even while they act like they're just mocking a feckless fool. Someone who gets so little respect would NOT engender the reaction he does. They are SCARED SPITLESS of the man. And they SHOULD BE...

Holy shit, you do not even know what your own graph means. How fucking hilarious. Both of you keep ignoring the data Faun not only posted but explained to you, shows without question there was a correlation and causation is pretty easy to establish here. You are proving his point, LOL.

Rarely does someone expose just how monumentally dishonest you are with such obvious clarity.
I believe it's a very dangerous phenomenon and it's sobering to see it in action. Until he decided to run for president, he was mostly a darling of the media. Once the media and DC crowd began to understand that unlike all other Republicans whom they could control, he did not need them so they could not make him "behave".

By the time he won the election, they were straight up panicked at what he might accomplish as an outsider and they and their media made his destruction a full-time quest for 4 years, THEN they continued on with the effort because they realized that he COULD come back and if he did, he would have little or no restraint, AND he'd be vengeful.

To sum it up... he is hated because the media was used to create and enhance tribalism among Americans. Those who think otherwise should go back and consider our recent past. Can they name ANY OTHER personality that has gone from popularity to abject, irreconcilable hatred before? I can't recall anyone being that hated, for no apparent logical reason.

Sadly, I think if he runs, he may well be assassinated because if they cannot stop him in any other way, they'll do what they have to do to keep him from interfering with their plans to finish taking down America for the globalists. Want proof? Watch them continue an all-hands-on-deck assault against him, even while they act like they're just mocking a feckless fool. Someone who gets so little respect would NOT engender the reaction he does. They are SCARED SPITLESS of the man. And they SHOULD BE...
Proof is that they try and keep him from office?

So, in what world would your 'theory' be false? Is there a set of circumstances that would not prove your priors?

This is what we call un unfalsifiable theory.
We disagree on that, but that's OK. Notice that not one lefty has weighed in on this. Really not surprising since none of them can say what it is that they are for.
THIS^ I've asked some of them over the years what it is about him that makes them hate him so much and I never hear an original complaint. To a man, they always repeat the media narrative, even when they are confronted with facts that rebut them.

The dangerous thing is that if they can foment such hate and rage against him, they can do it against anyone the media chooses to target. They are currently active in trying to seed the idea that people who support the Right are literally anti-American and worthy of fighting. THAT is going to end badly for average Americans.
Proof is that they try and keep him from office?
If you really believe he was treated like a typical political opponent of the DC crowd then enjoy your delusion. The man hasn't been TOUCHED, legally, even after years of full time effort from the crowd in DC with unlimited budget and unlimited scope for investigation. Care to cite another example of that happening in the U.S.?
If you really believe he was treated like a typical political opponent of the DC crowd then enjoy your delusion. The man hasn't been TOUCHED, legally, even after years of full time effort from the crowd in DC with unlimited budget and unlimited scope for investigation. Care to cite another example of that happening in the U.S.?
Your selective memory fails you

Holy shit, you do not even know what your own graph means. How fucking hilarious. Both of you keep ignoring the data Faun not only posted but explained to you, shows without question there was a correlation and causation is pretty easy to establish here. You are proving his point, LOL.

Rarely does someone expose just how monumentally dishonest you are with such obvious clarity.


He proves that old adage, stupid is as stupid does.
If you really believe he was treated like a typical political opponent of the DC crowd then enjoy your delusion. The man hasn't been TOUCHED, legally, even after years of full time effort from the crowd in DC with unlimited budget and unlimited scope for investigation. Care to cite another example of that happening in the U.S.?
I should not answer the question when you just blatantly dodged mine but I will end up doing so anyway.

You have an unfalsifiable claim. No matter what the left was going to go after Trump as the right is going after Biden. Apply your criteria to Biden and we get the same result: the republicans are scared spitless blah blah blah.

And I can remember people that were instantly hated when they decided to run. Romney and McCain were both darlings until they ran for president then they were the scourge of the earth. Romney was responsible for killing people and was trying to kill your grandma. If you watch FOX, Biden is the same exact thing. He was a no one barely worthy of comment then he became president and now he is the worst things since communism.

So yea, partisans gona partisan and media companies are gona push the narrative over all else.

He proves that old adage, stupid is as stupid does.
No. This is not stupidity. There is truth in the saying:
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

But that excuse is no longer adequate. This is outright malicious lying.
Idiot, that shows 21 million jobs lost in March and April of 2020. It then shows it took 26 months, from May, 2020 through June, 2022, to get those 21 million jobs back.

This is was your post ... "so you're saying, that we lost 21 million job for two months and then regained them all plus? Dang was Trump good."

What the fuck are you looking at in those numbers that shows Trump got those 21 million jobs back??

You're making my point while exposing what an imbecile you are.

Talk about imbeciles!
You believe every damn word the MSM puts out as well as the teachers union, fauci, et.al. that had Americans staying at home, kids staying at home and for what reason? IDIOT---! How many kids of the 74 million under age 18 died from COVID?
What were the major deaths of COVID? A big word you have no idea what it means is COMORBIDITY!
Every day since 3/20/20 I've gone to this web site https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ tracking COVID.
And guess what you still haven't heard from the BIASED totally gross negligent MSM?
as of today total deaths of under age 18 out of 74 million kids..... 1,532 or 0.00207%!
NOW where have you heard that number? Not from the BIASED MSM that did the following to influence dummies like you regarding
Trump and it was all to get Trump gone because Trump like millions of us evidently SMARTER people than you know the BIASED MSM
is so democratically controlled...hell they donated as the below points out 96% of their political donations to HILLIARY in 2016 and when
she lost they spent 4 years including over 12.4 Billion results on Google tearing Trump apart with over 92% negative news!
"Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20
With the average TV advertising cost to run a 30-second commercial on a national network at $104,700 times 3,924 commercials-[32.7 hours equals 3,924 commercials running 30 seconds ] or over $410 million in NEWS time taken to make negative news about President Trump.
And you idiots that hate Trump just because he is a DICK, a braggart, a loudmouth... BUT as millions of us know that about Trump we like what he got done! We like he didn't trust the BIASED MSM! WE like that he wasn't a politician! WE LIKED his attitude about America FIRST, our military, our law enforcement. WE liked that and we were sophisticated enough and human enough to overlook his foibles his things that less intelligent people like you just like a little 5th grader couldn't see beyond! Totally ignorant that you are you have been so lied to by the MSM!
It's not an if. It's simple math. It's the same math used in 2019. Adding the natural gas production to the oil production and coal even, equals our total energy production (fossil fuels). We have an excess of natural gas and a shortage of oil. We are still oil dependent because we love our cars, and motorcycles. Gasoline.
The U.S. was a major exporter with Trump, today we are a major importer, gas prices are soaring and Diesel is worse. Biden did what he said he would do, cut fossil fuels. Your mish mosh of excuses just won't fly when folks are hurting because of bad policy.
Talk about imbeciles!
You believe every damn word the MSM puts out as well as the teachers union, fauci, et.al. that had Americans staying at home, kids staying at home and for what reason? IDIOT---! How many kids of the 74 million under age 18 died from COVID?
What were the major deaths of COVID? A big word you have no idea what it means is COMORBIDITY!
Every day since 3/20/20 I've gone to this web site https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ tracking COVID.
And guess what you still haven't heard from the BIASED totally gross negligent MSM?
as of today total deaths of under age 18 out of 74 million kids..... 1,532 or 0.00207%!
NOW where have you heard that number? Not from the BIASED MSM that did the following to influence dummies like you regarding
Trump and it was all to get Trump gone because Trump like millions of us evidently SMARTER people than you know the BIASED MSM
is so democratically controlled...hell they donated as the below points out 96% of their political donations to HILLIARY in 2016 and when
she lost they spent 4 years including over 12.4 Billion results on Google tearing Trump apart with over 92% negative news!
"Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20
With the average TV advertising cost to run a 30-second commercial on a national network at $104,700 times 3,924 commercials-[32.7 hours equals 3,924 commercials running 30 seconds ] or over $410 million in NEWS time taken to make negative news about President Trump.
And you idiots that hate Trump just because he is a DICK, a braggart, a loudmouth... BUT as millions of us know that about Trump we like what he got done! We like he didn't trust the BIASED MSM! WE like that he wasn't a politician! WE LIKED his attitude about America FIRST, our military, our law enforcement. WE liked that and we were sophisticated enough and human enough to overlook his foibles his things that less intelligent people like you just like a little 5th grader couldn't see beyond! Totally ignorant that you are you have been so lied to by the MSM!
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"You believe every damn word the MSM puts out as well as the teachers union, fauci, et.al. that had Americans staying at home, kids staying at home and for what reason? IDIOT---! How many kids of the 74 million under age 18 died from COVID?"

You retard, it wasn't just about the kids. It was about social distancing to try and prevent the spread. While [fortunately] relatively few kids died from covid, closing schools was also to protect adult faculty and other staff. Also to protect parents, other adult family members and other adult family friends from catching it from kids who would have been exposed in school and brought it home.

This is yet another reason there was no red wave in this election -- you rightards STILL don't get it.
I think of it more in terms of those of us who reject Trumpery. The incompetence, the nepotism, the corrupt acts, the immoral acts, the unethical acts, the illegal acts, the traitorous acts, the bigoted acts, the boorish acts, the inveterate lying, the adulterous acts, the fraud, the stealing from a charity, the obstruction of investigations, the white nationalism, the lack of intellectual curiosity, surrounding himself with unqualified sycophants, the ego, the sociopathic behavior, you know.....that stuff.
Out of all your lies I do find some room for agreement

Trump did not trust most of the repub swamp rats in washington who wanted to work for him

So he relied too heavily on family members that he did trust

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