A serious question, serious replies only

And we love our tires which use 300 million barrels of oil and the asphalt we love to drive on requires 1.5 billion barrels of oil per year.
Finally there are the following items that we all love that depend on oil.
Yea sorry but we do love our oil products. And frankly I don't think we are willing to pay $ $2,278.73 per month for 20 years by everyone of the 129 million households to provide the additional 10 Trillion kWh per year at a cost of to each household JUST to build the 10,151 NEW nuclear plants just to cover the EVs. Please review the attached chart and correct any mistakes. Because even if I'm off by 50% ...that's still over $1,100/mo/ for 20 years JUST to pay the electric companies to build the power plants.
View attachment 725952
View attachment 725951
Good to see its only 10,000 power plants needed now. Somehow, last week, it was 17,000.

As always; your numbers are shit.
Good to see its only 10,000 power plants needed now. Somehow, last week, it was 17,000.

As always; your numbers are shit.
Wait a minute! Aren't you the person who believes in Climate Change? Why is it OK to accept that the EARTH is getting warmer
but planning numbers can't change? Oh and by the way, the difference is I was including the generating of the current 4.5 Trillion by the
total non nuclear power plants and replacing all power plants to meet your stupid climate change requirements to nuclear hence the need
to produce the 4.5 Trillion currently produced by the 11,070 power plants that are coal, water, (because we are polluting water), natural gas..."fossil fuels"solar and wind. With all nuclear. I can get nitty gritty with leaving the existing plans and adding 10,151 brand new nuclear plants at a cost of $7 billion each.. fact:INFOGRAPHIC: How Much Power Does A Nuclear Reactor Produce?
and that's where the number 10,151 new plants to cover JUST EVs. But I can't further because your attention span is less than 8.5 seconds.
Proof? The Human Attention Span [INFOGRAPHIC] | Wyzowl
"You believe every damn word the MSM puts out as well as the teachers union, fauci, et.al. that had Americans staying at home, kids staying at home and for what reason? IDIOT---! How many kids of the 74 million under age 18 died from COVID?"

You retard, it wasn't just about the kids. It was about social distancing to try and prevent the spread. While [fortunately] relatively few kids died from covid, closing schools was also to protect adult faculty and other staff. Also to protect parents, other adult family members and other adult family friends from catching it from kids who would have been exposed in school and brought it home.

This is yet another reason there was no red wave in this election -- you rightards STILL don't get it.
I thought that was what masks were for?
Also you still didn't address WHY kids deaths were less than 1,600! A big word you didn't understand COMORBIDITY!
Table 1 reports that over 86% of COVID-19 deaths involved at least one comorbidity, according to the New York State Department of Health [26].
Comorbidity and its Impact on Patients with COVID-19
Now since that is a too big of word for you to comprehend, KIDS could get Covid but not severely as the majority of kids are not obese, suffer from diabetes, have heart problems or sepsis... or any of the "comorbidity" symptoms. And you know the teachers could have taught remotely and were all socially distanced and all had masks and all had shots. But the biased MSM/Teachers' unions and idiots like you saw this as a way to sway voters.
It was purely political and you political shards of life have helped ALTER millions of kids lives for ever! How totally disgusting!
The pandemic may have worsened children's mental health or exacerbated existing mental health issues among children. The pandemic caused disruptions in routines and social isolation for children, which can be associated with anxiety and depression and can have implications for mental health later in life.
Wait a minute! Aren't you the person who believes in Climate Change? Why is it OK to accept that the EARTH is getting warmer
but planning numbers can't change?
Is that a serious question?

When you make predictions on a global scale with about 200 independent nations and galactic forces in play, yeah, there are some variables.

What you're doing is changing the number of power plants we'll need by the week by several thousand.

Which means you're numbers are pure shit.
Trump is an outsider. He doesn't fit the stereotype of a DC bureaucrat. And being wealthy, he can't be compromised or bought..

The statist government-loving left will go out of their way to disprove this.
I think you summed things up nicely. We have elected a bunch of greedy people who use their seats in the House or Senate as a means to make a fortune or to increase the one they already have. They fear independent outsiders like Trump who threaten to drain the Swamp.
I think you summed things up nicely. We have elected a bunch of greedy people who use their seats in the House or Senate as a means to make a fortune or to increase the one they already have. They fear independent outsiders like Trump who threaten to drain the Swamp.

They will destroy anything that tries to get between them and their greedy pleasure, and all of the leftist vermin here are their slaves.

Torches and pitchforks.

oil production under Trump increased due to leases he signed in 2019!
Moron, production CRASHED in 2020.


Wtf are you talking about?
I thought that was what masks were for?
Also you still didn't address WHY kids deaths were less than 1,600! A big word you didn't understand COMORBIDITY!
Table 1 reports that over 86% of COVID-19 deaths involved at least one comorbidity, according to the New York State Department of Health [26].
Comorbidity and its Impact on Patients with COVID-19
Now since that is a too big of word for you to comprehend, KIDS could get Covid but not severely as the majority of kids are not obese, suffer from diabetes, have heart problems or sepsis... or any of the "comorbidity" symptoms. And you know the teachers could have taught remotely and were all socially distanced and all had masks and all had shots. But the biased MSM/Teachers' unions and idiots like you saw this as a way to sway voters.
It was purely political and you political shards of life have helped ALTER millions of kids lives for ever! How totally disgusting!
The pandemic may have worsened children's mental health or exacerbated existing mental health issues among children. The pandemic caused disruptions in routines and social isolation for children, which can be associated with anxiety and depression and can have implications for mental health later in life.

"I thought that was what masks were for?"

So you thought wrong again. This is my shocked face --> :lmao:

Masks are only so effective. More effective was social distancing and closing schools so kids couldn't spread it.
Oh, yes. I agree. But it just sits there, begging to be tortured and the high-pitched squealy noises it makes are so much fun!


Slobbers the idiot who spent yesterday getting bitchslapped. Over and over and over again.

"I thought that was what masks were for?"

So you thought wrong again. This is my shocked face --> :lmao:

Masks are only so effective. More effective was social distancing and closing schools so kids couldn't spread it.


Slobbers the idiot who spent yesterday getting bitchslapped. Over and over and over again.


Says the fat purple ****** that can't even find its dick so it can jack off properly.

Ok. I tried.

You’re a perfect example of why Trump is hated.
so telling the truth makes one hated?. And as we exchange typings, Biden is making deals with Xi and refusing to discuss any of the real problems of the world mostly caused by China's aggression. Biden and his entire family are on China's payroll, he is Xi's puppet and you libs know it but cannot bring yourselves to admit your own indoctrination.
I should not answer the question when you just blatantly dodged mine but I will end up doing so anyway.

You have an unfalsifiable claim. No matter what the left was going to go after Trump as the right is going after Biden. Apply your criteria to Biden and we get the same result: the republicans are scared spitless blah blah blah.

And I can remember people that were instantly hated when they decided to run. Romney and McCain were both darlings until they ran for president then they were the scourge of the earth. Romney was responsible for killing people and was trying to kill your grandma. If you watch FOX, Biden is the same exact thing. He was a no one barely worthy of comment then he became president and now he is the worst things since communism.

So yea, partisans gona partisan and media companies are gona push the narrative over all else.
Some truth in your post. But let me correct one thing. Biden was the joke of congress for almost 50 years. The other members laughed at his incompetence and constant lying. Even Obama, the kenyan messiah, said this about senile joe "never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up". No one ever took him seriously, he was the congressional village idiot.

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