A serious question, serious replies only

They just can't bring themselves to believe that so many people don't adore their Orange Pope like they do. It's inconceivable to them. EVERYBODY should love him.

It'll be interesting to see how they feel when this bizarro fever wears off. It's certainly beginning to fray at the edges.

You're pathetic. Just admit it.

Hate? I just think it made the U.S. look really bad in having a president with the mental mentality of a 12 year old.
You are astonishingly superficial like most of your kind.

The guy simply did a pretty GOOD JOB in a position where everyone else was fucking us in the ass year after year. The last thing I care about is that he WAS in fact too mouthy sometimes. I couldn't give less of a shit if some pompous liberal EU members get offended. Obama had wonderful manners.... But was caught SPYING on Angela Merkel and got hundreds I'm civilians killed with his drone program and foreign wars. "Happily" married Bill Clinton fucked his intern in the White House, got caught, and lied like a toddler with his hand in the cookie jar to the public And your'e worried about Trump's coarseness in conversation.

Well explain then why has Biden released
PLUS What dummy thinks reducing our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to the lowest level in history is a good idea?
As much as 15 million barrels of crude oil sold from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve
On October 14, 2022, the SPR held 405 million barrels of crude oil, the lowest inventory level the SPR has held since June 1984.
You are astonishingly superficial like most of your kind.

The guy simply did a pretty GOOD JOB in a position where everyone else was fucking us in the ass year after year. The last thing I care about is that he WAS in fact too mouthy sometimes. I couldn't give less of a shit if some pompous liberal EU members get offended. Obama had wonderful manners.... But was caught SPYING on Angela Merkel and got hundreds I'm civilians killed with his drone program and foreign wars. "Happily" married Bill Clinton fucked his intern in the White House, got caught, and lied like a toddler with his hand in the cookie jar to the public And your'e worried about Trump's coarseness in conversation.

Yes, and Joe Biden is all smiles while he is tweaking little girls tits, cutting off our fuel supply and making American citizens suffer because of his policy-caused inflation.
Well explain then why has Biden released
PLUS What dummy thinks reducing our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to the lowest level in history is a good idea?
As much as 15 million barrels of crude oil sold from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve
On October 14, 2022, the SPR held 405 million barrels of crude oil, the lowest inventory level the SPR has held since June 1984.

The release has nothing to do with our status of being energy independent. We would still be energy independent if he hadn't touched the reserve.
You are astonishingly superficial like most of your kind.

The guy simply did a pretty GOOD JOB in a position where everyone else was fucking us in the ass year after year. The last thing I care about is that he WAS in fact too mouthy sometimes. I couldn't give less of a shit if some pompous liberal EU members get offended. Obama had wonderful manners.... But was caught SPYING on Angela Merkel and got hundreds I'm civilians killed with his drone program and foreign wars. "Happily" married Bill Clinton fucked his intern in the White House, got caught, and lied like a toddler with his hand in the cookie jar to the public And your'e worried about Trump's coarseness in conversation.


With the difference being, I did not vote for any of them.
a coup of the government is not a democratic election. Biden did not win in 2020, instead a successful coup took over the US government and installed a puppet controlled by china, nwo, and the media as president. The transition of power was not peaceful because it was an illegal treasonous act. The evidence of vote fraud and coup conspiracy was, and is, available on video and voice. Jan 6 was the american people demanding that the evidence be presented and reviewed by congress and the american citizens. That request was physically denied by those in power at the time. Eventually the truth will come out, until then we are being led by an unelected fraud, who was placed in power by the leaders of the coup.

The USA became a banana republic in January of 2021

Yes, when MAGAts stormed the Capitol to prevent the duly elected president from being confirmed.
Yes, and Joe Biden is all smiles while he is tweaking little girls tits, cutting off our fuel supply and making American citizens suffer because of his policy-caused inflation.
One of the simplest causes of inflation is when Biden told all of us these two statements:
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
Biden Promises ‘No More Drilling’ Just Days After Demanding More Drilling “no more drilling...there is no more drilling...I haven’t formed any new drilling.”

Biden is just so dumb in that he doesn't understand that he tells an industry that affects ALL of us will be rid and no more drilling.
These companies aren't able to get loans because banks say...:Hey President going to get rid of you"! Or people leave the industry because
there is no future . And Biden has NO knowledge evidently the truly deep impact oil has on all our lives from oil used in making tires to providing Asphalt (300 million barrels for tires and 1.4 Billion barrels for asphalt PER YEAR!!) but even these following materials.
2021 was peaceful except for the capital cops murdering an innocent female veteran.

Nope, not murder. Justifiable shoot to keep a violent mob out of the House chamber where some lawmakers and staff were still holed up.
With the difference being, I did not vote for any of them.
I didn't vote for many years after voting for Ross Perot around...what was it?....'92? I was registered as an independent. Eventually I ended up voting for Obama (I know ... What was I thinking??? But apparently RINO McCain's virtual DELIBERATE forfeiture of that election was part of a win-win plan to get Obama in office) ... After his first term I went so far as to re-register as a Republican so I could vote in primaries, and also after smelling the Democratic Party literally rotting away from the sepsis of globalist interference, I voted for Trump twice and make NO apologies. And if he runs in '24 I will vote for him again.

The administration’s focus on renewables over fossil fuels has alienated the oil industry when it is needed most​

Labor shortage remains a major challenge for oil and gas: Spring 2022 outlook​

So folks with idiots telling people "don't use gas" use EVs... what happens to the oil industry ?
In the meantime again these idiots don't seem to consider what EVs cost to all Americans will be.
To meet the nearly 2 times the kWh currently produced for Cars/trucks to be EVs will cost the 129 million American households nearly
$2,278.73 each month each household for 20 years to pay for the $71 Trillion in additional nuclear plants to cover the 10 Trillion kWh!
Think of it we all will be paying electric companies: $2,278.73 per month for 20 years.

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