A serious question, serious replies only

I'm also telling you Mexico didn't pay for any part of the wall.

But Donnie Dangerously sure got votes for it.

I know it hurts the Neo-GOP, deep in the brain pan, but we're still energy independent under President Biden.

You should trademark "Donnie Dangerously", you clever thing you.


You can start with him wanting to overthrow the results of our democracy, pushing a baseless conspiracy theory, and being the first POTUS where we didn’t have a peaceful transition of power.

That is, if you’re actually interested in an honest answer.
Just as demofks did and you didn’t lose any sleep
He pretty much nailed it. In your opinion Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread but that doesn’t make it true. He did leave out the killing of 1 million Americans and the crashing of the economy but it was accurate otherwise
You guys believe Democrat/MSM lies about Trump and then project them on folks who support him. Meanwhile y’all pretend to be blind to the corruption that is endemic to Biden, his family and most of the Democrat DC elite. Not to mention the worst economy in decades, yet another war, escalating crime, gas prices, food prices, high inflation and skyrocketing interest rates.
He pretty much nailed it. In your opinion Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread but that doesn’t make it true. He did leave out the killing of 1 million Americans and the crashing of the economy but it was accurate otherwise

Shut up, C***nuck.

I would like to understand the obsessive hatred of Donald Trump. Is it because:

1. He beat Hillary
2. He is a self made billionaire
3. He talks like a typical guy from NY, NJ, Boston (if you don't understand that, do not respond)
4. He made the country energy independent
5. He made Nato members pay their fair share
6. He opened dialog with North Korea
7. He made up names for his opponents
8. He did not start any new wars
9. He killed terrorists who were killing Americans
10. He has had 3 hot wives
11. He is a republican

I would really like to understand the hate. If its simply politics, please have the honesty to admit that.
He's a liar. A narcissist. He used the Presidency for his own personal profit. And he is actively trying to destroy everything this country was built on.
You can start with him wanting to overthrow the results of our democracy, pushing a baseless conspiracy theory, and being the first POTUS where we didn’t have a peaceful transition of power.

That is, if you’re actually interested in an honest answer.
a coup of the government is not a democratic election. Biden did not win in 2020, instead a successful coup took over the US government and installed a puppet controlled by china, nwo, and the media as president. The transition of power was not peaceful because it was an illegal treasonous act. The evidence of vote fraud and coup conspiracy was, and is, available on video and voice. Jan 6 was the american people demanding that the evidence be presented and reviewed by congress and the american citizens. That request was physically denied by those in power at the time. Eventually the truth will come out, until then we are being led by an unelected fraud, who was placed in power by the leaders of the coup.

The USA became a banana republic in January of 2021
Republicans did not do poorly. They actually did pretty against the Democrat corruption machine.
They only flipped a handful of House seats and may have even lost a Senate seat.

If that’s the best they can do in a harsh economic environment and aggressively partisan gerrymanders, then it’s definitely a very weak party.
This reassuring. I had suspected that you entertained the absurd notion that 81,283,501 Americans had voted to dump the dude at their first opportunity for emotional reasons rather than rational ones.
They just can't bring themselves to believe that so many people don't adore their Orange Pope like they do. It's inconceivable to them. EVERYBODY should love him.

It'll be interesting to see how they feel when this bizarro fever wears off. It's certainly beginning to fray at the edges.
They just can't bring themselves to believe that so many people don't adore their Orange Pope like they do. It's inconceivable to them. EVERYBODY should love him.

It'll be interesting to see how they feel when this bizarro fever wears off. It's certainly beginning to fray at the edges.
I'm also telling you Mexico didn't pay for any part of the wall.

But Donnie Dangerously sure got votes for it.

I know it hurts the Neo-GOP, deep in the brain pan, but we're still energy independent under President Biden.
Hey blindpoo... keep this up! It is so good to show how totally stupid and pathetic Biden lovers like you are!

So now it's the wall.
And what did your idiot President do to help? Dumb Biden told the illegals..."Surge to the border"!
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

In addition to Biden's words "surge to the border" the idiot tells the world...
"There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration, No. 1,"

But wait it gets better...
The Biden administration authorized completion of the Trump-funded U.S.-Mexico border wall in an open area of southern Arizona near Yuma.

Really? So are you that dumb not to realize IF there was so much oil available WHY is the SPR at the lowest level?

PLUS What dummy thinks reducing our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to the lowest level in history is a good idea?
As much as 15 million barrels of crude oil sold from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve
On October 14, 2022, the SPR held 405 million barrels of crude oil, the lowest inventory level the SPR has held since June 1984.

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