A serious question, serious replies only

Prove where the image came from. Until you can do that, it's just a pretty picture that you made up in your little head.


Dayum, are you ever retarded. Try clicking on the link in my post.

But your leaders on the left and in the media are very open about hating Trump the person, not the ideology or what he did as president. They have made it personal. All I am asking is why?
Trump is a danger to our democratic republic.
That's pretty much it.

He is nothing more than an incompetent, opportunistic grifter who has been groomed for the office of POTUS by secret Kremlin operatives to weaken democratic institutions both at home and internationally.


His previous four year tenure has accomplished Moscow's goals beautifully.

Don't believe it?
Look how many people distrust American elections now.
Look how many people distrust the free and independent American press. Look how many people don't know real news from fake news anymore. Ridiculous Qanon conspiracy theories now carry as much weight for millions as credible REAL news information from sources that have been reporting news in America for a century and a half!

And the list goes on and on of the Kremlims objectives that were accomplished by Trump's presidency.

This is why Moscow worked so hard to get him elected in 2016.
Hillary was spot on when she called Trump "Putin's Puppet."
That is exactly what he was.

One thing though that even Moscow couldn't have anticipated was the way the Covid-19 pandemic would transform American elections.
See, they have been studying us for a while.
They had already figured out that in addition to MOST Americans being:
shallow and superficial,
generally incurious, easily distracted, short on attention spans, extremely gullible and easily impressed/fooled/manipulated, mass-media addicted, sheeple.....
MOST Americans remained aloof and disingaged from the voting process.
Depending upon a small percentage of the eligible electorate to choose which candidates ultimately win or lose elections.

Kremlin PsyOps pretty much had us dialed in back in 2012. All they needed was the right usefull idiot to install in office.

They found that person, of course, in Donald Trump.

By 2015 he was ready.

They counted on the built in flaws of our own electoral system to install him in office in 2016 in spite of his oponent beating him in the Popular Vote by over 6 million votes.

And from day one he began destroying democracy....with words and actions.
He did what Moscow told him to do.
He said what Moscow wanted him to say.

The plan was for him (and his Republican accomplices) to easily steal the 2020 election and simply continue dismantling our republic.
But too many people voted by mail.

So then Moscow launched plan B.

Install enough pro Trump/Kremlin candidates into statehouses and governorships around the country in 2022 so that when 2024 rolled around it would be possible to steal the General Election in plain sight under the cloak of "legitimacy" and "legality."

But once again the electorate defied the odds (and the Kremlin's research).
Too many people participated in the election for it to be stolen.
Absentee voting made it impossible...once more.

So yeah, those of us who "hate" Donald Trump do so for good reason.
We know exactly "who" and what he really is.

I hope that helps answer your question.
Hate? I just think it made the U.S. look really bad in having a president with the mental mentality of a 12 year old.
Now this is what I'm talking about. This is for sure the raving of a brainless fuck. The sooner we waste these drooling wastes of dirt the better off we will be. These type of fuckin idiots won't stop voting so they have to stop breathing. Time is short.
Because $1.89 gasoline doesn't give a shit about reasons you dolt.

Severe demand drop was the cause and it's stupid to go bragging about Trump's supposedly cheap gas in the middle of an economic disaster.

Nah, ya gotta get yourself a conservative-to-English encyclopedia. Then you'll find that Democrats are to blame for the economic disaster, not the president, but that the president was responsible for cheap gas and millions going back to work. ;)
This is a lie: Under Biden US producers are exporting more petroleum than we are importing.
You conflated crude oil only with total petroleum products.

Even the link you provide told you the truth in the very first sentance.

The United States was a total petroleum net exporter in 2020 and 2021​

In 2021, the United States exported about 8.54 million barrels per day (b/d) and imported about 8.47 million b/d of petroleum,1 making the United States an annual total petroleum net exporter for the second year in a row since at least 1949.

You simply prove yourself once again to be a disingenuous supporter of the Trump-e-bare, the worst of the worst. Or just stupid.
Trump was ONLY President U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years.

Mostly Natural Gas production and exportation, not crude oil production. We still produce more energy that we consume. In fact more so now because of increased NG exports. It still does't change the fact that we were and are still at the mercy of global oil prices.
Mostly Natural Gas production and exportation, not crude oil production. We still produce more energy that we consume. In fact more so now because of increased NG exports. It still does't change the fact that we were and are still at the mercy of global oil prices.
Oil is traded word-wide, so for as long as we use oil, we will be at the "mercy" of global oil prices.
You conflated crude oil only with total petroleum products.

Even the link you provide told you the truth in the very first sentance.

In 2021, the United States exported about 8.54 million barrels per day (b/d) and imported about 8.47 million b/d of petroleum,1 making the United States an annual total petroleum net exporter for the second year in a row since at least 1949.

You simply prove yourself once again to be a disingenuous supporter of the Trump-e-bare, the worst of the worst. Or just stupid.

Mostly Natural Gas production and exportation, not crude oil production. We still produce more energy that we consume. In fact more so now because of increased NG exports. It still does't change the fact that we were and are still at the mercy of global oil prices.
The United States remained a net crude oil importer in 2021, importing about 6.11 million b/d of crude oil and exporting about 2.96 million b/d. However, some of the crude oil that the U.S. imports is refined by U.S. refineries into petroleum products—such as gasoline, heating oil, diesel fuel, and jet fuel—that the U.S. exports. Also, some of imported petroleum may be stored and subsequently exported.

In simple terms for you... the EIA says it not you... " United States remained a net crude oil importer in 2021

What does "importer" mean Dummy?
The United States remained a net crude oil importer in 2021, importing about 6.11 million b/d of crude oil and exporting about 2.96 million b/d. However, some of the crude oil that the U.S. imports is refined by U.S. refineries into petroleum products—such as gasoline, heating oil, diesel fuel, and jet fuel—that the U.S. exports. Also, some of imported petroleum may be stored and subsequently exported.

In simple terms for you... the EIA says it not you... " United States remained a net crude oil importer in 2021

What does "importer" mean Dummy?

It means you don't understand that we REFINE some oil before exporting it. Either that or you are just straight lying.

First sentence in that link:

The United States was a total petroleum net exporter in 2020 and 2021​


Dayum, are you ever retarded. Try clicking on the link in my post.


Yeah................................no. Some people I just won't click their links. You are one of them. Learned that the hard way from BULLDOG

But nice try.

Thanks for including that lovely moving picture of you.
Plus I want you dummies to realize something.
When oil production goes up i.e. more oil is being produced it is in response to exploration especially leases on land that provides 24%
of all our oil production... Federal Leases!
Now when dummies like Obama reduce the signing of leases as the attached shows, duh.... that means production on federal lands may be neutral but it doesn't go up for sure! And as the attached shows Obama affected production by reduction of leases under his term by nearly 50% fewer than Bush!
So when Trump took office he signed nearly 2 times as many as Obama did in 2016... BUT the production effect wasn't felt until later, i.e. for you dummies, oil exploration i.e. finding oil takes time, then leases, planning, etc. takes time before production starts...
So this jackass Biden gets the benefit of Trump signing nearly 3 times as many leases in 2019 as Obama and who gets the benefit?
BIDEN! And the reason why for you dummies???? IT TAKES TIME to get into production.
So when this idiot Biden says and I quote exactly:
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
And he PROMISES.....
Biden Promises ‘No More Drilling’ Just Days After Demanding More Drilling “no more drilling...there is no more drilling...I haven’t formed any new drilling.”
In 2021 Biden signed 50% fewer leases than Trump did who signed fewer simply because of Covid.
WAIT till the next Biden federal land leases report comes out for 2022!

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