A serious question, serious replies only

It's up across the entire world and it started in 2020.
Look at the attached.
Trump signed more leases in 2019, than 2018, than 2017 than Obama did in 2016,2015,2014,2013 and so forth.
So as I pointed out with the "relevant" FACTS it takes years i.e. ....the timeline from lease to production can vary from four to 10 years depending on water depth at the lease location, the drilling depth needed to reach the target reservoir, the distance from shore and from infrastructure, the geological characteristics of the reservoir and complexity of production facilities design. An Offshore Timeline | Coastal Review
The point for your feeble brain is that it takes years from when a federal lease is signed. So Trump's oil production increases were smaller due to Obama signing fewer leases! Then as the FACTS point out Trump SIGNED MORE leases versus Obama fewer leases and the AFFECT is Biden's production increased. BUT with Biden signing FEWER leases MEANS less production in the next few years!
Now why this is important is this FACT... again you don't provide but I do!
Oil production from federal lands and waters provides approximately 24% of total U.S. oil production.
Additionally, natural gas production from federal lands and waters is approximately 11% of total U.S. natural gas production.
Look at the attached.
Trump signed more leases in 2019, than 2018, than 2017 than Obama did in 2016,2015,2014,2013 and so forth.
So as I pointed out with the "relevant" FACTS it takes years i.e. ....the timeline from lease to production can vary from four to 10 years depending on water depth at the lease location, the drilling depth needed to reach the target reservoir, the distance from shore and from infrastructure, the geological characteristics of the reservoir and complexity of production facilities design. An Offshore Timeline | Coastal Review
The point for your feeble brain is that it takes years from when a federal lease is signed. So Trump's oil production increases were smaller due to Obama signing fewer leases! Then as the FACTS point out Trump SIGNED MORE leases versus Obama fewer leases and the AFFECT is Biden's production increased. BUT with Biden signing FEWER leases MEANS less production in the next few years!
Now why this is important is this FACT... again you don't provide but I do!
Oil production from federal lands and waters provides approximately 24% of total U.S. oil production.
Additionally, natural gas production from federal lands and waters is approximately 11% of total U.S. natural gas production.
View attachment 726266
shhhh, don't let them know that demofks don't want oil and gas in the world. They want caves and horses, no fire either, so end of human kind at that.
He may not but that was not my point. Trump acting like a 12 year old caused the vote to end Obamacare to go down in defeat.

Bottom line so far. Liberals hate Trump because the media and the DNC told them to.
Every second of every day for four years on CNN As one of their personal hero"s said

Goebbels says repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it​

Look at the attached.
Trump signed more leases in 2019, than 2018, than 2017 than Obama did in 2016,2015,2014,2013 and so forth.
So as I pointed out with the "relevant" FACTS it takes years i.e. ....the timeline from lease to production can vary from four to 10 years

4-10 years. Thats right, you finally are coming around to learning simple facts.

But this is what you've claimed here in this thread:

2020 Trump was president. Oil production under Trump increased due to leases he signed in 2019!​

So now you admit that your BIG, BOLDED STATEMENT is completely false.

4-10 years means there would not be increasd oil production under Trump due to leases he signed and there wouldn't be production effects from leasing under Biden because again, it takes 4-10 years for production to get effected.

You think you can you finally get that and stop wasting everyone's time with your mountains of silly bullshit?
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Yeah, nothing. So what that you were celebrating something that never existed.

Looks like you'll have to keep waiting. :badgrin:

Wow. You're really a sore winner, but we all knew that from your first stanky post.

Keep it up. Go as low as you can go. It really confirms everything we knew about ya.

Glad folks like you don't live in my neighborhood. You wouldn't last a week.

Wow. You're really a sore winner, but we all knew that from your first stanky post.

Keep it up. Go as low as you can go. It really confirms everything we knew about ya.

Glad folks like you don't live in my neighborhood. You wouldn't last a week.

Aww, poor crybaby. Let those MAGA tears flow, you'll feel better.

13 days.

I can't wait. Lots of angst coming and those anguished cries that will be unleashed on Nov 9.


You're cracking me up. Here's another entertaining post from you. There's no shortage...


Wow! You are having a lot of fun stalking people, aren't you.

Guess what....................................... nobody is surprised.

Don't get too intimate. Donny will be jealous.

PS -- The twentieth century called. They want their emoki back and the millions of dollars of royalties you own them for using it at a dollar a pop.

4-10 years. Thats right, you finally are coming around to learning simple facts.

But this is what you've claimed here in this thread:

So now you admit that your BIG, BOLDED STATEMENT is completely false.

4-10 years means there would not be increasd oil production under Trump due to leases he signed and there wouldn't be production effects from leasing under Biden because again, it takes 4-10 years for production to get effected.

You think you can you finally get that and stop wasting everyone's time with your mountains of silly bullshit?
You know the tremendously BIG difference between your lying crap is YOU don't provide ONE single link to substantiate the statements.
NOTE it takes 4 to 10 years and you idiot... you think just because you WANT to it takes more than 4 years for ALL leases to be productive!
What is really disgusting is YOU are so ready to support Biden who WANTS to rid fossil fuels! Who brags he's stopped drilling.
Why when the USA/the world depends on oil for less than half of it for gas!
FACT which you don't provide...less than half of a barrel is used for gas. The other half for making tires, asphalt etc and you and dummies like Biden want to "rid fossil fuels"?
Because the earth's temperature has increased 1.53° since 1880 and disputed because dummies like you have no idea what "Heat islands" are or the fact 12% of the earth's land mass temperatures were not included? Dummies like you that evidently have no idea of the FACTs like these are terrible influenced by the extremely biased MSM that isn't sharing the truth with you.
Truth like it will cost Americans nearly $71,058,193,077,027 if Biden's efforts to convert to EVs happen. That's equal to over $2,000/month per every single household of the 129 million households for 20 years. But again you are oblivious to these facts! Check the attached!


Wow! You are having a lot of fun stalking people, aren't you.

Guess what....................................... nobody is surprised.

Don't get too intimate. Donny will be jealous.

PS -- The twentieth century called. They want their emoki back and the millions of dollars of royalties you own them for using it at a dollar a pop.


Quoting you is stalking you?? Does that mean when you quote me, you're stalking me??

Here's more! The fun never ends...

You will cry and we will celebrate your sorrow.

This is me crying......

You know the tremendously BIG difference between your lying crap is YOU don't provide ONE single link to substantiate the statements.

...I'm quoting your own words. What links do you need?

2020 Trump was president. Oil production under Trump increased due to leases he signed in 2019!​

So as I pointed out with the "relevant" FACTS it takes years i.e. ....the timeline from lease to production can vary from four to 10 years

I'm starting to belive I'm dealing with an insane person, not just really stupid.
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Quoting you is stalking you?? Does that mean when you quote me, you're stalking me??

Here's more! The fun never ends...

This is me crying......


I don't have to run your six month old posts down to quote you, stalker. You put them right there in front of me.

But sure, whatever you say with your ridiculous cartoon.


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