"a shot heard round the world": Crazy Bernie praises Bezos for raising Amazon workers minimum wage

Any business that tries to put a 'social conscience' over making a profit ends up in the same place.


Have a conscience if you like, but without profits, your conscience becomes absolutely worthless.
Pay should be equivalent of the job… If it isn’t not that socialism.
Socialism is all about someone else paying for shit Entitlement people can’t afford... And do not want to work for a living

And the employer is the one that decides what pay is necessary for the job, in a free market, yet you are whining when that happens.

The Angles decided that a .245 batting average and 19 home runs was worth 27 million dollars, no other team felt that was the case, but the Angles did and they paid it. The same thing holds true for Amazon, they have decided these jobs are worth 15 an hour, and what they think they are worth is all that really matters.
You are missing the forest through the trees, obviously it’s up to the individual business owner and should be. But political correctness is determining that everyone should get a “living wage” ... well that’s not reality.
Some jobs are just beginner jobs and that’s just the facts....
If Amazon has made a decision to pay their unskilled workforce more than the market level, that's their choice. How it affects the future of the company can be predicted but only time will tell.

If someone is happy doing drone work then they'll be happy regardless of what it pays.
Yep, The only people that are complaining are socialist... Entitlement is for the cowardly

You are the one complaining, I guess you are the socialist after all.
The complaining is all... “I want a living wage”
Get a job that’s worth a living wage... The collective always fucks over the individual in socialism

So, complain about those people, why attack a private business for making a business decision?
It’s a politically correct decision which is always wrong
Socialism always ends up being Venezuela/Cuba/North Korea...
The individual always suffers in Socialism...
It’s funny in this entitlement society, progressives think having a job is a right… Little do they know in reality it’s a privilege

It is a privilege to have job and it is a privilege to have an employee. It works both ways. Neither is an right.
Don't worry, my wife and son will pick up your slack when you stop being a customer. I think Amazon will be ok.

Amazon will be fine. So will my Soul. Not so sure your family members will be able to say the same.

You are going to stop shopping with a company because they made a business decision to pay some of their employees more money...and you worry about their souls!

Holy fuck dude! I see you are another one born without a sense of irony! What shame.
It’s a politically correct decision which is always wrong

That doesn't seem crazy to you? I mean, I get the push back against hyper-sensitive dumbasses, but often PC is just legitimate public opinion.
If Amazon has made a decision to pay their unskilled workforce more than the market level, that's their choice. How it affects the future of the company can be predicted but only time will tell.

If someone is happy doing drone work then they'll be happy regardless of what it pays.
Yep, The only people that are complaining are socialist... Entitlement is for the cowardly

You are the one complaining, I guess you are the socialist after all.
The complaining is all... “I want a living wage”
Get a job that’s worth a living wage... The collective always fucks over the individual in socialism

So, complain about those people, why attack a private business for making a business decision?
It’s a politically correct decision which is always wrong

Once again, I will take Amazon's track record over yours! Hope that is ok
You don't even know what you are talking about? Double salary? :lol: Amazon already pays close to $15 an hour for most jobs. You have no idea what is going on but you're so quick to react.

Then they’ve already been overpaid and it’s an even better thing that I will no longer support them.


You still aren't getting it. This is all smoke and mirrors. This pay raise is nothing to Amazon. They aren't going to raise their prices because of it. They've announced it, and it sounds like a good PR response to their critics, but the actual changes will be negligible. They aren't raising their wages for some altruistic purposes. It's a strategic gamble by Bezos to try suffocating competitors. He's hoping that this will contribute to the federal minimum wage being raised beyond what other retailers can afford, paving the way for Amazon to become an even bigger and more dominant company.
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Amazon is brilliant. Many of you just can't see it.

Them raising their minimum wage is a direct result of
Trump's economy.

The economy has turned the Labor Market into an employee's
market, not an employer market.

Amazon was losing employee's to competitors because of higher
wages. They would have had difficulty hiring seasonal workers,
let alone keeping their full-time folks.

Now they have put their competitors in a box. By offering equal wages
they can keep their employees working for them, and get seasonal
help, but that's not the real reason for them raising those rates.

For their competitors to compete on the Labor Market they will be
forced to raise their minimum wage, again. Once they do that, they must
raise their retail prices, which will create an even larger disparity in costs
between them and Amazon.

Amazon may have doubled their payroll, but it will double their business.
They know how the game is played.
No such thing as a nothing job. All jobs have value.
True, But beginner/service jobs are not careers… And should never be paid as careers. Because someone ends up paying for that shit
Slavery ended a long time ago. Jeff doesn't need another $100 billion.
No one should be paid something for nothing... that’s socialism
They have a job, numbnuts. And are just looking for a living wage.
Look for a better paying job, don’t expect great wages for service/beginner jobs.
Entitlement only hurts the ambitious and successful…
So entitlement for you is $15/hour. :cuckoo:
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
Your stupid is always impressive! Bravo!
Have you people seen the unemployment rate? Wages should be increasing like this.
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
It has nothing to do with what an employee deserves. Amazon is expanding its services in a tight labor market and is having difficulty attracting quality employees, so this move will help them improve the quality of new hires. If Obama were still in office, it wouldn't have been necessary to raise wages so much to attract quality employees because is that economy so many people had given up all hope of finding a decent job and left the work force in despair.
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
It has nothing to do with what an employee deserves. Amazon is expanding its services in a tight labor market and is having difficulty attracting quality employees, so this move will help them improve the quality of new hires. If Obama were still in office, it wouldn't have been necessary to raise wages so much to attract quality employees because is that economy so many people had given up all hope of finding a decent job and left the work force in despair.
Labor force participation hasn’t changed with trump...
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
It has nothing to do with what an employee deserves. Amazon is expanding its services in a tight labor market and is having difficulty attracting quality employees, so this move will help them improve the quality of new hires. If Obama were still in office, it wouldn't have been necessary to raise wages so much to attract quality employees because is that economy so many people had given up all hope of finding a decent job and left the work force in despair.
Labor force participation hasn’t changed with trump...
Every month under Obama when the employment statistics were released there was a caveat that when the unemployment rate dropped it was at least in part because so many people had dropped out of the labor force in despair of ever finding a decent job, but there have been no such caveats since Trump took office.
I’m working at Amazon today. Timing couldn’t be better. It’s going about like you’d expect. Those that were promoted to 15 are wanting to know if they’re now going to get 20. It’s rolling right through the chain.
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
It has nothing to do with what an employee deserves. Amazon is expanding its services in a tight labor market and is having difficulty attracting quality employees, so this move will help them improve the quality of new hires. If Obama were still in office, it wouldn't have been necessary to raise wages so much to attract quality employees because is that economy so many people had given up all hope of finding a decent job and left the work force in despair.
Labor force participation hasn’t changed with trump...

has not really changed much since 2014..

I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
It has nothing to do with what an employee deserves. Amazon is expanding its services in a tight labor market and is having difficulty attracting quality employees, so this move will help them improve the quality of new hires. If Obama were still in office, it wouldn't have been necessary to raise wages so much to attract quality employees because is that economy so many people had given up all hope of finding a decent job and left the work force in despair.
Labor force participation hasn’t changed with trump...
Every month under Obama when the employment statistics were released there was a caveat that when the unemployment rate dropped it was at least in part because so many people had dropped out of the labor force in despair of ever finding a decent job, but there have been no such caveats since Trump took office.
Yes Fox News and Breitbart talked about labor force participation rate constantly under obama. Well it’s just as bad now under trump. The right wing news sources have just dropped it. Just like they don’t talk about deficits anymore.

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