"a shot heard round the world": Crazy Bernie praises Bezos for raising Amazon workers minimum wage

I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.

So who the fuck are you to decide what Amazon is supposed to pay its employees?
True, no one should tell any company what they pay their employees or who they hire…
But raising wages due to political correctness always costs someone else....
If Amazon has made a decision to pay their unskilled workforce more than the market level, that's their choice. How it affects the future of the company can be predicted but only time will tell.

If someone is happy doing drone work then they'll be happy regardless of what it pays.
If Amazon has made a decision to pay their unskilled workforce more than the market level, that's their choice. How it affects the future of the company can be predicted but only time will tell.

If someone is happy doing drone work then they'll be happy regardless of what it pays.
Yep, The only people that are complaining are socialist... Entitlement is for the cowardly
I dream of being a fry cook.

But, this is the Internet ... everyone here is a doctor / lawyer / astronaut / supermodel. Some are all of those wrapped up in one uber-special package. They just come here to see how the other 99% live.
If people don’t like what they’re doing toughen up and get something they do... don’t expect to be paid something for nothing in the same ol’ bullshit.
Entitlement is all about selfishness

They are not doing "nothing", they are working a job.
Having a job is a privilege not a right… Want something better go get something better. Don’t expect something for nothing… That’s an entitlement thing

Again, they are working a job, they are not "doing nothing"
Socialism is all about getting something for doing nothing…

Yes it is, but in this case, they are working a job, they are not "doing nothing", so why do you keep bringing it up?
If Amazon has made a decision to pay their unskilled workforce more than the market level, that's their choice. How it affects the future of the company can be predicted but only time will tell.

If someone is happy doing drone work then they'll be happy regardless of what it pays.
Yep, The only people that are complaining are socialist... Entitlement is for the cowardly

You are the one complaining, I guess you are the socialist after all.
This is the free market at work. Embrace it. This is the way raises SHOULD raise. Not by big brother.

This is not how it should work. Nor is a defined minimum wage by Government.
So raises shouldnt be raised by the employer? Im confused.

He thinks wages shouldn't be raised for "political" reasons, not recognizing that if everyone thinks your company is treating people like shit, that becomes an economic consideration.
If people don’t like what they’re doing toughen up and get something they do... don’t expect to be paid something for nothing in the same ol’ bullshit.
Entitlement is all about selfishness

They are not doing "nothing", they are working a job.
Having a job is a privilege not a right… Want something better go get something better. Don’t expect something for nothing… That’s an entitlement thing

Again, they are working a job, they are not "doing nothing"
Socialism is all about getting something for doing nothing…

Yes it is, but in this case, they are working a job, they are not "doing nothing", so why do you keep bringing it up?
Pay should be equivalent of the job… If it isn’t not that socialism.
Socialism is all about someone else paying for shit Entitlement people can’t afford... And do not want to work for a living
I dont contribute to Amazon because i am worried about them controlling every aspect of our market one day.
Thats my right. Just like its their right to pay their workers more.
If Amazon has made a decision to pay their unskilled workforce more than the market level, that's their choice. How it affects the future of the company can be predicted but only time will tell.

If someone is happy doing drone work then they'll be happy regardless of what it pays.
Yep, The only people that are complaining are socialist... Entitlement is for the cowardly

You are the one complaining, I guess you are the socialist after all.
The complaining is all... “I want a living wage”
Get a job that’s worth a living wage... The collective always fucks over the individual in socialism
Pay should be equivalent of the job… If it isn’t not that socialism.
Socialism is all about someone else paying for shit Entitlement people can’t afford... And do not want to work for a living

And the employer is the one that decides what pay is necessary for the job, in a free market, yet you are whining when that happens.

The Angles decided that a .245 batting average and 19 home runs was worth 27 million dollars, no other team felt that was the case, but the Angles did and they paid it. The same thing holds true for Amazon, they have decided these jobs are worth 15 an hour, and what they think they are worth is all that really matters.
It’s funny in this entitlement society, progressives think having a job is a right… Little do they know in reality it’s a privilege
If Amazon has made a decision to pay their unskilled workforce more than the market level, that's their choice. How it affects the future of the company can be predicted but only time will tell.

If someone is happy doing drone work then they'll be happy regardless of what it pays.
Yep, The only people that are complaining are socialist... Entitlement is for the cowardly

You are the one complaining, I guess you are the socialist after all.
The complaining is all... “I want a living wage”
Get a job that’s worth a living wage... The collective always fucks over the individual in socialism

So, complain about those people, why attack a private business for making a business decision?
I forget you are a authoritarian. I forget you probably want big brother to tell a company when to raise their wages.

I am an Authoritarian. I believe wages should change when there is a promotion, more/better work is being done by the employee or when contractually obligated. That’s it.

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