A Sick Joke: Georgia Voting Laws Written by same Law Firm that paid for Steele Dossier


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2020
What were they thinking? I mean Gov Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger, letting the law firm, Perkins/Cole, write changes in Georgia Voting Law is like letting Mafia Bosses write gambling laws in New Jersey.

The US Constitution gives power to State Legislators to determine election laws in their states, yet Kemp and Raffensperger seem unaware of this.

To make things worse, Gov Kemp will not call a Special Session of the Georgia State Legislators, where honest voting can be reset. The consequence of such Stupidity or Corruption, threatens the election of Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

I always liked former Senator Jeff Sessions, but he was not street smart and caused the country much damage. Likewise Gov Kemp's inaction is a grave threat to democracy. He does not seem to even be aware of that!
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What were they thinking? I mean Gov Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger, letting the law firm, Perkins/Cole, write changes in Georgia Voting Law is like letting Mafia Bosses write gambling laws in New Jersey.

The US Constitution gives power to State Legislators to determine election laws in their states, yet Kemp and Raffensperger seem unaware of this.

To make things worse, Gov Kemp will not call a Special Session of the Georgia State Legislators, where honest voting can be reset. The consequence of such Stupidity or Corruption, threatens the election of Senators Davis Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

I always liked former Senator Jeff Sessions, but he was not street smart and caused the country much damage. Likewise Gov Kemp's inaction is a grave threat to democracy. He does not seem to even be aware of that!
What were they thinking? I mean Gov Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger, letting the law firm, Perkins/Cole, write changes in Georgia Voting Law is like letting Mafia Bosses write gambling laws in New Jersey.

The US Constitution gives power to State Legislators to determine election laws in their states, yet Kemp and Raffensperger seem unaware of this.

To make things worse, Gov Kemp will not call a Special Session of the Georgia State Legislators, where honest voting can be reset. The consequence of such Stupidity or Corruption, threatens the election of Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

I always liked former Senator Jeff Sessions, but he was not street smart and caused the country much damage. Likewise Gov Kemp's inaction is a grave threat to democracy. He does not seem to even be aware of that!
Had writing the laws been left to the legislators, lobbyists would have been consulted to assure corporate interests were the top priority. Naturally, you RWNJs would have much preferred that, since the two GOP Senators fighting for reelection are wealthy business people, with no ethics. The right-wingers' dream candidates.

What were they thinking? I mean Gov Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger, letting the law firm, Perkins/Cole, write changes in Georgia Voting Law is like letting Mafia Bosses write gambling laws in New Jersey.

The US Constitution gives power to State Legislators to determine election laws in their states, yet Kemp and Raffensperger seem unaware of this.

To make things worse, Gov Kemp will not call a Special Session of the Georgia State Legislators, where honest voting can be reset. The consequence of such Stupidity or Corruption, threatens the election of Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

I always liked former Senator Jeff Sessions, but he was not street smart and caused the country much damage. Likewise Gov Kemp's inaction is a grave threat to democracy. He does not seem to even be aware of that!
Had writing the laws been left to the legislators, lobbyists would have been consulted to assure corporate interests were the top priority. Naturally, you RWNJs would have much preferred that, since the two GOP Senators fighting for reelection are wealthy business people, with no ethics. The right-wingers' dream candidates.

You could be correct as to lobbyist influence, but the US Constitution is clear that the State Legislators control the laws governing votes for the US Senate and House.

US Constitution

Article 1

Section 4

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;..."

What were they thinking? I mean Gov Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger, letting the law firm, Perkins/Cole, write changes in Georgia Voting Law is like letting Mafia Bosses write gambling laws in New Jersey.

The US Constitution gives power to State Legislators to determine election laws in their states, yet Kemp and Raffensperger seem unaware of this.

To make things worse, Gov Kemp will not call a Special Session of the Georgia State Legislators, where honest voting can be reset. The consequence of such Stupidity or Corruption, threatens the election of Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

I always liked former Senator Jeff Sessions, but he was not street smart and caused the country much damage. Likewise Gov Kemp's inaction is a grave threat to democracy. He does not seem to even be aware of that!
Had writing the laws been left to the legislators, lobbyists would have been consulted to assure corporate interests were the top priority. Naturally, you RWNJs would have much preferred that, since the two GOP Senators fighting for reelection are wealthy business people, with no ethics. The right-wingers' dream candidates.

You could be correct as to lobbyist influence, but the US Constitution is clear that the State Legislators control the laws governing votes for the US Senate and House.

US Constitution

Article 1

Section 4

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;..."
Had the Georgia voters chosen the impeached president trump over Biden, the RWNJs would be thrilled with Kemp's decision.

The marxist Dim shitstains are filthy animals, by definition, and now it looks like some RINOs need to be dealt with severely. We need Trump more than ever..... hmm?
What were they thinking? I mean Gov Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger, letting the law firm, Perkins/Cole, write changes in Georgia Voting Law is like letting Mafia Bosses write gambling laws in New Jersey.

The US Constitution gives power to State Legislators to determine election laws in their states, yet Kemp and Raffensperger seem unaware of this.

To make things worse, Gov Kemp will not call a Special Session of the Georgia State Legislators, where honest voting can be reset. The consequence of such Stupidity or Corruption, threatens the election of Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

I always liked former Senator Jeff Sessions, but he was not street smart and caused the country much damage. Likewise Gov Kemp's inaction is a grave threat to democracy. He does not seem to even be aware of that!
Had writing the laws been left to the legislators, lobbyists would have been consulted to assure corporate interests were the top priority. Naturally, you RWNJs would have much preferred that, since the two GOP Senators fighting for reelection are wealthy business people, with no ethics. The right-wingers' dream candidates.

You could be correct as to lobbyist influence, but the US Constitution is clear that the State Legislators control the laws governing votes for the US Senate and House.

US Constitution

Article 1

Section 4

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;..."
Had the Georgia voters chosen the impeached president trump over Biden, the RWNJs would be thrilled with Kemp's decision.

No, the decision made by Gov Kemp to give his OK to the "CONSENT DECREE", in effect, opened the door to vote fraud.

Some of the damage to the Georgia vote caused by that agreement with Perkins/Cole Law Firm is laid out in the Texas Law Suit

"Specifically, there were 1,305,659 absentee mail-in ballots submitted in Georgia in 2020. There were 4,786 absentee ballots rejected in 2020. This is a rejection rate of .37%. In contrast, in 2016, the 2016 rejection rate was 6.42% with 13,677 absentee mail-in ballots being rejected out of 213,033 submitted, which more than seventeen times greater than in 2020."

"If the rejection rate of mailed-in absentee ballots remained the same in 2020 as it was in 2016, there would be 83,517 less tabulated ballots in 2020. The statewide split of absentee ballots was 34.68% for Trump and 65.2% for Biden. Rejecting at the higher 2016 rate with the 2020 split between Trump and Biden would decrease Trump votes by 28,965 and Biden votes by 54,552, which would be a net gain for Trump of 25,587 votes. This would be more than needed to overcome the Biden advantage of 12,670 votes, and Trump would win by 12,917 votes. Id."
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Need a link for your OP bottlecap
This is the Consent Decree from Perkins/Cole

Here is something about their lead political lawyer, Marc Elias

Here is Perkins Cole involved in the Steele Dossier fraud

What were they thinking? I mean Gov Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger, letting the law firm, Perkins/Cole, write changes in Georgia Voting Law is like letting Mafia Bosses write gambling laws in New Jersey.

The US Constitution gives power to State Legislators to determine election laws in their states, yet Kemp and Raffensperger seem unaware of this.

To make things worse, Gov Kemp will not call a Special Session of the Georgia State Legislators, where honest voting can be reset. The consequence of such Stupidity or Corruption, threatens the election of Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

I always liked former Senator Jeff Sessions, but he was not street smart and caused the country much damage. Likewise Gov Kemp's inaction is a grave threat to democracy. He does not seem to even be aware of that!
I predict that kemp is finished as a politician in georgia
What were they thinking? I mean Gov Kemp and Sec. of State Raffensperger, letting the law firm, Perkins/Cole, write changes in Georgia Voting Law is like letting Mafia Bosses write gambling laws in New Jersey.

The US Constitution gives power to State Legislators to determine election laws in their states, yet Kemp and Raffensperger seem unaware of this.

To make things worse, Gov Kemp will not call a Special Session of the Georgia State Legislators, where honest voting can be reset. The consequence of such Stupidity or Corruption, threatens the election of Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

I always liked former Senator Jeff Sessions, but he was not street smart and caused the country much damage. Likewise Gov Kemp's inaction is a grave threat to democracy. He does not seem to even be aware of that!
I predict that kemp is finished as a politician in georgia
Kemp's Future would be brighter if he would do the right thing and fight for the restoration of Georgia democracy.

The Georgia Legislators can EASILY override the ILLEGAL Consent Decree that has put the nation on the verge of the FASCIST dictatorship, but Kemp has failed to take action and call for a Special Session up to now.
Perkins-Coie you mean?. A huge DC law firm that that services international clients and is as left friendly as you can get. Not surprised Kemp and Georgia are involved with Perkins-Coie.
How do you stop Georgia from stealing the senate run off?

You can bet the corrupt left already has the theft all planned out.
Perkins-Coie you mean?. A huge DC law firm that that services international clients and is as left friendly as you can get. Not surprised Kemp and Georgia are involved with Perkins-Coie.
How do you stop Georgia from stealing the senate run off?

You can bet the corrupt left already has the theft all planned out.
It would be simple to stop another theft if Gov Kemp and Sec of State Raffensperger would do their jobs.

But just the fact that they even contemplated working out a deal with Perkins-Coie(thanks) shows they both are clueless. The MSM is openly for the democrats, so no help there.

It may be up to establishment Republicans to persuade Kemp that calling a Special Session takes him out of the loop and what the Georgia Legislators do is what the US Constitution asks for.

I doubt that the Legislators would even OK TRUMP electors anyway, as vote totals count, Sadly, illegal votes count if not thrown out by the judiciary.

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