A simple economic lesson... raise capital gains to 43% will do what?

All income should be taxed at the exact same rate, whatever percentage that is decided to be. Manual labor or Capital Gains should be the same.
You want a guy making $15 an hour digging ditches to pay the same rate on his income that a billionaire pays when he sells property or stock? That's nuts.

“I wouldn’t necessarily push the sell button on rumors,” Jack Ablin, chief investment officer and founding partner of Cresset Capital Management, said Thursday on CNBC. “That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
“There will be plenty of time to plan and respond to any tax or tax proposal that’s ultimately in place,” he added.

Planning considerations

Sitting tight is likely the appropriate approach for long-term investors, LaBrecque said. Just four years ago, the Trump administration was cutting taxes for many individuals, he noted, as an example of how quickly conditions can change.
“If you know you’re going to be sitting on something a long time, don’t worry about it,” LaBrecque said of the Biden proposal.
You want a guy making $15 an hour digging ditches to pay the same rate on his income that a billionaire pays when he sells property or stock? That's nuts.

“I wouldn’t necessarily push the sell button on rumors,” Jack Ablin, chief investment officer and founding partner of Cresset Capital Management, said Thursday on CNBC. “That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
“There will be plenty of time to plan and respond to any tax or tax proposal that’s ultimately in place,” he added.

Planning considerations

Sitting tight is likely the appropriate approach for long-term investors, LaBrecque said. Just four years ago, the Trump administration was cutting taxes for many individuals, he noted, as an example of how quickly conditions can change.
“If you know you’re going to be sitting on something a long time, don’t worry about it,” LaBrecque said of the Biden proposal.

I want all income taxed at the same rate.

I'm not sure why that is nuts.
so? the majority of that is interest or owed to ourselves. Clearly taxing income hasn’t worked. Just default, cancel it.

start over…tax consumption

It's going to end badly. When we just create wealth and default on debt the other countries that can not do that are going to leave the dollar. It's already started.
It's going to end badly. When we just create wealth and default on debt the other countries that can not do that are going to leave the dollar. It's already started.
so. who cares

taxing income hasn’t worked, as you noted how much debt it has caused
so. who cares

taxing income hasn’t worked, as you noted how much debt it has caused

The debt is because we haven't taxed enough. If people had been forced to pay they would have said "enough" long ago.
The debt is because we haven't taxed enough. If people had been forced to pay they would have said "enough" long ago.
we didn’t have this debt prior to taxing income. So maybe taxing income is the problem we don’t have enough
we didn’t have this debt prior to taxing income. So maybe taxing income is the problem we don’t have enough
We didn’t have this debt until Reagan slashed taxes without adjusting spending
Agreed. And they should raise taxes until the budget is balanced, such that we're actually PAYING for the government we're GETTING.
They would have to tax us as 1/4 the rate we are currently paying for that.

Instead of increasing taxes, we should cut government. No one wants more of what we get from government.
We taxed income in 1913. The debt didn't really start until Reagan.
That's because that's when we started adjusting the brackets for inflation. Prior to that the government got an automatic increase every year.
That's total B.S. Those who rely on investing as a way to make a living aren't going to start stuffing their mattresses if taxes are raised.
They will work less or find ways to shield their income from taxes, moron.
You want a guy making $15 an hour digging ditches to pay the same rate on his income that a billionaire pays when he sells property or stock? That's nuts.

“I wouldn’t necessarily push the sell button on rumors,” Jack Ablin, chief investment officer and founding partner of Cresset Capital Management, said Thursday on CNBC. “That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
“There will be plenty of time to plan and respond to any tax or tax proposal that’s ultimately in place,” he added.

Planning considerations

Sitting tight is likely the appropriate approach for long-term investors, LaBrecque said. Just four years ago, the Trump administration was cutting taxes for many individuals, he noted, as an example of how quickly conditions can change.
“If you know you’re going to be sitting on something a long time, don’t worry about it,” LaBrecque said of the Biden proposal.
you are far too stupid to understand what capital gains and capital losses are. You also don't know that people can sell stock without paying any capital gains as long as it is reinvested. Again, the game is far too complicated for your limited species.
That's because that's when we started adjusting the brackets for inflation. Prior to that the government got an automatic increase every year.

The reasons are many. I was asked why I supported what I do and I explained why.
If you don’t like paying taxes on your Capital Gains you could always get a real job
Seriously. Come on, Grandma, get off that rocking chair and start greeting at Walmart. Who cares if your deceased husband invested and gave you a good retirement and now you're 85 and living off of it.

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