Zone1 A Simple Experiment That Can Demonstrate WHY You Don't See Racism While Others Do


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I'm not sure why, but this thread I posted a while back is continuing to get responses so it's prompted me to post something that my sister explained to me last week.
Zone1 - 14 Small Ways You Can Fight Racism Every Day

Her explanation shone light on the topic of racism against Black people here in the U.S. that I and a handful of other Blacks here on the site comment about and the inability of many whites to understand or recognize it.

Let me start by saying sister is very smart and it's not easy for me to explain the hows and whys of what she does, but she's a board-certified educator who runs programs that educates and certifies students in certain areas. And she's one of a kind in her particular role but one of the things that they teach the students is how to recognize and combat bias, of all kinds, but of course racism is a part of it as well. So the following is one of the examples she used and I thought it was perfect.

She said to me "you know how when you decide to buy a new car, and you do your research, and you're narrowing down your options until you decide okay this is the car I want and then suddenly you start seeing that type of car that you selected EVERYWHERE you go?" "That particular car was always there, you just weren't paying any attention to it, it wasn't on your radar". But once you became interested in that particular model your subconscious, which picks up everything we perceive, started serving them up to you as an item of interest and suddenly (it appears) you began to notice them everywhere because they are now "on your radar" as you are now able to identify them whenever you encounter them. (this is probably what prompted the birth of the car clubs, but I digress..)

The light bulb came on and this explanation makes perfect sense. One of the things that struck me about some of the responses here on this board, particularly in response to the thread about the 16 year old who was sent home because her employer claimed the blond coloring that she had mixed in with her braids was "unnatural" and thus a violation of the company's dress, was the accusation that we (the Black members here) have to scour the internet looking for news stories of racism to post about. When the reality is that there are instances of racism all around us everyday. WE recognize them because we are familiar with how they manifest, while I would imagine that just like the example car that you have no interest in that passes you every time you go out, yet you never see it. And you never see not because the vehicle is not there, but because it's something that's simply not on your radar therefore many of you have the luxury of never seeing let alone acknowledging the racism that still exists in our country unless it's the blatant, in your face type, that you see on the news.
So why don't blacks see black atrocities against whites? Violent vicious attacks against elderly or theft so constant that stores had to close and blacks end up living in a "food desert"?

Not to mention the endless attacks of black on asian violence as of late?

How is it they only see one side of racism?
..... was the accusation that we (the Black members here) have to scour the internet looking for news stories of racism to post about.
You don't have to "scour"...The self-loathing white nihilists posts stories about it all the time, no matter how hard they need to embellish.
When the reality is that there are instances of racism all around us everyday. WE recognize them because we are familiar with how they manifest, while I would imagine that just like the example car that you have no interest in that passes you every time you go out, yet you never see it. And you never see not because the vehicle is not there, but because it's something that's simply not on your radar therefore many of you have the luxury of never seeing let alone acknowledging the racism that still exists in our country unless it's the blatant, in your face type, that you see on the news.
There are also jillions of instances where people don't give a flying fuck about the color of your skin, or other inherent immutable characteristics, and pay attention to what that person can do for them, or how that person can be worked with in concert to bring about mutually beneficial results.

Unfortunately, race pimps like you seek out the exceptions, rather than the rules.
Having no understanding or interest in anyone other than blacks, everything is racist. If someone has absolutely no interest in blacks, it's racist. If someone is incredibly selfish and thinks, acts with no interest other than self interest that's racist.

Many white people just don't care. They don't care about black anger or angst. Hurt feelings no longer matter. Blacks are avoided and ignored. Black crime is only relevant due to the race, ethnicity of the victims.
Having no understanding or interest in anyone other than blacks, everything is racist. If someone has absolutely no interest in blacks, it's racist. If someone is incredibly selfish and thinks, acts with no interest other than self interest that's racist.

Many white people just don't care. They don't care about black anger or angst. Hurt feelings no longer matter. Blacks are avoided and ignored. Black crime is only relevant due to the race, ethnicity of the victims.
I'm not sure why, but this thread I posted a while back is continuing to get responses so it's prompted me to post something that my sister explained to me last week.
Zone1 - 14 Small Ways You Can Fight Racism Every Day

Her explanation shone light on the topic of racism against Black people here in the U.S. that I and a handful of other Blacks here on the site comment about and the inability of many whites to understand or recognize it.

Let me start by saying sister is very smart and it's not easy for me to explain the hows and whys of what she does, but she's a board-certified educator who runs programs that educates and certifies students in certain areas. And she's one of a kind in her particular role but one of the things that they teach the students is how to recognize and combat bias, of all kinds, but of course racism is a part of it as well. So the following is one of the examples she used and I thought it was perfect.

She said to me "you know how when you decide to buy a new car, and you do your research, and you're narrowing down your options until you decide okay this is the car I want and then suddenly you start seeing that type of car that you selected EVERYWHERE you go?" "That particular car was always there, you just weren't paying any attention to it, it wasn't on your radar". But once you became interested in that particular model your subconscious, which picks up everything we perceive, started serving them up to you as an item of interest and suddenly (it appears) you began to notice them everywhere because they are now "on your radar" as you are now able to identify them whenever you encounter them. (this is probably what prompted the birth of the car clubs, but I digress..)

The light bulb came on and this explanation makes perfect sense. One of the things that struck me about some of the responses here on this board, particularly in response to the thread about the 16 year old who was sent home because her employer claimed the blond coloring that she had mixed in with her braids was "unnatural" and thus a violation of the company's dress, was the accusation that we (the Black members here) have to scour the internet looking for news stories of racism to post about. When the reality is that there are instances of racism all around us everyday. WE recognize them because we are familiar with how they manifest, while I would imagine that just like the example car that you have no interest in that passes you every time you go out, yet you never see it. And you never see not because the vehicle is not there, but because it's something that's simply not on your radar therefore many of you have the luxury of never seeing let alone acknowledging the racism that still exists in our country unless it's the blatant, in your face type, that you see on the news.
I have better things to think about. It is not good to go through life beating yourself up. People do not see the world that way, they are told to see it that way. And that is scary.
until you decide okay this is the car I want and then suddenly you start seeing that type of car that you selected EVERYWHERE you go

A very common human reaction called Apophenia. Seeing patterns in random events where no pattern exists.

Otherwise known as, "seeing exactly what you want to see".

It's why, for many years, people believed they saw canals on the surface of Mars or see The Virgin Mary on a piece of toast.

I'm not sure why, but this thread I posted a while back is continuing to get responses so it's prompted me to post something that my sister explained to me last week.
Zone1 - 14 Small Ways You Can Fight Racism Every Day

Her explanation shone light on the topic of racism against Black people here in the U.S. that I and a handful of other Blacks here on the site comment about and the inability of many whites to understand or recognize it.

Let me start by saying sister is very smart and it's not easy for me to explain the hows and whys of what she does, but she's a board-certified educator who runs programs that educates and certifies students in certain areas. And she's one of a kind in her particular role but one of the things that they teach the students is how to recognize and combat bias, of all kinds, but of course racism is a part of it as well. So the following is one of the examples she used and I thought it was perfect.

She said to me "you know how when you decide to buy a new car, and you do your research, and you're narrowing down your options until you decide okay this is the car I want and then suddenly you start seeing that type of car that you selected EVERYWHERE you go?" "That particular car was always there, you just weren't paying any attention to it, it wasn't on your radar". But once you became interested in that particular model your subconscious, which picks up everything we perceive, started serving them up to you as an item of interest and suddenly (it appears) you began to notice them everywhere because they are now "on your radar" as you are now able to identify them whenever you encounter them. (this is probably what prompted the birth of the car clubs, but I digress..)

The light bulb came on and this explanation makes perfect sense. One of the things that struck me about some of the responses here on this board, particularly in response to the thread about the 16 year old who was sent home because her employer claimed the blond coloring that she had mixed in with her braids was "unnatural" and thus a violation of the company's dress, was the accusation that we (the Black members here) have to scour the internet looking for news stories of racism to post about. When the reality is that there are instances of racism all around us everyday. WE recognize them because we are familiar with how they manifest, while I would imagine that just like the example car that you have no interest in that passes you every time you go out, yet you never see it. And you never see not because the vehicle is not there, but because it's something that's simply not on your radar therefore many of you have the luxury of never seeing let alone acknowledging the racism that still exists in our country unless it's the blatant, in your face type, that you see on the news.

If you have to heighten your sense of awareness to detect micro-aggressions everywhere, then maybe it isn't a big deal. Just like the girl with the blonde braids thing that blew up into a national scandal. Much ado about not much imo. The Systemic Racism I saw in Alabama in the early 60s was definitely a big deal. Thank goodness that's been gone for a couple of generations and Black citizens enjoy all the freedoms and rights to which they are entitled. You are clearly a beneficiary of those freedoms that your parents and grandparents may not have enjoyed.
When the reality is that there are instances of racism all around us everyday. WE recognize them because we are familiar with how they manifest, while I would imagine that just like the example car that you have no interest in that passes you every time you go out, yet you never see it.

I have no doubt this is true.

I distinctly remember, one of my best friends having a breakdown over this, in college. He was a friend in junior high, high school and one of our suit mates, we met, in junior high. His father fought with the Americans. They were Vietnamese refugees. Sometimes, it would just build up, day after day.

This is, after all, your home too. You should not be made to feel like a foreigner in your own nation. I am acutely aware, that when I meet my fellow black Americans, whether they are employed at the local gas station, or waiting on me at the local restaurant, they are code switching, they are not their true selves.

My town has such a small percentage of minorities, and the highest concentration of Phds in the nation per capita b/c it is the international head quarters of a fortune 500 company, I know a lot of folks go out of their way to be kind and "tolerant."

OTH, tolerance is a form of veiled discrimination. It is not advocacy. BUT, with that said, it is NOT racism. I have lot of friends, family and many members on this forum that I like, who have absolutely NO interest in studying or learning about issues of left political struggles, or being empathetic to the lives of the oppressed for liberation.

I appreciate your sister trying to describe to those who really don't give a damn, about your life, but perhaps this video will describe why those in the IN-GROUP, or with conservative politics, aren't really racist, they just don't care to learn about what you are talking about.

I'm not sure why, but this thread I posted a while back is continuing to get responses so it's prompted me to post something that my sister explained to me last week.
Zone1 - 14 Small Ways You Can Fight Racism Every Day

Her explanation shone light on the topic of racism against Black people here in the U.S. that I and a handful of other Blacks here on the site comment about and the inability of many whites to understand or recognize it.

Let me start by saying sister is very smart and it's not easy for me to explain the hows and whys of what she does, but she's a board-certified educator who runs programs that educates and certifies students in certain areas. And she's one of a kind in her particular role but one of the things that they teach the students is how to recognize and combat bias, of all kinds, but of course racism is a part of it as well. So the following is one of the examples she used and I thought it was perfect.

She said to me "you know how when you decide to buy a new car, and you do your research, and you're narrowing down your options until you decide okay this is the car I want and then suddenly you start seeing that type of car that you selected EVERYWHERE you go?" "That particular car was always there, you just weren't paying any attention to it, it wasn't on your radar". But once you became interested in that particular model your subconscious, which picks up everything we perceive, started serving them up to you as an item of interest and suddenly (it appears) you began to notice them everywhere because they are now "on your radar" as you are now able to identify them whenever you encounter them. (this is probably what prompted the birth of the car clubs, but I digress..)

The light bulb came on and this explanation makes perfect sense. One of the things that struck me about some of the responses here on this board, particularly in response to the thread about the 16 year old who was sent home because her employer claimed the blond coloring that she had mixed in with her braids was "unnatural" and thus a violation of the company's dress, was the accusation that we (the Black members here) have to scour the internet looking for news stories of racism to post about. When the reality is that there are instances of racism all around us everyday. WE recognize them because we are familiar with how they manifest, while I would imagine that just like the example car that you have no interest in that passes you every time you go out, yet you never see it. And you never see not because the vehicle is not there, but because it's something that's simply not on your radar therefore many of you have the luxury of never seeing let alone acknowledging the racism that still exists in our country unless it's the blatant, in your face type, that you see on the news.
The light bulb should illuminate two very real truths:

1. Until the white person stops presuming to tell the black person how he/she feels, thinks, acts and the black person stops presuming to tell the white person how he/she feels, thinks acts. . .


2. Until all people are able to treat each other the same including joking around, teasing with harmless stereotypes, not have to walk on eggs lest we be sent to sensitivity training. . .until we all are allowed to treat skin color as having no more importance than hair or eye color. . .

racism will continue to be utilized by the race baiters and exploiters and will continue tob be alive and well in this country.

I'm with Morgan Freeman. The best way to eliminate racism is to stop talking about it and stop trying to social engineer a remedy for it. Deal with the few malicious, violent, murderous people appropriately via equal application of the law and otherwise just let people live their lives whether or not they are politically correct and I'm pretty sure racism will fade from the vast majority of society real fast.
The light bulb should illuminate two very real truths:

1. Until the white person stops presuming to tell the black person how he/she feels, thinks, acts and the black person stops presuming to tell the white person how he/she feels, thinks acts. . .


2. Until all people are able to treat each other the same including joking around, teasing with harmless stereotypes, not have to walk on eggs lest we be sent to sensitivity training. . .until we all are allowed to treat skin color as having no more importance than hair or eye color. . .

racism will continue to be utilized by the race baiters and exploiters and will continue tob be alive and well in this country.

I'm with Morgan Freeman. The best way to eliminate racism is to stop talking about it and stop trying to social engineer a remedy for it. Deal with the few malicious, violent, murderous people appropriately via equal application of the law and otherwise just let people live their lives whether or not they are politically correct and I'm pretty sure racism will fade from the vast majority of society real fast.
I don't know about real fast, but it will disappear. Look at smoking for instance, in the seventies it was very acceptable and negative comments about smokers were unacceptable. Now, fifty years later, smoking is unacceptable and negative comments about smoking are common. Smokers are social pariahs. Racial prejudice can go the same way if people will stop stoking the fires.
I don't know about real fast, but it will disappear. Look at smoking for instance, in the seventies it was very acceptable and negative comments about smokers were unacceptable. Now, fifty years later, smoking is unacceptable and negative comments about smoking are common. Smokers are social pariahs. Racial prejudice can go the same way if people will stop stoking the fires.
That's acceptably fast for a significant cultural change.
But I'm pretty all but a relatively powerless racism will die out much more quickly due to the fact that there are very few racists left in America and if they are allowed to treat those of a different race as just folks, they quickly stop seeing skin color before anything else.

The few racists that will be left are obsessed with it. They use it to increase their power, prestige, advantage, political and personal fortunes or to get attention, spew it every chance they get to be in the newspapers or on camera or social media, start thread after thread after thread about it on message boards like this. But if they can't use the law or cancel culture mechanisms to control or command others, they will have no power and will be as insignificant as the dwindling KKK is now.
from wikki
Sensory gating describes neural processes of filtering out redundant or irrelevant stimuli from all possible environmental stimuli reaching the brain. Also referred to as gating or filtering, sensory gating prevents an overload of information in the higher cortical centers of the brain. Sensory gating can also occur in different forms through changes in both perception and sensation, affected by various factors such as "arousal, recent stimulus exposure, and selective attention."[1]

^^^^^absolutely essential to the functioning of the brain
So why don't blacks see black atrocities against whites? Violent vicious attacks against elderly or theft so constant that stores had to close and blacks end up living in a "food desert"?

Not to mention the endless attacks of black on asian violence as of late?

How is it they only see one side of racism?
Stop diverting from the topic. This is not about black atrocities against whites. They don't happen all that often and whites do things to us in numerous ways.
I have better things to think about. It is not good to go through life beating yourself up. People do not see the world that way, they are told to see it that way. And that is scary.
It's easy for racists to ignore the racism they practice.
So you ignore the racism you practice? Thanks for letting us know.
Lol! I don't practice racism. However butthurt white racists call my opposition to their behavior that.

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