A simple question for Americans: Do we have equal justice under the law?

If you believe that we do, then explain the behavior of the FBI concealing foreign bribery evidence against Joe Biden for nearly SEVEN YEARS and not revealing it until FBI Director Wray was threatened with contempt of Congress.
Let's see.
7 years takes us back to 2017.
Who was president in 2017?
Who appointed the FBI director in 2017?
Who appointed the AG several times between 2017 and 2021?

Maybe, just maybe, there's no "there" there?
Even Cheeto Man realized it.

That's why the evidence in total is a form that says, in essence, some guy told some other guy, that a third guy heard about bribes.
It's why the unknown witnesses keep disappearing
It's why your primary witness died...IN 2011

So your heroes in congress are making fools of themselves
Making a fool of you as well.
If you believe that we do, then explain the behavior of the FBI concealing foreign bribery evidence against Joe Biden for nearly SEVEN YEARS and not revealing it until FBI Director Wray was threatened with contempt of Congress.
No we don’t. Trump has gotten away with a lot more than you or I would.
How can retribution happen if they’re dead?
Their name and reputation if any get exposed as false and their evil deeds get publicly exposed and the victims and victims' families get their day of justice sometimes by compensation of some type through the legal system.
I do not believe we have or ever had equal treatment under the law, throughout our history several minorities have been screwed while the wealthy, powerful, and connected were allowed to escape justice. And of course, recently we have seen instances where some people were treated unfairly based on their politics rather than the merits of the case. Nowadays there are also some who get preferential treatment based on the politics of the judge or prosecutors.
If you believe that we do, then explain the behavior of the FBI concealing foreign bribery evidence against Joe Biden for nearly SEVEN YEARS and not revealing it until FBI Director Wray was threatened with contempt of Congress.
No, never have we had equal justice under the law. Our laws and punishment have always been discretionary.
Their name and reputation if any get exposed as false and their evil deeds get publicly exposed and the victims and victims' families get their day of justice sometimes by compensation of some type through the legal system.
Can you cite a time this has happened? I'm struggling to think of something and the only thing I can come up with are the Nazis who participated in the Holocaust however that still doesn't seem satisfactory compared to the millions of lives they extinguished for no damn good reason (meaning they weren't defending themselves).

And of course the people who participated in and perpetuated slavery but to hear some's opinion, that was "no big deal, just perhaps a mistake or short sightedness on the part of the slave owners" :(

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