A Simple Question for Carbon Tax Advocates: Do You Support Nuclear Energy?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If you honestly believe that that carbon-caused global warming poses a catastrophic threat, then you should be promoting the expansion of nuclear power as quickly as possible, since it is the ONLY reliable and economical alternative to fossil fuel-based energy production. Otherwise, you are a lying POS who is demagoguing an unproven scientific theory for the purpose of furthering your personal political views. Which are you?
They don't like nuclear power. Liberals complain about global warming because they are afraid of dinosaurs. But radiation could also make dinosaurs, so they stick with advocating wind power. Never saw a lizard morph into a dinosaur just because the wind was blowing.
What can go wrong with nuke power !? Lol!

Nat gas ain't so bad .
I've stated before that the entire human race should convert to nuclear power immediately as a segue energy source and shut down all sources of carbon based fuels, it is the only way to stop the coming catastrophe. All nuclear power plants should be built underground away from any water tables or unstable bedrock so that the inevitable failure here or there can be contained without question.

A Manhattan Project type of endeavor should be undertaken immediately as well to perfect fusion. Solar panels and wind turbines should be built by the millions.

There are no alternatives. This scenario is going to be forced on humanity soon enough because we will have no choice.

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