A “sizable amount” of FBI agents had sympathy toward the insurrectionists on Jan 6th

They were demonstrators. If it was a planned insurrection it was a poor one with unarmed mam and pop participants. An unarmed demonstrator was shot and killed and the point is that the FBI had sympathy? What the hell does that mean?
Sure they are. That one demolishes your pretense that your argument was over fine legal points.
It doesn't. I repeat, pictures aren't arguments. 😄
I've noted your arguments as you have made them in the past, when they were Moral Arguments and see no reason to waste time finding them so that you can dismiss them with shit talk.
You can't present any evidence and you any make any arguments that aren't in pictograph form, gee, no wonder so many doubt your sincerity. 😄
The fact remains. BLM is a moral argument. That you have revealed you don't have a moral problem with the killing of "unarmed" people, shows that your support of that movement, is NOT based on it's stated justification.
The question of whether or not morality is a basis for objective arguments and whether or not society is more in line with my morality or yours are two separate issues. It's okay if you don't quite understand how. I don't expect you to. 😄
And here we see again, that you have no problem with the use of deadly force by the police against unarmed individuals, in principle.
Of course not, unarmed doesn't mean not a threat. Each case must be determined on its own merits.
Thus, the moral outrage of BLM, is not your reason for supporting it.
Subjective morality doesn't mean no morality you moron. Let's just agree you're too stupid to understand the nuance here. 😄 My subjective beliefs are why I support BLM. Rationality is what you should use to craft strategy that accomplishes your subjective goals.
THus, teh question becomes, what IS your reason for supporting it.
My reasons for supporting the protests over the summer was to pressure law enforcement to investigate the murders of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, which they ended up doing to satisfying conclusions.
They were demonstrators. If it was a planned insurrection it was a poor one with unarmed mam and pop participants. An unarmed demonstrator was shot and killed and the point is that the FBI had sympathy? What the hell does that mean?
There were OathKeepers and other milita types who PLANNED to attack the Capitol from the beginning.
Hence the Seditious Conspiracy charges and convictions.

Those assholes lead other gullible MAGA rats in the attack

Nothing like that happened during the George Floyd protests

It is a total false equivalency
There were OathKeepers and other milita types who PLANNED to attack the Capitol from the beginning.
Hence the Seditious Conspiracy charges and convictions.

Those assholes lead other gullible MAGA rats in the attack

Nothing like that happened during the George Floyd protests

It is a total false equivalency

You are a lying sack of shit as usual.

The DNC organized and paid for those protests.

They PAID, to rain terror down on every major population center in the United States.
You guessed it. They tried to use the summer riots as a whataboutism to justify it. Of course because they have
entirely different causes, it doesn’t even make sense to use it as a whataboutism.

This FBI email sums it up well:

“I literally had to explain to an agent from a ‘blue state’ office the difference between opportunists burning and looting during protests that stemmed legitimate grievance to police brutality vs. an insurgent mob whose purpose was to prevent the execution of democratic processes at the behest of a sitting president,” the email states. “One is a smattering of criminals, the other is an organized group of domestic terrorists.”

ILMAO at t's legit to burn shit down because you're a leftist Vs a few who didn't burn dick as they reacted to a gross election.
You are a lying sack of shit as usual.

The DNC organized and paid for those protests.

They PAID, to rain terror down on every major population center in the United States.

Not riots
RIOTS, you lying asshole.

40 murders.

2000 injured cops

4 billion in property damage

Fucking RIOTS, you lying little scumbag
What they FUNDED...were PROTESTS...you asshole

Ya know like SIGNS and shit
RIOTS, you lying asshole.

40 murders.

2000 injured cops

4 billion in property damage

Fucking RIOTS, you lying little scumbag
Lol dude most of the people dead were the black people involved. You asshats try to make this about liberals but I guarantee you the large majority of them did not give a shit about politics to begin with.
So they were using violence to stop the certification…and looking to hang Pence for kicks?
Some of them used violence. But they had no guns inside the Capitol; so your thesis is that the revolution was going to be non-violent in the sense of shooting.

And saying hand Oence was no more serious than a fool at the ballpark saying “kill the ump.”
I did not read this thread, but clearly this is a gaslighting about the agent provacateurs the FBI planted in the crowd.


This is how they are going to try to characterize Epps and those like him.

They are going to say he was rogue…when we know he was a FED PLANT.

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