A “sizable amount” of FBI agents had sympathy toward the insurrectionists on Jan 6th

And the strategy was to use the Moral Argument that it was wrong to shoot "unarmed black men".

That you support the shooting of an "unarmed white woman" shows that the "whining" or Moral Argument used to create that social pressure,

First of all I've told you repeatedly that I believe morality to be subjective. It's for that reason I don't base my arguments on moral declarations. That means while I think it's wrong to shoot unarmed black men (depending on the circumstances) I have to acknowledge that there are people out there who don't think it's wrong and their subjective opinion is as equally valid as my subjective opinion.

Secondly, it your society who has written its laws to resemble their judeo-christian values.

Thirdly, that's why I argue it's illegal to murder an unarmed man who you already have in your custody. Ashli Babbit was not in custody. She was the vanguard of an active rioting mob, intent on getting to law makers who they blamed for stealing an election. Two entirely different situations but all you can see is color.
That's my point. That is what you are desperate to avoid discussing. THat is why you talk so must shit. Your power, the strenght of your movement is built on convincing stupid people that you are something you are not, ie NOT a soulless monster who hates them with a fiery passion and longs for the day you can stop lying and kill them.

You're an idiot.
Have cops stopped "oppressing" your poor innocent little black criminals? LOL. You are a jive shit talker.
I'm Jamaican you racist fuckwit jive isn't my lingo. 😄
Trump out of office and the riots just sort of faded away.... Just a coincidence I guess....

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George Floyd's murderers were convicted, why would there still be rioting over it?
I explained my reasoning to get there sonny. All you did was hold your hands over your ears and have a little tantrum, like a baby.

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You guessed it. They tried to use the summer riots as a whataboutism to justify it. Of course because they have
entirely different causes, it doesn’t even make sense to use it as a whataboutism.

This FBI email sums it up well:

“I literally had to explain to an agent from a ‘blue state’ office the difference between opportunists burning and looting during protests that stemmed legitimate grievance to police brutality vs. an insurgent mob whose purpose was to prevent the execution of democratic processes at the behest of a sitting president,” the email states. “One is a smattering of criminals, the other is an organized group of domestic terrorists.”

A "sizable" amount (like 100%) of the Democrats sided with the goddamn Negroes and Communist insurrectionists that spent six months burning, murdering, rioting, looting and destroying 200 American cities.

100% of the goddamn Democrats supported the treasonous stealing of the 2020 Presidential election with the scam of fraudulent unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.
This madness has hit around 30% to 35% of the country. That many people have fallen for the con.

Profession appears to be irrelevant. They've fallen for the most obvious con man this country has ever seen.

This isn't political. It's sociological. Anthropological. Cultural.

Dude you are total bonehead. A financial guy who still can’t see how moronic his vote was even from an economic perspective. You even bought into the transitory inflation crap the fed was trying to sell when Biden’s spending and policies kicked in shortly after entering office. What you fail to realize is that you and others like you are the ones that have the problem. You let your hatred for Trump cloud all judgement and reason, even to the point of losing money, but at least there are no more “mean“ tweets, right? It is truly astounding.
First of all I've told you repeatedly that I believe morality to be subjective. It's for that reason I don't base my arguments on moral declarations. That means while I think it's wrong to shoot unarmed black men (depending on the circumstances) I have to acknowledge that there are people out there who don't think it's wrong and their subjective opinion is as equally valid as my subjective opinion.

Secondly, it your society who has written its laws to resemble their judeo-christian values.

Thirdly, that's why I argue it's illegal to murder an unarmed man who you already have in your custody. Ashli Babbit was not in custody. She was the vanguard of an active rioting mob, intent on getting to law makers who they blamed for stealing an election. Two entirely different situations but all you can see is color.


That you believe in subjective morality, does not change the fact that the argument was a MORAL ARGUMENT, and your support of the shooting of an unarmed woman, shows that your pretend outrage was a lie.

That's teh point dumbass. You want to stop talking shit to address it?

That's rhetorical btw, I know that you will only talk shit, because you are too much of a pussy to address it.

You're an idiot.

I'm Jamaican you racist fuckwit jive isn't my lingo. 😄

Mm, sure, that was the point. Your "lingo".

LOL. My point stands. Biden wins, and the riots just stop.

The riots were orchestrated by leftards to create the illusion that TRump's presidency was unusual and/or dangerous as a way of influencing/tainting the election.

And once the election was over, there was no reason to continue them. Indeed, continuing them would make them a problem the now LEFTARD President would have to address.

That would be a messy can of worms, A lefty President trying to deal wtih lefty rioters. Who knows what take aways the voters might get from that.

George Floyd's murderers were convicted, why would there still be rioting over it?


Becuase it was never just the one guy and the normal policing of black criminals in dem run cities is stilll going on, so unarmed black criminals are stilly being shot.

But for some reason, now, black lives don't matter anymore, because there is no political hay to make with them.
That you believe in subjective morality, does not change the fact that the argument was a MORAL ARGUMENT, and your support of the shooting of an unarmed woman, shows that your pretend outrage was a lie.
You're an idiot. It was a legal argument. A legal argument heavily supported by the convictions of George Floyd's murderers and the honoring of Ashli Babbit's shooter.
That's teh point dumbass. You want to stop talking shit to address it?
Already did.
That's rhetorical btw, I know that you will only talk shit, because you are too much of a pussy to address it.
You mean it was insincere.
Mm, sure, that was the point. Your "lingo".
My point is that in your rush to insert racism into your post you went with something that was specific to black American culture rather than the afro-caribbean culture that I come from because apparently you can't tell black people apart.
LOL. My point stands. Biden wins, and the riots just stop.
Have you ever heard of the post hoc fallacy? It a logical fallacy where a person argues that because event B happened after event A that even A caused event B. Like it rained after a rain dance and so the dancing caused the rain. Your argument is exactly like that.
The riots were orchestrated by leftards to create the illusion that TRump's presidency was unusual and/or dangerous as a way of influencing/tainting the election.
They weren't even about Trump, they were about police killing unarmed black men for no good reason.
And once the election was over, there was no reason to continue them. Indeed, continuing them would make them a problem the now LEFTARD President would have to address.
You're so fucking jealous of Biden that you seem to have no clue he's going to be judged poorly by the left and right. People in his own party are seriously thinking of running against a sitting President because of how fed up everyone is with how ineffectual he's been.
That would be a messy can of worms, A lefty President trying to deal wtih lefty rioters. Who knows what take aways the voters might get from that.
You sycophants can't escape your own perspective. I'm more than happy to criticize Biden just not from your hilarious point of view.
Becuase it was never just the one guy and the normal policing of black criminals in dem run cities is stilll going on, so unarmed black criminals are stilly being shot.
Your argument that black people only care about black deaths during Republican administration's is stupid. Keep using it. 😄
But for some reason, now, black lives don't matter anymore, because there is no political hay to make with them.
Some spooky nefarious reason..... Ooo 😱
LOL. You talk a lot of shit. Meanwhile in teh real world.

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We don't know how the organization is run or who is in charge, because people like YOU in the government prevent our intelligence agencies from doing their jobs.

Meanwhile you people pissing your panties about ONE riot that lasted like FOUR hours, on 1/6. Because it gives you an excuse to arrest your enemies.

You are tryants.
But, I swear....there are no commies. NONE.


Shut your stupid pie hole, Mac. You don't know shit.
First of all I've told you repeatedly that I believe morality to be subjective. It's for that reason I don't base my arguments on moral declarations. That means while I think it's wrong to shoot unarmed black men (depending on the circumstances) I have to acknowledge that there are people out there who don't think it's wrong and their subjective opinion is as equally valid as my subjective opinion.

Secondly, it your society who has written its laws to resemble their judeo-christian values.

Thirdly, that's why I argue it's illegal to murder an unarmed man who you already have in your custody. Ashli Babbit was not in custody. She was the vanguard of an active rioting mob, intent on getting to law makers who they blamed for stealing an election. Two entirely different situations but all you can see is color.


You're an idiot.

I'm Jamaican you racist fuckwit jive isn't my lingo. 😄

George Floyd's murderers were convicted, why would there still be rioting over it?

Another day, another Goat Curry troll.

🚬 🚬
You're an idiot. It was a legal argument. A legal argument heavily supported by the convictions of George Floyd's murderers and the honoring of Ashli Babbit's shooter.

Sure, he looks like he's really motivated by the finer legal points...


It's a MORAL argument, and you've admitted that you don't believe in objective morality, AND, you support other unarmed poeple being killed,

so, that's your whole worldview, nothing but shit talk and lies.
Sure, he looks like he's really motivated by the finer legal points...

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What does that picture have to do with the legality of either incident? You base all your arguments on your Simp emotions. Here's a picture of a man standing in front of a burning structure and what? That means it was okay to kneel on George Floyd's neck for 9 minutes and wrong to shoot Ashli Babbit? I'm not sure what you expect me to infer from this because I don't make picture book arguments.
It's a MORAL argument, and you've admitted that you don't believe in objective morality, AND, you support other unarmed poeple being killed,
Which has nothing to do with morality and everything to do with the particulars of those incidents.
so, that's your whole worldview, nothing but shit talk and lies.
Keep crying Soy Boy. 😄
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What does that picture have to do with the legality of either incident? You base all your arguments on your Simp emotions. Here's a picture of a man standing in front of a burning structure and what? That means it was okay to kneel on George Floyd's neck got 9 minutes and wrong to shoot Ashli Babbit? I'm not sure what you expect me to infer from this because I don't make picture book arguments.

Which has nothing to do with morality and everything to do with the particulars of those incidents.

Keep crying Soy Boy. 😄

The picture shitcans your pretense that the years of riots had anything to do with fine points of law. That is not the type of shit that motivates people to riot adn kill.

MORAL ARGUMENTS do that, and that is the argument you leftards made.

Except that, we can see by the way you lefties are fine with an unarmed woman being killed, that the pretense of moral outrage over the deaths of various unarmed black men,

was bullshit.

I like the way that you pretend to be too stupid to understand the point. Stupid looks good on you.

I don't BELIEVE you are that stupid of course. I think you just realize that your position and actions over the last few years are indefensible, and that any honest discussion, will reveal what a soulless monster you truly are.
The picture shitcans your pretense that the years of riots had anything to do with fine points of law. That is not the type of shit that motivates people to riot adn kill.
Pictures aren't arguments you dipshit. 😄 Try using your words.
MORAL ARGUMENTS do that, and that is the argument you leftards made.
Quote the passage of mine you believe to be a moral argument.
Except that, we can see by the way you lefties are fine with an unarmed woman being killed, that the pretense of moral outrage over the deaths of various unarmed black men,
We all saw. The dipshit was trying to lead a violent mob over a police barricade. 😄
I don't BELIEVE you are that stupid of course. I think you just realize that your position and actions over the last few years are indefensible, and that any honest discussion, will reveal what a soulless monster you truly are.
It's not my fault you can't convince a majority of your honesty. 😄
LOL. You talk a lot of shit. Meanwhile in teh real world.

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We don't know how the organization is run or who is in charge, because people like YOU in the government prevent our intelligence agencies from doing their jobs.

Meanwhile you people pissing your panties about ONE riot that lasted like FOUR hours, on 1/6. Because it gives you an excuse to arrest your enemies.

You are tryants.
Lol so how does this make what I said wrong? Who is the leadership? Who runs Antifa? What’s the hierarchy?
Pictures aren't arguments you dipshit. 😄 Try using your words.

Sure they are. That one demolishes your pretense that your argument was over fine legal points.

Quote the passage of mine you believe to be a moral argument.

I've noted your arguments as you have made them in the past, when they were Moral Arguments and see no reason to waste time finding them so that you can dismiss them with shit talk.

The fact remains. BLM is a moral argument. That you have revealed you don't have a moral problem with the killing of "unarmed" people, shows that your support of that movement, is NOT based on it's stated justification.

Which brings up the question, what is your real reason?

We all saw. The dipshit was trying to lead a violent mob over a police barricade. 😄

And here we see again, that you have no problem with the use of deadly force by the police against unarmed individuals, in principle.

Thus, the moral outrage of BLM, is not your reason for supporting it.

THus, teh question becomes, what IS your reason for supporting it.

Also, how common is your type of soulless zealotry among the Far Left?

It's not my fault you can't convince a majority of your honesty. 😄

I'm not sure what this is referring to. Certainly nothing I said.
Lol so how does this make what I said wrong? Who is the leadership? Who runs Antifa? What’s the hierarchy?

I have no idea. That does not change the fact that they clearly exist and operate on a nationwide scale.

Your attempt to pretend that not having detailed knowledge of a violent terrorists organization, means that they do not exist, is...

Let's just say, that it has been utterly demolished by my photo evidence and let's move the discussion forward.

Do you admit that the antifa and blm riots were far bigger and more deadly than the one, 1/6 riot?
I have no idea. That does not change the fact that they clearly exist and operate on a nationwide scale.

Your attempt to pretend that not having detailed knowledge of a violent terrorists organization, means that they do not exist, is...

Let's just say, that it has been utterly demolished by my photo evidence and let's move the discussion forward.

Do you admit that the antifa and blm riots were far bigger and more deadly than the one, 1/6 riot?
Lol your pictures do not dispute what I said. Would people from different states dress in black and call themselves as such? Yes. That doesn’t make it a nationally organized project.

And no, neither one of those groups actually organized the rioting. They did not go out there collectively to do that. They were individuals doing the rioting. You see black people rioting and looting and want to make the automatic assumption that BLM organized it.

And yes, BLM is an actual organization. Antifa is not however. Either way, again, BLM made no organized effort for any violence.
Lol your pictures do not dispute what I said. Would people from different states dress in black and call themselves as such? Yes. That doesn’t make it a nationally organized project.

And no, neither one of those groups actually organized the rioting. They did not go out there collectively to do that. They were individuals doing the rioting. You see black people rioting and looting and want to make the automatic assumption that BLM organized it.

And yes, BLM is an actual organization. Antifa is not however. Either way, again, BLM made no organized effort for any violence.

Your claims are just not credible. NONE of them.

Do you admit that the Antifa and BLM riots were far bigger, and more deadly than the one 1/6 riot?
Your claims are just not credible. NONE of them.

Do you admit that the Antifa and BLM riots were far bigger, and more deadly than the one 1/6 riot?
Uh no because they didn’t organize any rioting whatsoever.

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