A socialist hell on earth

All you liberals claim that democratic socialist are different somehow.
I see them as true socialist who haven't made the grade just yet.
Take a look at those democratic socialist states in Europe and whats happening to them..the so called democratic socialist are turning them into the exact same hell hole we call Venezuela by flooding them with muslim immigrants and destroying Nationalism.
Doesnt sound very democratic to me.

European Countries are more 'social democrats' than they are democratic socialists.

The numbskulls running around here trying to define 'socialism' are pathetically amusing.

It can't be defined because there has never been a successful socialist State.

It would be like Plato trying to define electricity. Like Da Vinci trying to define a turbo fan Jet engine.

Not only would it be impossible to understand, it would be impossible for either to explain because there is no possibility of one existing at the time.

Is a working socialist government and economy possible at some point in the future?

Sure it is. But not now. Not in this Century.

What our board 'socialists' are too stupid to understand is that even Marx understood that society has to go through a Capitalist period before it can make socialism work.

He didn't say how long.... Maybe a thousand years. Maybe a few hundred. But it has to be done.

You just can't jump from a barely surviving Capitalist Society to a highly structured socialist society and expect anything but abject failure.

socialism isn't evil. Today's modern practitioners of it, however, are.

And stupid. I mean, mouth-breathing, drool-cup-carrying stupid.

Einstein's definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time.

dimocraps are insane. And stupid. And evil.

And the scum of the earth

As Marx proclaimed, "voters are useful idiots!" We seem to have a bunch of socialist, "useful idiots" on here, Marx would be proud!

Sorry, may have been Lenin or Stalin, but in either case, you get my drift, lol!
Germany isn't socialist, it's capitalist. It is a capitalist democracy, not a socialist democracy. Liberals have fooled you into the soft sell. Greece is what happens when people believe too much.
And yet Germany has all the same things Bernie would like to bring to the US...universal healthcare and free college. Huh, funny that.
LOL, funny as hell. Free? Holy fuck you're dumb, you must be a liberal. Germans pay taxes out the ass and have payed $5 for gas long long ago so help fund all their "free" shit.

So Bernie wasn't going to do that, raise taxes to pay for his healthcare and college plan?

Bernie has been promising to tax the "rich" to pay for all the things he promised to be free, but he has been strangely silent about how much the taxes of the not rich would need to be raised.

Dupes who believe his wild pie in the sky promises that taxing only the "rich" would pay for all the free goodies have another think coming.

No, he hasn't been silent. He's been very up front about the fact that your taxes would go up under a universal healthcare plan. He's also explained how much less you will actually pay because you're not paying insurance premiums.
Yes, because we all believe the government can provide the same services without adding any costs while funding all the agencies and people required to make it happen.
socialism isn't evil, the people who push it in the present era are.

Look at what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is doing. He's using his executive power to bypass Congress at every turn. He's giving unprecedented powers to the EPA, he's pushing agendas the American People don't want.

He lies every time he opens his mouth.

It isn't that I hate socialism, I HATE socialists.

They are truly the scum of the earth. And the dimocrap party IS socialist.
A German corporation is owned by its stockholders.

A "business" in Cuba is owned by Cuba.

That's the difference.

Everything else exists on a continuum.
Germany isn't socialist, it's capitalist. It is a capitalist democracy, not a socialist democracy. Liberals have fooled you into the soft sell. Greece is what happens when people believe too much.
And yet Germany has all the same things Bernie would like to bring to the US...universal healthcare and free college. Huh, funny that.
LOL, funny as hell. Free? Holy fuck you're dumb, you must be a liberal. Germans pay taxes out the ass and have payed $5 for gas long long ago so help fund all their "free" shit.

So Bernie wasn't going to do that, raise taxes to pay for his healthcare and college plan?
He would have to, like they do. And I don't want to pay for someone else's college, or health care for that matter.

You pay for poor kids' school and healthcare because you don't have enough votes to stop it.

Remind us what system of government you want to impose that allows you to overcome that problem.
socialism isn't evil, the people who push it in the present era are.

Look at what the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is doing. He's using his executive power to bypass Congress at every turn. He's giving unprecedented powers to the EPA, he's pushing agendas the American People don't want.

He lies every time he opens his mouth.

It isn't that I hate socialism, I HATE socialists.

They are truly the scum of the earth. And the dimocrap party IS socialist.

Welcome back, Rant Man.
Bernies plans are nothing like the type of Socialism instituted in Venezuela. Ditch the pointless labels and look at the policy ideas... If you must use a label then at least use the correct one... The term is "Democratic Socialist"
All socialism is a self inflicted disease, symptoms include a bleeding heart.
Bernies plans are nothing like the type of Socialism instituted in Venezuela.

Socialism is socialism. His brand of socialism is the hammer cocked on a gun ready to fire.

How much socialism in the US has been imposed on you at the barrel of a gun?

How much socialism in the US has circumvented the democratic process?
All of the programs are enforced by the law, that means eventually cops will show up if you fail to fund them.

State ballot initiatives circumvent the republican form of democracy we were founded under and idiots who know only the title vote for things that become law for everyone.

So government of the People is the problem.

lol, thank you Adolph.
Germany isn't socialist, it's capitalist. It is a capitalist democracy, not a socialist democracy. Liberals have fooled you into the soft sell. Greece is what happens when people believe too much.
And yet Germany has all the same things Bernie would like to bring to the US...universal healthcare and free college. Huh, funny that.
LOL, funny as hell. Free? Holy fuck you're dumb, you must be a liberal. Germans pay taxes out the ass and have payed $5 for gas long long ago so help fund all their "free" shit.

So Bernie wasn't going to do that, raise taxes to pay for his healthcare and college plan?
He would have to, like they do. And I don't want to pay for someone else's college, or health care for that matter.

You pay for poor kids' school and healthcare because you don't have enough votes to stop it.

Remind us what system of government you want to impose that allows you to overcome that problem.
I said college and you saw poor kid's school. You are a true retard, no polemics intended.
Bernies plans are nothing like the type of Socialism instituted in Venezuela.

Socialism is socialism. His brand of socialism is the hammer cocked on a gun ready to fire.

How much socialism in the US has been imposed on you at the barrel of a gun?

How much socialism in the US has circumvented the democratic process?
All of the programs are enforced by the law, that means eventually cops will show up if you fail to fund them.

State ballot initiatives circumvent the republican form of democracy we were founded under and idiots who know only the title vote for things that become law for everyone.

So government of the People is the problem.

lol, thank you Adolph.
Adolph was a true blue socialist...
Bernies plans are nothing like the type of Socialism instituted in Venezuela.

Socialism is socialism. His brand of socialism is the hammer cocked on a gun ready to fire.

How much socialism in the US has been imposed on you at the barrel of a gun?

How much socialism in the US has circumvented the democratic process?
All of the programs are enforced by the law, that means eventually cops will show up if you fail to fund them.

State ballot initiatives circumvent the republican form of democracy we were founded under and idiots who know only the title vote for things that become law for everyone.

So government of the People is the problem.

lol, thank you Adolph.
That isn't what I said, retard. Government of the people by the people and for the people refers to our representative republic, not American Idol style of voting.
You pay for poor kids' school and healthcare because you don't have enough votes to stop it.

Remind us what system of government you want to impose that allows you to overcome that problem.

Capitalism. Free Market Capitalism.

Then there wouldn't be any poor children to worry about.

Our 'poor' live better than 95% of the rest of the world's middle class.

So don't tell me that Capitalism doesn't work. You'd just be lying

And yet Germany has all the same things Bernie would like to bring to the US...universal healthcare and free college. Huh, funny that.
LOL, funny as hell. Free? Holy fuck you're dumb, you must be a liberal. Germans pay taxes out the ass and have payed $5 for gas long long ago so help fund all their "free" shit.

So Bernie wasn't going to do that, raise taxes to pay for his healthcare and college plan?
He would have to, like they do. And I don't want to pay for someone else's college, or health care for that matter.

You pay for poor kids' school and healthcare because you don't have enough votes to stop it.

Remind us what system of government you want to impose that allows you to overcome that problem.
I said college and you saw poor kid's school. You are a true retard, no polemics intended.

So you support socialist public education, but only to grade 12. Interesting.
Germany isn't socialist, it's capitalist. It is a capitalist democracy, not a socialist democracy. Liberals have fooled you into the soft sell. Greece is what happens when people believe too much.
And yet Germany has all the same things Bernie would like to bring to the US...universal healthcare and free college. Huh, funny that.
LOL, funny as hell. Free? Holy fuck you're dumb, you must be a liberal. Germans pay taxes out the ass and have payed $5 for gas long long ago so help fund all their "free" shit.

So Bernie wasn't going to do that, raise taxes to pay for his healthcare and college plan?
He would have to, like they do. And I don't want to pay for someone else's college, or health care for that matter.

You pay for poor kids' school and healthcare because you don't have enough votes to stop it.

Remind us what system of government you want to impose that allows you to overcome that problem.
Nobody wants to stop kids from going to school or going to a hospital if needed. Jackmeat.
You pay for poor kids' school and healthcare because you don't have enough votes to stop it.

Remind us what system of government you want to impose that allows you to overcome that problem.

Capitalism. Free Market Capitalism.

Then there wouldn't be any poor children to worry about.

Our 'poor' live better than 95% of the rest of the world's middle class.

So don't tell me that Capitalism doesn't work. You'd just be lying


Where in the world has free market capitalism ever ended poverty? Ever?
And yet Germany has all the same things Bernie would like to bring to the US...universal healthcare and free college. Huh, funny that.
LOL, funny as hell. Free? Holy fuck you're dumb, you must be a liberal. Germans pay taxes out the ass and have payed $5 for gas long long ago so help fund all their "free" shit.

So Bernie wasn't going to do that, raise taxes to pay for his healthcare and college plan?
He would have to, like they do. And I don't want to pay for someone else's college, or health care for that matter.

You pay for poor kids' school and healthcare because you don't have enough votes to stop it.

Remind us what system of government you want to impose that allows you to overcome that problem.
Nobody wants to stop kids from going to school or going to a hospital if needed. Jackmeat.

People on this board argue all the time that they shouldn't have to pay taxes for the benefit of someone else.

You don't know what you're talking about.
So you support socialist public education, but only to grade 12. Interesting.

What's socialist about it is the failure of it.

Trump was right about that the other night when he remarked that out of the 30 Countries in the OECD,our Public Schools rank 30th.

That's the only part of it that's socialist -- It's failure.
A German corporation is owned by its stockholders.

A "business" in Cuba is owned by Cuba.

That's the difference.

Everything else exists on a continuum.
Germany isn't socialist, it's capitalist. It is a capitalist democracy, not a socialist democracy. Liberals have fooled you into the soft sell. Greece is what happens when people believe too much.
And yet Germany has all the same things Bernie would like to bring to the US...universal healthcare and free college. Huh, funny that.
LOL, funny as hell. Free? Holy fuck you're dumb, you must be a liberal. Germans pay taxes out the ass and have payed $5 for gas long long ago so help fund all their "free" shit.

So Bernie wasn't going to do that, raise taxes to pay for his healthcare and college plan?

Bernie has been promising to tax the "rich" to pay for all the things he promised to be free, but he has been strangely silent about how much the taxes of the not rich would need to be raised.

Dupes who believe his wild pie in the sky promises that taxing only the "rich" would pay for all the free goodies have another think coming.

Got a question for you FJO-----> who did these wonderful DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST European countries call to save their bacon during WWII? Who did they call to PROTECT their bacon when the Soviets were trying to control all of Europe?


Was it ghostbusters? No, I don't think so.

Was it another mighty DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST country? Ummm, no, I don't think so.

Wait, wait, I know..............it was Luke Skywalker and the good side of the force. Oh, sorry, wrong on that one too I guess!

Why, there is NO WAY they would even consider calling the wrong headed CAPITALISTIC country with the largest industrial base the world had ever seen, (not to mention one of the youngest countries too) because they are so bassackwards; being capitalistic and all, they could never, ever, never-ever help them save their MIGHTY DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST economies, now could they? My goodness, all of those damn pesky historians were 100% wrong! Those mighty DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST countries actually save our bacon.......what, 1, or was it 2, or was it really 3 times-)

We have to start demanding all of our history books be re-written to show what actually happened in the world according to the left, so that those we leave behind can become USEFUL IDIOTS, just like all the other Socialist on this board.
LOL, funny as hell. Free? Holy fuck you're dumb, you must be a liberal. Germans pay taxes out the ass and have payed $5 for gas long long ago so help fund all their "free" shit.

So Bernie wasn't going to do that, raise taxes to pay for his healthcare and college plan?
He would have to, like they do. And I don't want to pay for someone else's college, or health care for that matter.

You pay for poor kids' school and healthcare because you don't have enough votes to stop it.

Remind us what system of government you want to impose that allows you to overcome that problem.
Nobody wants to stop kids from going to school or going to a hospital if needed. Jackmeat.

People on this board argue all the time that they shouldn't have to pay taxes for the benefit of someone else.

You don't know what you're talking about.
Ah, go cry in somebody else's money. Damn fool.

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