A Socialist Is Just A Communist Apprentice

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
It's the truth.

They both want universal free healthcare instead of employer funded healthcare because they can just vote the amount of benefits they get instead of earning them. We can tax for that, well, until you run of out of productivity to tax. I wonder what healthcare in Siberia is like.

They want guaranteed monthly income, and guaranteed government jobs.

Venezuela is a shinning jewel. Largest oil reserves in the world and you have to wipe your butt with your hand under that Democratic Socialist government.

Now where was I? Oh, ya, if you don't think Socialists aren't Communist apprentices, why is the most Socialist country in Europe partnering with the Communists in Russia for the vast majority of their energy needs?

Keep shoving the truth in these Socialists' face, Trump. The rational Democrats will have to side with you as the dingbats scream louder about Socialism.
Germany is not the most socialist country in Europe.

Just sayin'.

Good catch, they're fucking near full blown Communists now.

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.

Until you don't get to decide where you buy your home.

And you get the pleasure of standing in line to get your toilet paper.
Communist lite
Germany is not the most socialist country in Europe.

Just sayin'.

Good catch, they're fucking near full blown Communists now.

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.

Until you don't get to decide where you buy your home.

And you get the pleasure of standing in line to get your toilet paper.

Let me know when Germany and Scandinavian countries have been reduced to that. ;)
Germany is not the most socialist country in Europe.

Just sayin'.

Good catch, they're fucking near full blown Communists now.

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.
Socialism is pretty much the same. They dictate where you can live based on how much they take from you. They don’t run the company you work for but they will inform that company how much you will be paid and what benefits you will get. You get to live within those government set parameters.

There is no difference between socialists or communists. In both cases you will be employed at the government whim and their pay scale.
Communist lite
Germany is not the most socialist country in Europe.

Just sayin'.

Good catch, they're fucking near full blown Communists now.

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.

Until you don't get to decide where you buy your home.

And you get the pleasure of standing in line to get your toilet paper.

Let me know when Germany and Scandinavian countries have been reduced to that. ;)
Why do you not ask for Central American countries as examples?
Communist lite
Germany is not the most socialist country in Europe.

Just sayin'.

Good catch, they're fucking near full blown Communists now.

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.

Until you don't get to decide where you buy your home.

And you get the pleasure of standing in line to get your toilet paper.

Let me know when Germany and Scandinavian countries have been reduced to that. ;)

Lose the Socialist talking points. I've been there. The only reason they're not Communists is because we protect them.

A beer cost's $10 in Norway. A little less than a roll of toilet paper in Venezuela.
There are many disturbing realities of socialism, none worse than the covert police apparatus. Unaccountable, insulated and as powerful as God himself in said nation.

Don't EVER embrace this soul destroying ideology.
Germany is not the most socialist country in Europe.

Just sayin'.

Good catch, they're fucking near full blown Communists now.

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.

Actually, the primary difference between the two is that communism is both an economic and political system, while socialism is only an economic system.
Germany is not the most socialist country in Europe.

Just sayin'.

Good catch, they're fucking near full blown Communists now.

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.

Actually, the primary difference between the two is that communism is both an economic and political system, while socialism is only an economic system.

Not the new socialism. It is very much a political system, excessively so. Worse, it's definitions such as which you provided that give cover for the abuses in a socialist system. I sometimes refer to it as Neo-Communism.

The evolution of what was supposed to be a capitalist and liberty, but it is only free markets for a small fraction and individual liberty for the very pinnacle within the Fiefdom. Its primarily a big Golden Goose for the monarchy of government patsies and their relations.

I've said it often, without American subsidizing Canadas economy with your jobs and taxpayer funding, our economy would be a fraction of what it is. I can't place a percentage on how much this Canadian exploitation has taken from the U.S economy, but one can only imagine the total lost output in the U.S because of it, primarily over the last 30 years.
Germany is not the most socialist country in Europe.

Just sayin'.

Good catch, they're fucking near full blown Communists now.

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.

Actually, the primary difference between the two is that communism is both an economic and political system, while socialism is only an economic system.

Not the new socialism. It is very much a political system, excessively so. Worse, it's definitions such as which you provided that give cover for the abuses in a socialist system. I sometimes refer to it as Neo-Communism.

The evolution of what was supposed to be a capitalist and liberty, but it is only free markets for a small fraction and individual liberty for the very pinnacle within the Fiefdom. Its primarily a big Golden Goose for the monarchy of government patsies and their relations.

I've said it often, without American subsidizing Canadas economy with your jobs and taxpayer funding, our economy would be a fraction of what it is. I can't place a percentage on how much this Canadian exploitation has taken from the U.S economy, but one can only imagine the total lost output in the U.S because of it, primarily over the last 30 years.

Christ sake there's a "new" socialism?
Germany is not the most socialist country in Europe.

Just sayin'.

Good catch, they're fucking near full blown Communists now.

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.

Actually, the primary difference between the two is that communism is both an economic and political system, while socialism is only an economic system.

Not the new socialism. It is very much a political system, excessively so. Worse, it's definitions such as which you provided that give cover for the abuses in a socialist system. I sometimes refer to it as Neo-Communism.

The evolution of what was supposed to be a capitalist and liberty, but it is only free markets for a small fraction and individual liberty for the very pinnacle within the Fiefdom. Its primarily a big Golden Goose for the monarchy of government patsies and their relations.

I've said it often, without American subsidizing Canadas economy with your jobs and taxpayer funding, our economy would be a fraction of what it is. I can't place a percentage on how much this Canadian exploitation has taken from the U.S economy, but one can only imagine the total lost output in the U.S because of it, primarily over the last 30 years.

Christ sake there's a "new" socialism?

I know first hand, whatever socialism was supposed to be, however it was sold to Canadians for a century, is not at all as it is applied in reality. It won't be corrected in my lifetime, and I don't even waste my breath trying to plead with Canadians about the dangers they support, the security apparatus has this country down pat.

All I can do it make sure Americans understand the Bill of Goods that is being sold. I see many elements of it rising in your system, to the glee of many Canadians, which is why Trump winning the election was so vital. Capitalism and individual liberty at least has a chance now. Let's pray enough don't put politics above what is best for America.
Good catch, they're fucking near full blown Communists now.

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.

Actually, the primary difference between the two is that communism is both an economic and political system, while socialism is only an economic system.

Not the new socialism. It is very much a political system, excessively so. Worse, it's definitions such as which you provided that give cover for the abuses in a socialist system. I sometimes refer to it as Neo-Communism.

The evolution of what was supposed to be a capitalist and liberty, but it is only free markets for a small fraction and individual liberty for the very pinnacle within the Fiefdom. Its primarily a big Golden Goose for the monarchy of government patsies and their relations.

I've said it often, without American subsidizing Canadas economy with your jobs and taxpayer funding, our economy would be a fraction of what it is. I can't place a percentage on how much this Canadian exploitation has taken from the U.S economy, but one can only imagine the total lost output in the U.S because of it, primarily over the last 30 years.

Christ sake there's a "new" socialism?

I know first hand, whatever socialism was supposed to be, however it was sold to Canadians for a century, is not at all as it is applied in reality. It won't be corrected in my lifetime, and I don't even waste my breath trying to plead with Canadians about the dangers they support, the security apparatus has this country down pat.

All I can do it make sure Americans understand the Bill of Goods that is being sold. I see many elements of it rising in your system, to the glee of many Canadians, which is why Trump winning the election was so vital. Capitalism and individual liberty at least has a chance now. Let's pray enough don't put politics above what is best for America.

My guess is very few understand the message being sold. After all, what the hell does "fundamentally change America" or "Hope and Change" really mean?
It's the truth.

They both want universal free healthcare instead of employer funded healthcare because they can just vote the amount of benefits they get instead of earning them. We can tax for that, well, until you run of out of productivity to tax. I wonder what healthcare in Siberia is like.

They want guaranteed monthly income, and guaranteed government jobs.

Venezuela is a shinning jewel. Largest oil reserves in the world and you have to wipe your butt with your hand under that Democratic Socialist government.

Now where was I? Oh, ya, if you don't think Socialists aren't Communist apprentices, why is the most Socialist country in Europe partnering with the Communists in Russia for the vast majority of their energy needs?

Keep shoving the truth in these Socialists' face, Trump. The rational Democrats will have to side with you as the dingbats scream louder about Socialism.
A living wage and not guaranteed government jobs you have no idea what you are talking about.... You cannot find a Democrat or socialist that wants a dictatorship which is communism, brainwashed functional idiot. But plenty of right-wingers think a dictator might not be a bad idea. I lived in Spain under the generalissimo and many loved it...

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