A Socialist Is Just A Communist Apprentice

Communism takes complete control of the economy. If people are getting paid and deciding where they want to buy their homes it isn't communism.

Actually, the primary difference between the two is that communism is both an economic and political system, while socialism is only an economic system.

Not the new socialism. It is very much a political system, excessively so. Worse, it's definitions such as which you provided that give cover for the abuses in a socialist system. I sometimes refer to it as Neo-Communism.

The evolution of what was supposed to be a capitalist and liberty, but it is only free markets for a small fraction and individual liberty for the very pinnacle within the Fiefdom. Its primarily a big Golden Goose for the monarchy of government patsies and their relations.

I've said it often, without American subsidizing Canadas economy with your jobs and taxpayer funding, our economy would be a fraction of what it is. I can't place a percentage on how much this Canadian exploitation has taken from the U.S economy, but one can only imagine the total lost output in the U.S because of it, primarily over the last 30 years.

Christ sake there's a "new" socialism?

I know first hand, whatever socialism was supposed to be, however it was sold to Canadians for a century, is not at all as it is applied in reality. It won't be corrected in my lifetime, and I don't even waste my breath trying to plead with Canadians about the dangers they support, the security apparatus has this country down pat.

All I can do it make sure Americans understand the Bill of Goods that is being sold. I see many elements of it rising in your system, to the glee of many Canadians, which is why Trump winning the election was so vital. Capitalism and individual liberty at least has a chance now. Let's pray enough don't put politics above what is best for America.

My guess is very few understand the message being sold. After all, what the hell does "fundamentally change America" or "Hope and Change" really mean?
Healthcare for one thing, for every one. And then horrible things like a living wage cheaper daycare good infrastructure..
And then horrible socialist things like good vacations cheap college and training etc etc. Maybe then we wouldn't be 26% insane like we are now, super duper dupe.
Actually, the primary difference between the two is that communism is both an economic and political system, while socialism is only an economic system.

Not the new socialism. It is very much a political system, excessively so. Worse, it's definitions such as which you provided that give cover for the abuses in a socialist system. I sometimes refer to it as Neo-Communism.

The evolution of what was supposed to be a capitalist and liberty, but it is only free markets for a small fraction and individual liberty for the very pinnacle within the Fiefdom. Its primarily a big Golden Goose for the monarchy of government patsies and their relations.

I've said it often, without American subsidizing Canadas economy with your jobs and taxpayer funding, our economy would be a fraction of what it is. I can't place a percentage on how much this Canadian exploitation has taken from the U.S economy, but one can only imagine the total lost output in the U.S because of it, primarily over the last 30 years.

Christ sake there's a "new" socialism?

I know first hand, whatever socialism was supposed to be, however it was sold to Canadians for a century, is not at all as it is applied in reality. It won't be corrected in my lifetime, and I don't even waste my breath trying to plead with Canadians about the dangers they support, the security apparatus has this country down pat.

All I can do it make sure Americans understand the Bill of Goods that is being sold. I see many elements of it rising in your system, to the glee of many Canadians, which is why Trump winning the election was so vital. Capitalism and individual liberty at least has a chance now. Let's pray enough don't put politics above what is best for America.

My guess is very few understand the message being sold. After all, what the hell does "fundamentally change America" or "Hope and Change" really mean?
Healthcare for one thing, for every one. And then horrible things like a living wage cheaper daycare good infrastructure..
And then horrible socialist things like good vacations cheap college and training etc etc. Maybe then we wouldn't be 26% insane like we are now, super duper dupe.

With respect, this post--as well as your previous one in this thread, both contain blatant and obvious misconceptions apparent to any student of history, philosophy or political psychology. Very briefly, because I cannot discern whether or not your attempted deception is intentional, the socialist government infrastructure you present as provision of glorious benefits, and in control of the People, is synonymous with control by a very small, unequivocally powerful ruling class, one that rules in the People's "name" for them.

What you fail to understand or choose to ignore is that at its heart socialism is an assigning and providing doctrine of governance; meaning "services" and "guarantees" will indeed be assigned and provided as you say, but provided and assigned whether or not the People want them. In historical point of fact, socialism has very often led to providing and assigning people, classes, minorities and minority groups . . . out of their rights, social contracts and . . . to the gulag or death.
It's the truth.

They both want universal free healthcare instead of employer funded healthcare because they can just vote the amount of benefits they get instead of earning them. We can tax for that, well, until you run of out of productivity to tax. I wonder what healthcare in Siberia is like.

They want guaranteed monthly income, and guaranteed government jobs.

Venezuela is a shinning jewel. Largest oil reserves in the world and you have to wipe your butt with your hand under that Democratic Socialist government.

Now where was I? Oh, ya, if you don't think Socialists aren't Communist apprentices, why is the most Socialist country in Europe partnering with the Communists in Russia for the vast majority of their energy needs?

Keep shoving the truth in these Socialists' face, Trump. The rational Democrats will have to side with you as the dingbats scream louder about Socialism.

That's like saying a Capitalist is just an apprentice for Fascism.
Not the new socialism. It is very much a political system, excessively so. Worse, it's definitions such as which you provided that give cover for the abuses in a socialist system. I sometimes refer to it as Neo-Communism.

The evolution of what was supposed to be a capitalist and liberty, but it is only free markets for a small fraction and individual liberty for the very pinnacle within the Fiefdom. Its primarily a big Golden Goose for the monarchy of government patsies and their relations.

I've said it often, without American subsidizing Canadas economy with your jobs and taxpayer funding, our economy would be a fraction of what it is. I can't place a percentage on how much this Canadian exploitation has taken from the U.S economy, but one can only imagine the total lost output in the U.S because of it, primarily over the last 30 years.

Christ sake there's a "new" socialism?

I know first hand, whatever socialism was supposed to be, however it was sold to Canadians for a century, is not at all as it is applied in reality. It won't be corrected in my lifetime, and I don't even waste my breath trying to plead with Canadians about the dangers they support, the security apparatus has this country down pat.

All I can do it make sure Americans understand the Bill of Goods that is being sold. I see many elements of it rising in your system, to the glee of many Canadians, which is why Trump winning the election was so vital. Capitalism and individual liberty at least has a chance now. Let's pray enough don't put politics above what is best for America.

My guess is very few understand the message being sold. After all, what the hell does "fundamentally change America" or "Hope and Change" really mean?
Healthcare for one thing, for every one. And then horrible things like a living wage cheaper daycare good infrastructure..
And then horrible socialist things like good vacations cheap college and training etc etc. Maybe then we wouldn't be 26% insane like we are now, super duper dupe.

With respect, this post--as well as your previous one in this thread, both contain blatant and obvious misconceptions apparent to any student of history, philosophy or political psychology. Very briefly, because I cannot discern whether or not your attempted deception is intentional, the socialist government infrastructure you present as provision of glorious benefits, and in control of the People, is synonymous with control by a very small, unequivocally powerful ruling class, one that rules in the People's "name" for them.

What you fail to understand or choose to ignore is that at its heart socialism is an assigning and providing doctrine of governance; meaning "services" and "guarantees" will indeed be assigned and provided as you say, but provided and assigned whether or not the People want them. In historical point of fact, socialism has very often led to providing and assigning people, classes, minorities and minority groups . . . out of their rights, social contracts and . . . to the gulag or death.
That is communism, Cold War dinosaur. Always a dictatorship. Socialism as everyone in the world now except GOP dupes knows, is always democratic Fair capitalism. And I have a Masters in history
...Now where was I? Oh, ya, if you don't think Socialists aren't Communist apprentices, why is the most Socialist country in Europe partnering with the Communists in Russia for the vast majority of their energy needs?

I understand you want to prove that socialism is the ultimate evil but you should at least get your 'facts' right, Germany isn't the most socialist country in Europe and the commies aren't in power in Russia (they're actually the opposition with some 10%-15% of the votes)

Christ sake there's a "new" socialism?

I know first hand, whatever socialism was supposed to be, however it was sold to Canadians for a century, is not at all as it is applied in reality. It won't be corrected in my lifetime, and I don't even waste my breath trying to plead with Canadians about the dangers they support, the security apparatus has this country down pat.

All I can do it make sure Americans understand the Bill of Goods that is being sold. I see many elements of it rising in your system, to the glee of many Canadians, which is why Trump winning the election was so vital. Capitalism and individual liberty at least has a chance now. Let's pray enough don't put politics above what is best for America.

My guess is very few understand the message being sold. After all, what the hell does "fundamentally change America" or "Hope and Change" really mean?
Healthcare for one thing, for every one. And then horrible things like a living wage cheaper daycare good infrastructure..
And then horrible socialist things like good vacations cheap college and training etc etc. Maybe then we wouldn't be 26% insane like we are now, super duper dupe.

With respect, this post--as well as your previous one in this thread, both contain blatant and obvious misconceptions apparent to any student of history, philosophy or political psychology. Very briefly, because I cannot discern whether or not your attempted deception is intentional, the socialist government infrastructure you present as provision of glorious benefits, and in control of the People, is synonymous with control by a very small, unequivocally powerful ruling class, one that rules in the People's "name" for them.

What you fail to understand or choose to ignore is that at its heart socialism is an assigning and providing doctrine of governance; meaning "services" and "guarantees" will indeed be assigned and provided as you say, but provided and assigned whether or not the People want them. In historical point of fact, socialism has very often led to providing and assigning people, classes, minorities and minority groups . . . out of their rights, social contracts and . . . to the gulag or death.
That is communism, Cold War dinosaur. Always a dictatorship. Socialism as everyone in the world now except GOP dupes knows, is always democratic Fair capitalism. And I have a Masters in history
Crony Capitalism.................there fixed it for you............
John Hawkins - 5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies

Socialism is particularly dangerous because it's so perfectly suited for the modern era. It's the ultimate "miracle" product: it's "nice," it's "fair," it'll make you feel good about yourself, it'll "help" people who "deserve it" by taking things away from people who "have so much" they'll barely miss it. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But, like most products with sleazy salesmen and hidden track records, the promises socialism makes are all a mirage. Since our schools do a terrible job of teaching history and economics these days, it's our job to explain how socialism slowly, insidiously eats away at the core of a society.

John Hawkins - 5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies

Socialism is particularly dangerous because it's so perfectly suited for the modern era. It's the ultimate "miracle" product: it's "nice," it's "fair," it'll make you feel good about yourself, it'll "help" people who "deserve it" by taking things away from people who "have so much" they'll barely miss it. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But, like most products with sleazy salesmen and hidden track records, the promises socialism makes are all a mirage. Since our schools do a terrible job of teaching history and economics these days, it's our job to explain how socialism slowly, insidiously eats away at the core of a society.


If you're lucky enough to be born into the ruling class you get to be the one passing out the crumbs.

But eventually you run out of toilet paper to pass out.
John Hawkins - 5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies

Socialism is particularly dangerous because it's so perfectly suited for the modern era. It's the ultimate "miracle" product: it's "nice," it's "fair," it'll make you feel good about yourself, it'll "help" people who "deserve it" by taking things away from people who "have so much" they'll barely miss it. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But, like most products with sleazy salesmen and hidden track records, the promises socialism makes are all a mirage. Since our schools do a terrible job of teaching history and economics these days, it's our job to explain how socialism slowly, insidiously eats away at the core of a society.


If you're lucky enough to be born into the ruling class you get to be the one passing out the crumbs.

But eventually you run out of toilet paper to pass out.

Will you please explain to these people, that there is no such thing as Democratic, Socialism. It is a made up moniker by the Left, to make Socialism more palatable, lol.

Ask the Leftists to post 1 successful country, who by their OWN DEFINITION, (The Country's definition, NOT the Leftists) is using Democratic Socialism to govern, lol.

By the way, if we wait for a Leftist to post one, this thread will die for at least 25 years, lol!
It's the truth.

They both want universal free healthcare instead of employer funded healthcare because they can just vote the amount of benefits they get instead of earning them. We can tax for that, well, until you run of out of productivity to tax. I wonder what healthcare in Siberia is like.

They want guaranteed monthly income, and guaranteed government jobs.

Venezuela is a shinning jewel. Largest oil reserves in the world and you have to wipe your butt with your hand under that Democratic Socialist government.

Now where was I? Oh, ya, if you don't think Socialists aren't Communist apprentices, why is the most Socialist country in Europe partnering with the Communists in Russia for the vast majority of their energy needs?

Keep shoving the truth in these Socialists' face, Trump. The rational Democrats will have to side with you as the dingbats scream louder about Socialism.

In the book, socialism (the collective ownership of the means of production) is what comes between a period of Capitalism and the 'Utopia' of communism, where there simply is no government.

But the stupid motherfuckers that have tried it never see the Capitalist part through to the end. Or never even tried it in the first place. And it is a MANDATORY part of the program

socialism could work -- After a period of successful and peaceful Capitalism (I'd say 250 years)

dimocrapism can never work. Those people are too stupid to live and too disgusting to breathe my air
Actually, the primary difference between the two is that communism is both an economic and political system, while socialism is only an economic system.

Not the new socialism. It is very much a political system, excessively so. Worse, it's definitions such as which you provided that give cover for the abuses in a socialist system. I sometimes refer to it as Neo-Communism.

The evolution of what was supposed to be a capitalist and liberty, but it is only free markets for a small fraction and individual liberty for the very pinnacle within the Fiefdom. Its primarily a big Golden Goose for the monarchy of government patsies and their relations.

I've said it often, without American subsidizing Canadas economy with your jobs and taxpayer funding, our economy would be a fraction of what it is. I can't place a percentage on how much this Canadian exploitation has taken from the U.S economy, but one can only imagine the total lost output in the U.S because of it, primarily over the last 30 years.

Christ sake there's a "new" socialism?

I know first hand, whatever socialism was supposed to be, however it was sold to Canadians for a century, is not at all as it is applied in reality. It won't be corrected in my lifetime, and I don't even waste my breath trying to plead with Canadians about the dangers they support, the security apparatus has this country down pat.

All I can do it make sure Americans understand the Bill of Goods that is being sold. I see many elements of it rising in your system, to the glee of many Canadians, which is why Trump winning the election was so vital. Capitalism and individual liberty at least has a chance now. Let's pray enough don't put politics above what is best for America.

My guess is very few understand the message being sold. After all, what the hell does "fundamentally change America" or "Hope and Change" really mean?
Healthcare for one thing, for every one. And then horrible things like a living wage cheaper daycare good infrastructure..
And then horrible socialist things like good vacations cheap college and training etc etc. Maybe then we wouldn't be 26% insane like we are now, super duper dupe.

No doubt, all paid for by someone other than yourself.
Venezuela's main problem is the price of oil that crashed. It's their largest income. They've always been dirt poor even before Chavez. Flying in to Caracas you could see the hillside shacks where the poor lived in horrible conditions. Pre Chavez, the capitalists did nothing for their people. But anyway Venezuela was dirt poor in the '90s. Chavez comes in and helps the people and things were better, at least in 2005, when I was last there. What good's a country if the leader can't help the poorest of the poor? But I guess venezuela couldn't get a diverse economy together in just a few years and oil was their main income, and now they're suffering and a lot of American dirt bags are getting great joy out of hearing about this.
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John Hawkins - 5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies

Socialism is particularly dangerous because it's so perfectly suited for the modern era. It's the ultimate "miracle" product: it's "nice," it's "fair," it'll make you feel good about yourself, it'll "help" people who "deserve it" by taking things away from people who "have so much" they'll barely miss it. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But, like most products with sleazy salesmen and hidden track records, the promises socialism makes are all a mirage. Since our schools do a terrible job of teaching history and economics these days, it's our job to explain how socialism slowly, insidiously eats away at the core of a society.


If you're lucky enough to be born into the ruling class you get to be the one passing out the crumbs.

But eventually you run out of toilet paper to pass out.

Will you please explain to these people, that there is no such thing as Democratic, Socialism. It is a made up moniker by the Left, to make Socialism more palatable, lol.

Ask the Leftists to post 1 successful country, who by their OWN DEFINITION, (The Country's definition, NOT the Leftists) is using Democratic Socialism to govern, lol.

By the way, if we wait for a Leftist to post one, this thread will die for at least 25 years, lol!

Democratic Socialism is a delusion. You're right, the phrase was coined to make people think that all the people are in agreement and it's good for everyone. In reality they think they can have the benefits of capitalism and the distribution system of Socialism.

The lazy and the ignorant are the only people who want Socialism.
Why would people in America want socialism?
All it does is enrich the elitists.
While the citizen's suffer.
Venezuela's main problem is the price of oil that crashed. It's their largest income. They've always been dirt poor even before Chavez. Flying in to Caracas you could see the hillside shacks where the poor lived in horrible conditions. Pre Chavez, the capitalists did nothing for their people. But anyway Venezuela was dirt poor in the '90s. Chavez comes in and helps the people and things were better, at least in 2005, when I was last there. What good's a country if the leader can't help the poorest of the poor? But I guess venezuela couldn't get a diverse economy together in just a few years and oil was their main income, and now they're suffering and a lot of American dirt bags are getting great joy out of hearing about this.

Wrong. Chavez ruined the country. When he came to power he confiscated the assets of the companies investing in their industry and refused to pay the money he owed them. So they all hauled ass and there was no more investment because it became clear the Socialists would just confiscate the money. Saudi Arabia weathered the oil crash. Venezuela which has more oil than Saudi Arabia screwed themselves with their visions of Socialism grandeur.
Nazis were "nationalist socialists" but not necessarily communist so you could say that a communist is a socialist apprentice. Either way it's an example of how depraved the democrat party can get when they are angry and crazy.
I know first hand, whatever socialism was supposed to be, however it was sold to Canadians for a century, is not at all as it is applied in reality. It won't be corrected in my lifetime, and I don't even waste my breath trying to plead with Canadians about the dangers they support, the security apparatus has this country down pat.

All I can do it make sure Americans understand the Bill of Goods that is being sold. I see many elements of it rising in your system, to the glee of many Canadians, which is why Trump winning the election was so vital. Capitalism and individual liberty at least has a chance now. Let's pray enough don't put politics above what is best for America.

My guess is very few understand the message being sold. After all, what the hell does "fundamentally change America" or "Hope and Change" really mean?
Healthcare for one thing, for every one. And then horrible things like a living wage cheaper daycare good infrastructure..
And then horrible socialist things like good vacations cheap college and training etc etc. Maybe then we wouldn't be 26% insane like we are now, super duper dupe.

With respect, this post--as well as your previous one in this thread, both contain blatant and obvious misconceptions apparent to any student of history, philosophy or political psychology. Very briefly, because I cannot discern whether or not your attempted deception is intentional, the socialist government infrastructure you present as provision of glorious benefits, and in control of the People, is synonymous with control by a very small, unequivocally powerful ruling class, one that rules in the People's "name" for them.

What you fail to understand or choose to ignore is that at its heart socialism is an assigning and providing doctrine of governance; meaning "services" and "guarantees" will indeed be assigned and provided as you say, but provided and assigned whether or not the People want them. In historical point of fact, socialism has very often led to providing and assigning people, classes, minorities and minority groups . . . out of their rights, social contracts and . . . to the gulag or death.
That is communism, Cold War dinosaur. Always a dictatorship. Socialism as everyone in the world now except GOP dupes knows, is always democratic Fair capitalism. And I have a Masters in history
Crony Capitalism.................there fixed it for you............
That is the GOP duh..
Nazis were "nationalist socialists" but not necessarily communist so you could say that a communist is a socialist apprentice. Either way it's an example of how depraved the democrat party can get when they are angry and crazy.
That is a brand new GOP propaganda BS Theory, super duper. Anyone before that knows they were right wing capitalist fascist militarist swine duh.
It's the truth.

They both want universal free healthcare instead of employer funded healthcare because they can just vote the amount of benefits they get instead of earning them. We can tax for that, well, until you run of out of productivity to tax. I wonder what healthcare in Siberia is like.

They want guaranteed monthly income, and guaranteed government jobs.

Venezuela is a shinning jewel. Largest oil reserves in the world and you have to wipe your butt with your hand under that Democratic Socialist government.

Now where was I? Oh, ya, if you don't think Socialists aren't Communist apprentices, why is the most Socialist country in Europe partnering with the Communists in Russia for the vast majority of their energy needs?

Keep shoving the truth in these Socialists' face, Trump. The rational Democrats will have to side with you as the dingbats scream louder about Socialism.

In the book, socialism (the collective ownership of the means of production) is what comes between a period of Capitalism and the 'Utopia' of communism, where there simply is no government.

But the stupid motherfuckers that have tried it never see the Capitalist part through to the end. Or never even tried it in the first place. And it is a MANDATORY part of the program

socialism could work -- After a period of successful and peaceful Capitalism (I'd say 250 years)

dimocrapism can never work. Those people are too stupid to live and too disgusting to breathe my air
Thanks Cold War dinosaur, but everyone in the world outside your Bubble of BS GOP propaganda nose socialism is always democratic, communism never. Every developed country is socialist but us, thanks to you idiots obstructing Healthcare.
John Hawkins - 5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies

Socialism is particularly dangerous because it's so perfectly suited for the modern era. It's the ultimate "miracle" product: it's "nice," it's "fair," it'll make you feel good about yourself, it'll "help" people who "deserve it" by taking things away from people who "have so much" they'll barely miss it. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But, like most products with sleazy salesmen and hidden track records, the promises socialism makes are all a mirage. Since our schools do a terrible job of teaching history and economics these days, it's our job to explain how socialism slowly, insidiously eats away at the core of a society.


If you're lucky enough to be born into the ruling class you get to be the one passing out the crumbs.

But eventually you run out of toilet paper to pass out.

Will you please explain to these people, that there is no such thing as Democratic, Socialism. It is a made up moniker by the Left, to make Socialism more palatable, lol.

Ask the Leftists to post 1 successful country, who by their OWN DEFINITION, (The Country's definition, NOT the Leftists) is using Democratic Socialism to govern, lol.

By the way, if we wait for a Leftist to post one, this thread will die for at least 25 years, lol!
Actually Democratic socialism is a redundant term but necessary so GOP dupes' heads don't explode...
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