A solution to Illegal immigration- A modest proposal.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
First and foremost, we need to stop foolishly talking about walls, fences, and alligators in a moat. If someone has traveled 2000 miles over deserts and mountains to get here, something built by man isn't going to stop them.

Our main problem is that they have a manpower surplus and we have a manpower shortage, hence why they come here to do jobs that Americans don't want to do. Period. Our more recent troubles are caused by economic turmoil in Central and South America that we are more than a little responsible for.

So, let's look at some sensible solutions to control the inevitable.

1) Establish a national biometric ID system based on Social Security so everyone knows who they are hiring. You can't get a job or benefits without said ID.

2) Create a Guest-worker program to fill the legitimate labor needs of companies requiring low-skill jobs Americans don't want to do. Such permits will be limited (two years, only renewable after a 1 Year return to your home country).

3) Go after the white people (and yes, it's almost exclusively white people) who hire undocumented laborers who don't have the above. Not just the sweatshop owner but the clown who hires a truckload of day laborers from the Home Depot parking lot when that DIY project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look. The Rich asshole (and I always love going after the rich!) who can't be bothered to raise their own spawn, so they've hired Lupe, who is just like a member of the family they don't pay taxes on.

4) Set up a 1-800 number to report people who are hiring undocumented laborers. A few visits from La-Migra and a few fines should straighten them out.

5) Here's the big one- Adequately staff the asylum system with people who can evaluate cases quickly. It should NOT take 4 years to get an asylum hearing. Like it or not, we have laws that state that anyone is entitled to an asylum hearing if they get here and ask for it. If some of those cases are bogus (and I'm sure many of them are) we need to address that quickly.

6) Stop a foreign policy that creates refugees to start with. Most of the current batch are not coming form Mexico, they are coming from Central America or Venezuela, where our policies have caused untold economic and political misery. We need to stop punishing Venezuela because we don't like the form of government they selected 20 years ago, and we need to help the countries of Central America get control over their rampant crime problems that are driving people out.
national biometric ID system
I'm unfamiliar with that term Joe.....

What does your biometric mean?

It is information about an individual's external physical characteristics, such as fingerprints. It also refers to features of the iris as an example, but this is not currently used for immigration purposes. The definition can be extended by order to cover internal features as long as they can be measured externally.Oct 26, 2023

I'm unfamiliar with that term Joe.....

What does your biometric mean?

It is information about an individual's external physical characteristics, such as fingerprints. It also refers to features of the iris as an example, but this is not currently used for immigration purposes. The definition can be extended by order to cover internal features as long as they can be measured externally.Oct 26, 2023

Actually, when I was in Orlando, one of the theme parks made my wife and I give them thumbprints and took our pictures. It just wasn't that big of a deal.
I'm unfamiliar with that term Joe.....

What does your biometric mean?

It is information about an individual's external physical characteristics, such as fingerprints. It also refers to features of the iris as an example, but this is not currently used for immigration purposes. The definition can be extended by order to cover internal features as long as they can be measured externally.Oct 26, 2023

National tattoo on the forearm.
In case you're too much of a fucking dullard to understand (you obviously are) a "biometric ID" is a baby step away from being microchipped.
Mark another one down for the conspiracy theorists.

OP's about five years late, though...

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In case you're too much of a fucking dullard to understand (you obviously are) a "biometric ID" is a baby step away from being microchipped.

Uh, guy, you happily carry around a microchip device with you every day that is constantly collecting data on you for big corporations.
First and foremost, we need to stop foolishly talking about walls, fences, and alligators in a moat. If someone has traveled 2000 miles over deserts and mountains to get here, something built by man isn't going to stop them.

Our main problem is that they have a manpower surplus and we have a manpower shortage, hence why they come here to do jobs that Americans don't want to do. Period. Our more recent troubles are caused by economic turmoil in Central and South America that we are more than a little responsible for.

So, let's look at some sensible solutions to control the inevitable.

1) Establish a national biometric ID system based on Social Security so everyone knows who they are hiring. You can't get a job or benefits without said ID.

2) Create a Guest-worker program to fill the legitimate labor needs of companies requiring low-skill jobs Americans don't want to do. Such permits will be limited (two years, only renewable after a 1 Year return to your home country).

3) Go after the white people (and yes, it's almost exclusively white people) who hire undocumented laborers who don't have the above. Not just the sweatshop owner but the clown who hires a truckload of day laborers from the Home Depot parking lot when that DIY project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look. The Rich asshole (and I always love going after the rich!) who can't be bothered to raise their own spawn, so they've hired Lupe, who is just like a member of the family they don't pay taxes on.

4) Set up a 1-800 number to report people who are hiring undocumented laborers. A few visits from La-Migra and a few fines should straighten them out.

5) Here's the big one- Adequately staff the asylum system with people who can evaluate cases quickly. It should NOT take 4 years to get an asylum hearing. Like it or not, we have laws that state that anyone is entitled to an asylum hearing if they get here and ask for it. If some of those cases are bogus (and I'm sure many of them are) we need to address that quickly.

6) Stop a foreign policy that creates refugees to start with. Most of the current batch are not coming form Mexico, they are coming from Central America or Venezuela, where our policies have caused untold economic and political misery. We need to stop punishing Venezuela because we don't like the form of government they selected 20 years ago, and we need to help the countries of Central America get control over their rampant crime problems that are driving people out.
and as soon as you mention that ID the pro illegal activists will be calling whoever brings it up a racist...
First and foremost, we need to stop foolishly talking about walls, fences, and alligators in a moat. If someone has traveled 2000 miles over deserts and mountains to get here, something built by man isn't going to stop them.

Our main problem is that they have a manpower surplus and we have a manpower shortage, hence why they come here to do jobs that Americans don't want to do. Period. Our more recent troubles are caused by economic turmoil in Central and South America that we are more than a little responsible for.

So, let's look at some sensible solutions to control the inevitable.

1) Establish a national biometric ID system based on Social Security so everyone knows who they are hiring. You can't get a job or benefits without said ID.

2) Create a Guest-worker program to fill the legitimate labor needs of companies requiring low-skill jobs Americans don't want to do. Such permits will be limited (two years, only renewable after a 1 Year return to your home country).

3) Go after the white people (and yes, it's almost exclusively white people) who hire undocumented laborers who don't have the above. Not just the sweatshop owner but the clown who hires a truckload of day laborers from the Home Depot parking lot when that DIY project turns out to be harder than Chip and Joanna made it look. The Rich asshole (and I always love going after the rich!) who can't be bothered to raise their own spawn, so they've hired Lupe, who is just like a member of the family they don't pay taxes on.

4) Set up a 1-800 number to report people who are hiring undocumented laborers. A few visits from La-Migra and a few fines should straighten them out.

5) Here's the big one- Adequately staff the asylum system with people who can evaluate cases quickly. It should NOT take 4 years to get an asylum hearing. Like it or not, we have laws that state that anyone is entitled to an asylum hearing if they get here and ask for it. If some of those cases are bogus (and I'm sure many of them are) we need to address that quickly.

6) Stop a foreign policy that creates refugees to start with. Most of the current batch are not coming form Mexico, they are coming from Central America or Venezuela, where our policies have caused untold economic and political misery. We need to stop punishing Venezuela because we don't like the form of government they selected 20 years ago, and we need to help the countries of Central America get control over their rampant crime problems that are driving people out.
Well let’s look at your proposed plan.
1. we already have a setup in place where an employer has to show that they checked the social security number to TIN of each employee they hire. A number of gangs, fo the most part of them making money off illegals, sell social security numbers of deceased tax payers, children or other workers to anyone that has the money or is willing to work for the money. So unless you plan on locking things in with dna or some other expensive setup exactly what is your proposal here that criminals can not find away around?
2.Guest worker. You do realize that a large portion of illegals are those that enter the country legally? Either claiming holiday travel or some such then just disappear do you plan to implant some tracking device that they can not remove?
3.and 4. nice that you managed to get your racist and rich rant in. There is already a setup for reporting illegals and those that hire them.
5. So we expand the federal government and create even a higher deficit. At what point do we fail as a country? At what point do we say let’s be financially responsible? Never?
6. while it would be nice to stop interfering in other countries we also need to understand that the US is a part of a global network, we can not isolate ourselves and expect to be saf and treated fairly. So once again where do we stop bleeding money?
and as soon as you mention that ID the pro illegal activists will be calling whoever brings it up a racist...
So let them.

My solutions were based on pragmatism, not politics.

The racists will be unhappy that we are resolving issues and the minorities will be unhappy they can't scame the system.
Uh, guy, you happily carry around a microchip device with you every day that is constantly collecting data on you for big corporations.
I can shut off many of its tracking features, not have apps which do so, choose not to carry it, or refuse to even have one.

Now get back in line for your microchip, serf.
Mark another one down for the conspiracy theorists.

OP's about five years late, though...

So let them.

My solutions were based on pragmatism, not politics.

The racists will be unhappy that we are resolving issues and the minorities will be unhappy they can't scame the system.
that id thing has been tried in S.Cal before Joe.....as soon as you get called racist it went away...
Well let’s look at your proposed plan.
1. we already have a setup in place where an employer has to show that they checked the social security number to TIN of each employee they hire. A number of gangs, fo the most part of them making money off illegals, sell social security numbers of deceased tax payers, children or other workers to anyone that has the money or is willing to work for the money. So unless you plan on locking things in with dna or some other expensive setup exactly what is your proposal here that criminals can not find away around?

And that's the problem. The companies that care, do it all the right way. They do background checks, to make sure that the people they are hiring are the people they are hiring. The ones that don't, they happily accept that fake SS number, and by the time they've bothered to check it out, the undocumented has moved on to a new job probably with another fake SSN.

Once you have a biometric ID in place, you punch in the card, and if that's not the same person, you know immediately.

2.Guest worker. You do realize that a large portion of illegals are those that enter the country legally? Either claiming holiday travel or some such then just disappear do you plan to implant some tracking device that they can not remove?

No need to. With proper workplace enforcement, they won't be able to get jobs.

3.and 4. nice that you managed to get your racist and rich rant in. There is already a setup for reporting illegals and those that hire them.
And yet people still do, so it's not adequate. I have worked at two companies where that hired undocumented people through "contract agencies." The company knew what was going on, the employees knew what was going on. No one reported it, or if they did, no one followed up on it.

5. So we expand the federal government and create even a higher deficit. At what point do we fail as a country? At what point do we say let’s be financially responsible? Never?

We make the rich pay their fair share. That's how you solve the deficit. As for expanding the asylum apparatus, that just makes sense. A lot of asylum claims ARE bogus. But if it takes four years to get a hearing, it's kind of moot point, isn't it?

6. while it would be nice to stop interfering in other countries we also need to understand that the US is a part of a global network, we can not isolate ourselves and expect to be saf and treated fairly. So once again where do we stop bleeding money?
Well, how about not slapping a country with decades of economic sanctions for picking a form of government we don't like? That would cost us nothing.
that id thing has been tried in S.Cal before Joe.....as soon as you get called racist it went away...
The national background check was part of the '86 law that Reagan got hustled into signing....Not enforced.
The national background check was part of the '86 law that Reagan got hustled into signing....Not enforced.

Quite the contrary, the background check onus was placed on the employers, which is pretty much like putting the foxes in charge of the henhouse.

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