A Spark of Truth in a Sea of Lies

.[/QUOTE] Can you get him to stop saying "Know what we mean?"[/QUOTE]

Seig heil!

Know what we mean?

This fine book is a must read for all decent, clean, moral, patriotic Americans.

It exposes the vile lie that the urban mudskins are victims of oppression in this country.

Indeed, the exact opposite is true: the innercity buh element is raised from infancy to be violent, stupid, shiftless, parasitic criminals.

Everybody knows this, but the smelly, sociopathic bastard-born shimebos and their scuzzy coalburner apologists and enablers screech and rant their raw hatred at anyone who speaks the truth.

The world's most pernicious, evil pestilence is not the North Koreans, ISIS, Russians, Ayatollahs or the Taliban. It is the hate-crazed, feral nightcrawlers of the melan element in our midst.

It's time to take action to save America from the diseased hoogabooga horde.

Know what we mean?
The Ferals and Foreigners Don't Respect Us Because We Let the Rich Push Us Around

Abolish birth privileges or you're just trying to mislead us. The Preppies, who have lopsided and anti-democratic power and influence, are told by their GreedHead fathers that they inherited superior genes and thus have evolved into a separate and superior race, born to rule over all other White people. All the born-rich, whether Liberals or RINOs, despise, hate, and fear all other White people. Let's give them reason to fear us.
Please note the title of this thread.

We pride ourselves on speaking the plain, unvarnished TRUTH.

We never tippy-toe like timorous fairies around the loathsome pukeleft scuzzies with their endless shrieking about RAAAAAAAAY-SIZZUM.

The violent nature, incipient shiftlessness, congenital stupidity and and parasitic existence of the urban homies and hoes is undeniable, documented FACT.

All decent, clean, moral, patriotic, red-blooded Americans must speak the God's honest TRUTH.

Know what we mean?
The Race Must Go to the Fittest, Not the Fatherest

"Racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe": snob language invented by unAmerican aristocrats in their class-biased universities. Since spoiled rich kids have no right to be in America, we can take those words as belonging to a foreign language with no equivalents in our own language.

Stormfarters are Buttboys for the Bosses. American Renaissance believes some Whites are more equal than others. Beware of being seduced into your own destruction and the destruction of our race. In America, only 1% of our talent is being fully developed, a sure sign that we are doomed. Inheritance must be confiscated from the guillotine-fodder richkid snakes and used to develop all our talented. If the Preppies have a future, the rest of us don't.
My, my, we say. Such resentment! Such class envy! Such impotent, irrelevant, inconsequential rage!

Certain evidence of a rabidly angry nobody and nothing, perched on its stainless steel bedpan in its motorized hospital bed in its squalid singlewide in its scubby trailer park, surrounded by unclean border-jumping cucarachas, waiting for Meals on Wheels and ranting calumnies about its socioeconomic betters!

How ineffably pathetic!

Know what we mean?
Such resentment!

nobody and nothing, ranting calumnies about its socioeconomic betters!
Sheep Goosestepping Behind Chickenhawks

You're a Swishy Swasticker, just as I suspected. Nazis are Buttboys for the Bosses, pathetic bootlickers with no self-respect, hating their Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them. That's why you make the class-treason deal with the 1% that you'll accept your inferiority to the born-rich if they'll legally make you superior to the minorities.

This fine book is a must read for all decent, clean, moral, patriotic Americans.

It exposes the vile lie that the urban mudskins are victims of oppression in this country.

Indeed, the exact opposite is true: the innercity buh element is raised from infancy to be violent, stupid, shiftless, parasitic criminals.

Everybody knows this, but the smelly, sociopathic bastard-born shimebos and their scuzzy coalburner apologists and enablers screech and rant their raw hatred at anyone who speaks the truth.

The world's most pernicious, evil pestilence is not the North Koreans, ISIS, Russians, Ayatollahs or the Taliban. It is the hate-crazed, feral nightcrawlers of the melan element in our midst.

It's time to take action to save America from the diseased hoogabooga horde.

Know what we mean?
I agree with the discussion and context of the book, but your racist rant was out of order.
But you forgot to mention that he does have a right to express his feelings and beliefs.

Speaking for myself I credit this forum for allowing him to do so.

Abolish birth privileges or you're just trying to mislead us. The Preppies, who have lopsided and anti-democratic power and influence, are told by their GreedHead fathers that they inherited superior genes and thus have evolved into a separate and superior race, born to rule over all other White people. All the born-rich, whether Liberals or RINOs, despise, hate, and fear all other White people. Let's give them reason to fear us.
What you've said here amounts to a condemnation of excessive wealth and one of its more obnoxious effects -- which is emergence of a privileged class. If this is true, what do you suggest we do about it? What exactly do you mean by ". . . a reason to fear us?"

I'm raising this question because it will be perceived by some that your commentary is a subtle rallying call for violent revolutionary action. My concern is that any such action is not only unnecessary for achieving the desired effect but would assuredly result in producing a far worse situation.

There is no question that had the phenomenal level of wealth produced via American commerce and ingenuity been anticipated by the Founders they would have included within our Constitution an effective means of controlling its distribution. The absence of any such administrative control mechanism has resulted in the rise of de-facto royalty in America, which is commonly referred to as the One Percent or the Super Rich.

Rather than violent revolutionary action, a far more effective and desirable means of eliminating the inequitable distribution of wealth in America would be imposition of of a ceiling on the allowable amount of accumulated assets by any individual. Unfortunately, and surprisingly, any mention of such a radical change in the distribution of wealth in America is met with vigorous disagreement by a majority of Americans -- many of whom inhabit the lower income category.

So I will ask you, and others who read this, to voice your opinion of my suggestion. I would like to know how you feel about a limit, $20 million, for example, being imposed on the level of accumulated wealth assets by any individual.

This fine book is a must read for all decent, clean, moral, patriotic Americans.

It exposes the vile lie that the urban mudskins are victims of oppression in this country.

Indeed, the exact opposite is true: the innercity buh element is raised from infancy to be violent, stupid, shiftless, parasitic criminals.

Everybody knows this, but the smelly, sociopathic bastard-born shimebos and their scuzzy coalburner apologists and enablers screech and rant their raw hatred at anyone who speaks the truth.

The world's most pernicious, evil pestilence is not the North Koreans, ISIS, Russians, Ayatollahs or the Taliban. It is the hate-crazed, feral nightcrawlers of the melan element in our midst.

It's time to take action to save America from the diseased hoogabooga horde.

Know what we mean?
Just right wing propaganda and rhetoric.

Abolish birth privileges or you're just trying to mislead us. The Preppies, who have lopsided and anti-democratic power and influence, are told by their GreedHead fathers that they inherited superior genes and thus have evolved into a separate and superior race, born to rule over all other White people. All the born-rich, whether Liberals or RINOs, despise, hate, and fear all other White people. Let's give them reason to fear us.
What you've said here amounts to a condemnation of excessive wealth and one of its more obnoxious effects -- which is emergence of a privileged class. If this is true, what do you suggest we do about it?

There is no question that had the phenomenal level of wealth produced via American commerce and ingenuity been anticipated by the Founders they would have included within our Constitution an effective means of controlling its distribution. The absence of any such administrative control mechanism has resulted in the rise of de-facto royalty in America, which is commonly referred to as the One Percent or the Super Rich.

Rather than violent revolutionary action, a far more effective and desirable means of eliminating the inequitable distribution of wealth in America would be imposition of of a ceiling on the allowable amount of accumulated assets by any individual. Unfortunately, and surprisingly, any mention of such a radical change in the distribution of wealth in America is met with vigorous disagreement by a majority of Americans -- many of whom inhabit the lower income category.

Money Talks (Daddy's Money) and That's All We Hear

You dishonestly evade my point by ignoring inherited wealth, which is entirely different from earned wealth. Address that issue and don't try to limit it to wealth the HeirDad worked for, even if gained through luck or dishonesty.

We also must not accept the Sperm Bingo winners living off an allowance in college or being financed by trust funds--"living inheritance." In a free country, a lazy, Low IQ, draftdodging drunk like Dumbo Dubya would have wound up living in a trailer park.

If the fatcats' fatkittens had to "work their way through college" on menial part-time jobs just like the fatcats mandate for everybody else, then the plutocracy would use its remaining power to give the few who actually qualify for college an adult allowance and paid-up tuition. If not, many of the former HeirHeads would drop out and be forced to work at blue-collar jobs. Then their Daddies would pass a law making unions mandatory and "Right to Work" laws unconstitutional. This won't be a free country until the son of a billionaire has just as much chance of becoming a blue-collar worker as the son of a blue-collar worker has.

This fine book is a must read for all decent, clean, moral, patriotic Americans.

It exposes the vile lie that the urban mudskins are victims of oppression in this country.

Indeed, the exact opposite is true: the innercity buh element is raised from infancy to be violent, stupid, shiftless, parasitic criminals.

Everybody knows this, but the smelly, sociopathic bastard-born shimebos and their scuzzy coalburner apologists and enablers screech and rant their raw hatred at anyone who speaks the truth.

The world's most pernicious, evil pestilence is not the North Koreans, ISIS, Russians, Ayatollahs or the Taliban. It is the hate-crazed, feral nightcrawlers of the melan element in our midst.

It's time to take action to save America from the diseased hoogabooga horde.

Know what we mean?
I agree with the discussion and context of the book, but your racist rant was out of order.

What's His Angle?

He's an agent of the 1%. His assignment is to persuade Whites to slavishly submit to Class Supremacy as the only way to get back White Supremacy.

Abolish birth privileges or you're just trying to mislead us. The Preppies, who have lopsided and anti-democratic power and influence, are told by their GreedHead fathers that they inherited superior genes and thus have evolved into a separate and superior race, born to rule over all other White people. All the born-rich, whether Liberals or RINOs, despise, hate, and fear all other White people. Let's give them reason to fear us.
What you've said here amounts to a condemnation of excessive wealth and one of its more obnoxious effects -- which is emergence of a privileged class. If this is true, what do you suggest we do about it? What exactly do you mean by ". . . a reason to fear us?"

I'm raising this question because it will be perceived by some that your commentary is a subtle rallying call for violent revolutionary action. My concern is that any such action is not only unnecessary for achieving the desired effect but would assuredly result in producing a far worse situation.

There is no question that had the phenomenal level of wealth produced via American commerce and ingenuity been anticipated by the Founders they would have included within our Constitution an effective means of controlling its distribution. The absence of any such administrative control mechanism has resulted in the rise of de-facto royalty in America, which is commonly referred to as the One Percent or the Super Rich.

Rather than violent revolutionary action, a far more effective and desirable means of eliminating the inequitable distribution of wealth in America would be imposition of of a ceiling on the allowable amount of accumulated assets by any individual. Unfortunately, and surprisingly, any mention of such a radical change in the distribution of wealth in America is met with vigorous disagreement by a majority of Americans -- many of whom inhabit the lower income category.

So I will ask you, and others who read this, to voice your opinion of my suggestion. I would like to know how you feel about a limit, $20 million, for example, being imposed on the level of accumulated wealth assets by any individual.
It's not really anyone's business if someone else has more money than you. I don't agree with a limit on accumulated wealth.
You dishonestly evade my point by ignoring inherited wealth, which is entirely different from earned wealth. Address that issue and don't try to limit it to wealth the HeirDad worked for, even if gained through luck or dishonesty.

I don't know what made you think I've evaded or ignored any aspect of accumulated personal wealth or its sources. My proposal to limit accumulation is universal and non-discriminating. All accumulated personal assets, in any form, whether earned or inherited, in excess of twenty million dollars in assessed value would be prohibited and confiscated by the IRS.

What is evasive about that? And what am I ignoring?

We also must not accept the Sperm Bingo winners living off an allowance in college or being financed by trust funds--"living inheritance." In a free country, a lazy, Low IQ, draftdodging drunk like Dumbo Dubya would have wound up living in a trailer park.

If the fatcats' fatkittens had to "work their way through college" on menial part-time jobs just like the fatcats mandate for everybody else, then the plutocracy would use its remaining power to give the few who actually qualify for college an adult allowance and paid-up tuition. If not, many of the former HeirHeads would drop out and be forced to work at blue-collar jobs. Then their Daddies would pass a law making unions mandatory and "Right to Work" laws unconstitutional. This won't be a free country until the son of a billionaire has just as much chance of becoming a blue-collar worker as the son of a blue-collar worker has.
I have difficulty understanding slang and childishly invented or esoteric terms, so I don't intend to waste time trying to interpret what you're trying to say in the above paragraph. So if you'd like a response, please translate the above into language derived from a standard English dictionary.
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It's not really anyone's business if someone else has more money than you.
Actually it is everyone's business how much wealth each of us is permitted to accumulate. The reason being it is much too easy for individuals with vast accumulations to undermine the interests of the common people. And by "common people," unless you possess more than $20 million in accumulated personal assets, I am referring to you.

Please focus your thinking on the $20 million figure so you won't lose sight of the fact that my proposal is not directed at wealth -- but rather excessive wealth, which is the product and essence of greed. The ultimate objective of my proposal is to have more millionaires in America but no billionaires. No economic royalty.

I don't agree with a limit on accumulated wealth.

Please be as specific and as thorough as you can.
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This fine book is a must read for all decent, clean, moral, patriotic Americans.

It exposes the vile lie that the urban mudskins are victims of oppression in this country.

Indeed, the exact opposite is true: the innercity buh element is raised from infancy to be violent, stupid, shiftless, parasitic criminals.

Everybody knows this, but the smelly, sociopathic bastard-born shimebos and their scuzzy coalburner apologists and enablers screech and rant their raw hatred at anyone who speaks the truth.

The world's most pernicious, evil pestilence is not the North Koreans, ISIS, Russians, Ayatollahs or the Taliban. It is the hate-crazed, feral nightcrawlers of the melan element in our midst.

It's time to take action to save America from the diseased hoogabooga horde.

Know what we mean?

As a conservative, let me just say.....FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. Have a good day.
It's not really anyone's business if someone else has more money than you.
Actually it is everyone's business how much wealth each of us is permitted to accumulate. The reason being it is much too easy for individuals with vast accumulations to undermine the interests of the common people. And by "common people," unless you possess more than $20 million in accumulated personal assets, I am referring to you.

Please focus your thinking on the $20 million figure so you won't lose sight of the fact that my proposal is not directed at wealth -- but rather excessive wealth, which is the product and essence of greed. The ultimate objective of my proposal is to have more millionaires in America but no billionaires. No economic royalty.

I don't agree with a limit on accumulated wealth.

Please be as specific and as thorough as you can.
We are individualists in this country, and we are capitalists, and your idea is anathema to most of us raised in the U.S. Paying fair share of taxes could be massively improved upon by closing loop holes in the tax codes. Being strict about breaking up businesses too big to fail, cracking down on virtual monopolies. Those things could even the playing field for people, but if a person is smart enough, lucky enough, and puts the effort into it to become a multi-millionaire, no one has the right to take that away from him/her.
I'm no economist, as you can tell. I have heard of these steps to make things a bit more fair. But taking away people's greed motivation has not worked in the great communist experiments in Russia and China. Greed is not our best attribute as humans, but it sure gets people trying. If we can control the marketplace where greed is going too far it is better than taking away individuals' rights and freedoms to be as wealthy as they can manage.
We are individualists in this country, and we are capitalists, and your idea is anathema to most of us raised in the U.S. Paying fair share of taxes could be massively improved upon by closing loop holes in the tax codes. Being strict about breaking up businesses too big to fail, cracking down on virtual monopolies. Those things could even the playing field for people, but if a person is smart enough, lucky enough, and puts the effort into it to become a multi-millionaire, no one has the right to take that away from him/her.
I'm no economist, as you can tell. I have heard of these steps to make things a bit more fair. But taking away people's greed motivation has not worked in the great communist experiments in Russia and China. Greed is not our best attribute as humans, but it sure gets people trying. If we can control the marketplace where greed is going too far it is better than taking away individuals' rights and freedoms to be as wealthy as they can manag
Thank you. This stuff worries me seeing that so many are being swept away towards thinking like his. America has lost its way. We seem to be moving in the direction of choosing between Communism and Fascism. Like I said, I'm staying grounded in the country the Founders gave us.
We are individualists in this country, and we are capitalists, and your idea is anathema to most of us raised in the U.S. Paying fair share of taxes could be massively improved upon by closing loop holes in the tax codes. Being strict about breaking up businesses too big to fail, cracking down on virtual monopolies. Those things could even the playing field for people, but if a person is smart enough, lucky enough, and puts the effort into it to become a multi-millionaire, no one has the right to take that away from him/her.
I'm no economist, as you can tell. I have heard of these steps to make things a bit more fair. But taking away people's greed motivation has not worked in the great communist experiments in Russia and China. Greed is not our best attribute as humans, but it sure gets people trying. If we can control the marketplace where greed is going too far it is better than taking away individuals' rights and freedoms to be as wealthy as they can manag
Thank you. This stuff worries me seeing that so many are being swept away towards thinking like his. America has lost its way. We seem to be moving in the direction of choosing between Communism and Fascism. Like I said, I'm staying grounded in the country the Founders gave us.
I wouldn't have voted for Bernie, as much as I liked him, because of this. I believe in universal health care and basic social welfare programs as investment in our population's long term health and stability, but Bernie was too focused on taking down the 1%.
I love beautiful things, like the Crown Jewels and the Faberge Eggs, the Sistine Chapel, The Pieta, The Palace of Versailles. None of those things would exist without immense wealth behind their creation.

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