A spike in New Yorkers ingesting household cleaners following Trump’s controversial coronavirus comments

Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Go sleep it off pal.
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Great come back bitch. Spelling and grammer attack when you have no content or logic to argue with. ya, this is like texting to me I do not give a shit about either just getting thoughts across. So hey great comeback by a person that backs idiots that say things like that on national television. There is no way you can hurt my feelings as you are the lowest form of life and have garnered no respect what so ever the exact opposite has happened you have proven your self unworthy of respect or time.
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
....hahahahhahahahahahha----your brain must be a vegetable since it's been hurting since 2016
Look! There's one now^^^.

So tell us, how does Lysol taste?
yes---there is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
point is you people have been whining and TDSing since 2016!!!
surely your brains are mush mush
But we don't believe any of tRump's lies.

That's you.

Have a tRumptini

View attachment 327996

Courtesy of President Tide Pod.
he doesn't lie

You are hereby dismissed as hopelessly brainwashed.
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Go sleep it off pal.
Hey you win a prize for the most worthless post. Winner Wninner chicken dinner.
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Reported for fake link in OP.

Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Relax and have a tRumptini.

Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Great come back bitch. Spelling and grammer attack when you have no content or logic to argue with. ya, this is like texting to me I do not give a shit about either just getting thoughts across. So hey great comeback by a person that backs idiots that say things like that on national television. There is no way you can hurt my feelings as you are the lowest form of life and have garnered no respect what so ever the exact opposite has happened you have proven your self unworthy of respect or time.

Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Relax and have a tRumptini.

View attachment 328278

See...idiot democrats are mixing chemicals and gassing themselves.
This is just more examples of Darwin CLEANING THE GENE POOL OF DUMBASS DIMOCRATS, folks.

Lysol parent company Reckitt Benckiser issued a statement Friday reminding people that "under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route)."
In Maryland, the Emergency Management Agency received over 100 calls inquiring about the president’s suggestion, forcing the service to issue an alert to remind citizens that “under no circumstances should any disinfectant product be administered into the body through injection, ingestion or any other route.”....
Washington State’s Emergency Management Division similarly issued a public statement to remind people to not “drink bleach” or “inject disinfectant.” ....
In New York City, the Daily News reported that the Poison Control Center saw 30 cases of “exposure to Lysol, bleach & other cleaners in 18 hours after Trump’s suggestion” that cleaning products might be used to treat coronavirus. NYC Poison Control saw only 13 such cases in a similar period last year. ...
The Illinois Poison Center had a 36 percent increase in March in calls statewide concerning "inappropriate use of disinfectants and cleansers,” according to Danny Chun, a communications and marketing employee at the center. “Since the president made his remarks Thursday night, we have gotten two specific cases where we got calls.”
“A 36 percent increase overall since March is a huge increase," he said. "People were doing this already.”

Once again, folks, you cant fix Dimocrat.
Trump was NOT being sarcastic. I heard and watched what he said and how he said it and there wasn't a smidgen
of sarcasm in his voice. If you are going to defend this nincompoop, then you also believe in the fairy godmother.
It was simply a case of one snake oil salesman selling another snake oil salesman a bill of goods. It amazes me
how you Trump followers constantly accept his faux pas as gospel. He is a feckless grifter and if his statement
didn't give you pause then may the snake oil salesman bless you too. The Lysol and Clorox companies warned you Trump followers not to inject their product and some of you called the appropriate gov't agency to ask about it.
No, lambchop, it was not the Dems who swallowed the chemical story, but it was the Trumpers. The Dems don't believe a word he says and rightfully so.

per the poison control. People are poisoning themselves while disinfecting their food ,mixing chemicals and creating a gas that makes it hard to breathe and kids ingesting hand sanitizers.

has nothing to do with injecting Lysol.
As long as people do not listen to Trump's su
This is just more examples of Darwin CLEANING THE GENE POOL OF DUMBASS DIMOCRATS, folks.

Lysol parent company Reckitt Benckiser issued a statement Friday reminding people that "under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route)."
In Maryland, the Emergency Management Agency received over 100 calls inquiring about the president’s suggestion, forcing the service to issue an alert to remind citizens that “under no circumstances should any disinfectant product be administered into the body through injection, ingestion or any other route.”....
Washington State’s Emergency Management Division similarly issued a public statement to remind people to not “drink bleach” or “inject disinfectant.” ....
In New York City, the Daily News reported that the Poison Control Center saw 30 cases of “exposure to Lysol, bleach & other cleaners in 18 hours after Trump’s suggestion” that cleaning products might be used to treat coronavirus. NYC Poison Control saw only 13 such cases in a similar period last year. ...
The Illinois Poison Center had a 36 percent increase in March in calls statewide concerning "inappropriate use of disinfectants and cleansers,” according to Danny Chun, a communications and marketing employee at the center. “Since the president made his remarks Thursday night, we have gotten two specific cases where we got calls.”
“A 36 percent increase overall since March is a huge increase," he said. "People were doing this already.”

Once again, folks, you cant fix Dimocrat.
Trump was NOT being sarcastic. I heard and watched what he said and how he said it and there wasn't a smidgen
of sarcasm in his voice. If you are going to defend this nincompoop, then you also believe in the fairy godmother.
It was simply a case of one snake oil salesman selling another snake oil salesman a bill of goods. It amazes me
how you Trump followers constantly accept his faux pas as gospel. He is a feckless grifter and if his statement
didn't give you pause then may the snake oil salesman bless you too. The Lysol and Clorox companies warned you Trump followers not to inject their product and some of you called the appropriate gov't agency to ask about it.
No, lambchop, it was not the Dems who swallowed the chemical story, but it was the Trumpers. The Dems don't believe a word he says and rightfully so.

per the poison control. People are poisoning themselves while disinfecting their food ,mixing chemicals and creating a gas that makes it hard to breathe and kids ingesting hand sanitizers.

has nothing to do with injecting Lysol.
As long as people don't listen to Trump's dialogue, it will have nothing to do with lysol.
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Relax and have a tRumptini.

View attachment 328278

See...idiot democrats are mixing chemicals and gassing themselves.

Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Relax and have a tRumptini.

View attachment 328278

See...idiot democrats are mixing chemicals and gassing themselves.

They don't just pollute themselves. They pollute the entire country.
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Relax and have a tRumptini.

View attachment 328278

See...idiot democrats are mixing chemicals and gassing themselves.

yep, a democrat went onto national tv and proposed that. LOL you fucks are shameless. You do know what we think of you right? Do you realy think we have any respect for you when you support such an idiot?
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Relax and have a tRumptini.

View attachment 328278

See...idiot democrats are mixing chemicals and gassing themselves.

View attachment 328281

Biden will not french daughter on national TV either.
This is just more examples of Darwin CLEANING THE GENE POOL OF DUMBASS DIMOCRATS, folks.

Lysol parent company Reckitt Benckiser issued a statement Friday reminding people that "under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route)."
In Maryland, the Emergency Management Agency received over 100 calls inquiring about the president’s suggestion, forcing the service to issue an alert to remind citizens that “under no circumstances should any disinfectant product be administered into the body through injection, ingestion or any other route.”....
Washington State’s Emergency Management Division similarly issued a public statement to remind people to not “drink bleach” or “inject disinfectant.” ....
In New York City, the Daily News reported that the Poison Control Center saw 30 cases of “exposure to Lysol, bleach & other cleaners in 18 hours after Trump’s suggestion” that cleaning products might be used to treat coronavirus. NYC Poison Control saw only 13 such cases in a similar period last year. ...
The Illinois Poison Center had a 36 percent increase in March in calls statewide concerning "inappropriate use of disinfectants and cleansers,” according to Danny Chun, a communications and marketing employee at the center. “Since the president made his remarks Thursday night, we have gotten two specific cases where we got calls.”
“A 36 percent increase overall since March is a huge increase," he said. "People were doing this already.”

Once again, folks, you cant fix Dimocrat.
DAYAM. Trump overestimated the collective brains of the idiocracy. All those losers who listen to his every word 24/7 counting his "lies." Here was a great opportunity to weed the gene pool of the dismally stupid.
The dismally stupid are the Trump supporters who hang on his every word as though he speaks gospel.
Funny, I consider myself a "Trump Supporter" though I'm not Republican, didn't vote for him and hardly ever catch any of his tweets or news briefings! And I certainly don't hang on his words, in fact, I kinda hate listening to him because he isn't much of a public speaker. So who is really dismally stupid, me, or idiots like you who stereotype whole classes of people just to convince yourself you are smarter?
I have not stereotyped classes of people. I have indeed observed the people who support Trump and buy his rantings without question and unconditionally. You may well be dismally stupid if you don't check that grifter out before making up your mind to support him. This is not a Dem-Repub thing because there is no longer a Republican party. I was a Republican, but no longer after doing my homework.
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

NY Electoral Vote goes to Trump...
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Relax and have a tRumptini.

View attachment 328278

See...idiot democrats are mixing chemicals and gassing themselves.

yep, a democrat went onto national tv and proposed that. LOL you fucks are shameless. You do know what we think of you right? Do you realy think we have any respect for you when you support such an idiot?

Poison controls top phone calls during the pandemic.

1. people mixing chemicals and creating toxic gas.

2. people cleaning their produce with Bleach.

3. children ingesting hand sanitizers.

sorry that information doesn’t fit your narrative. :(
This is just more examples of Darwin CLEANING THE GENE POOL OF DUMBASS DIMOCRATS, folks.

Lysol parent company Reckitt Benckiser issued a statement Friday reminding people that "under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route)."
In Maryland, the Emergency Management Agency received over 100 calls inquiring about the president’s suggestion, forcing the service to issue an alert to remind citizens that “under no circumstances should any disinfectant product be administered into the body through injection, ingestion or any other route.”....
Washington State’s Emergency Management Division similarly issued a public statement to remind people to not “drink bleach” or “inject disinfectant.” ....
In New York City, the Daily News reported that the Poison Control Center saw 30 cases of “exposure to Lysol, bleach & other cleaners in 18 hours after Trump’s suggestion” that cleaning products might be used to treat coronavirus. NYC Poison Control saw only 13 such cases in a similar period last year. ...
The Illinois Poison Center had a 36 percent increase in March in calls statewide concerning "inappropriate use of disinfectants and cleansers,” according to Danny Chun, a communications and marketing employee at the center. “Since the president made his remarks Thursday night, we have gotten two specific cases where we got calls.”
“A 36 percent increase overall since March is a huge increase," he said. "People were doing this already.”

Once again, folks, you cant fix Dimocrat.
DAYAM. Trump overestimated the collective brains of the idiocracy. All those losers who listen to his every word 24/7 counting his "lies." Here was a great opportunity to weed the gene pool of the dismally stupid.
The dismally stupid are the Trump supporters who hang on his every word as though he speaks gospel.
Funny, I consider myself a "Trump Supporter" though I'm not Republican, didn't vote for him and hardly ever catch any of his tweets or news briefings! And I certainly don't hang on his words, in fact, I kinda hate listening to him because he isn't much of a public speaker. So who is really dismally stupid, me, or idiots like you who stereotype whole classes of people just to convince yourself you are smarter?
I have not stereotyped classes of people. I have indeed observed the people who support Trump and buy his rantings without question and unconditionally. You may well be dismally stupid if you don't check that grifter out before making up your mind to support him. This is not a Dem-Repub thing because there is no longer a Republican party. I was a Republican, but no longer after doing my homework.
Please posts 2 videos...One showing Biden completing a sentence and and showing Trump, according to you, ranting.
I bet you can't.
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Relax and have a tRumptini.

View attachment 328278

See...idiot democrats are mixing chemicals and gassing themselves.

View attachment 328281

Biden will not french daughter on national TV either.
View attachment 328285

Lefties even do shitty jobs with photoshop. Poor things can’t do anything well.
Sounds like natural selection at work, to me.

An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.

The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.

Dumbass tRumplings.
They were MOST likely Dumbass Dems, you pathetic dumbass. Better luck with your next post.
ya, dems just love taking trumps advice.LOL your an idiot. On;ly trumpsters are dumb enough to defend trumps actrons and only trupsters are dumb enough to follow his advice.
Trumpsters know what Trump actually said.
Which was?

Oh, yea, I see now. Using my imagination, I noticed he really did say "ingest household cleaners."

Boy, you leftards really know how to read between the lines.

We all saw him on national TV. He fa fucking idiot and your a fucking idiot to follow or make excuses for . You peice of shit mother fukcer are willing to die with the lie. I am quite sick of it I realy do not care what your dumb fuclking ass thinks tel me I did not see what I saw and you go to ignore you fucking peice of trash.

I see English is not your first language, so I'll just tell you in simple terms that I don't care that you're sick.

Relax and have a tRumptini.

View attachment 328278

See...idiot democrats are mixing chemicals and gassing themselves.

yep, a democrat went onto national tv and proposed that. LOL you fucks are shameless. You do know what we think of you right? Do you realy think we have any respect for you when you support such an idiot?

Poison controls top phone calls during the pandemic.

1. people mixing chemicals and creating toxic gas.

2. people cleaning their produce with Bleach.

3. children ingesting hand sanitizers.

sorry that information doesn’t fit your narrative. :(

Ya, who told them to do it? What proof do you have any were democrat? Just to let you know I am tired of idiot bullshit. You have now entered the not important enough to waste even a second with zone. You no longer exist in my world.

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