A striking slip by Obama, related to the "fundamental transformation of the U.S."


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
In a speech yesterday, Obama let out a striking reference to the changes that the country has gone through to enable him to impose the singular control and wealth transfer we are discovering in the Obamacare scheme.

"It took a hundred years for us to even get to the point where we could start talking about and implementing a law to make sure everybody got health insurance."

And what happened 100 years ago?

1.) The 16th amendment was enacted on Feb. 13, 1913, providing the U.S. government with the almost-unlimited funding it would need to grow to the huge size it is today and intrude on so much of our lives.

2.) The 17th amendment was enacted on May 31, 1913, removing the requirement that U.S. Senators be appointed directly by the governments of their respective States. This removed any impetus for them to guard their State govts' powers against being usurped by the Federal govt. (the exact reason why the framers of the Constitution made them state appointees), and left no one to protect us against that transfer of power.

Many people consider these two events to be the triggers that sparked the explosion of central Big Government we have seen since. (The third and final trigger was a Supreme Court case 24 years later that redefined "liberty" as the freedom from the ordinary problems of life, instead of freedom from oppression by government and criminals, thus giving government the authority to legislate on virtually every aspect of life that could cause people problems.)

Pretty careless of Obama to mention the year, 100 years ago, that started it all off. But it was just a quiet reference in passing... made just as he is struggling with the largest single transfer of power to the Federal government in living memory.

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