Zone1 A Strong and Intelligent Woman Speaks Truth

this century we have had some of the most inept and incompetent people ever in DC.....and that includes trump and biden....and there aint no quality people on the horizon,and that includes owens.....
Opinion noted.
She is wise but too divisive in her delivery. Both sides have enough of that already, you need someone who is objective with at least a little bit of bend in their ideology. This is where Trump doesn't get enough credit.
Never held an office, just an opinion whore darling of a narrow political spectrum. No experience even managing a large business. She support conspiracy theories. Commented on Nationalism "first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. You know, [Hitler] was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine.

Let her continue to blog, and talk, but not fit for decision-making.
In other words, a female mirror version of Obama.
Dreams are often the precursors to reality. Once upon a time, men dreamed of flying like birds and walking on the moon. I don’t expect small minds to comprehend such things, though.
Your condescending response is duly noted.
Never held an office, just an opinion whore darling of a narrow political spectrum. No experience even managing a large business. She support conspiracy theories. Commented on Nationalism "first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. You know, [Hitler] was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine.

Let her continue to blog, and talk, but not fit for decision-making.
Can say pretty much the same thing for Clinton's, Obama's and Biden's. All three (and mates) have no experience in managing a for profit business, jumped right into politics out of college, and did a fine job of fugging over our country.

I doubt she would be as bad.
Never held an office, just an opinion whore darling of a narrow political spectrum. No experience even managing a large business. She support conspiracy theories. Commented on Nationalism "first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. You know, [Hitler] was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine.

Let her continue to blog, and talk, but not fit for decision-making.
But Biden is? :dunno:
I've got some pool to shoot. Try not to burn the place down before I get back.
Can say pretty much the same thing for Clinton's, Obama's and Biden's. All three (and mates) have no experience in managing a for profit business, jumped right into politics out of college, and did a fine job of fugging over our country.

I doubt she would be as bad.
Clinton, did pretty good as Potus. Obama did OK, recovering the economy and leaving it on an upward track. You would need to see how she operated and/or administrated in lower position to determine and probable track at all. No need to roll the dice on amateur hour, starting her at the top. Maybe good as Governor of your state.
So please share why you think CO would be a viable candidate?
She is conservative, and less controversial than some others.
I don't share all her views, especially on Israel and the war with Hamas.
I think she would be better placed for VP.
She has shown a flexibility to revise positions based on new data and also private enterprise management experience.
Her Wiki page;
She is conservative, and less controversial than some others.
I don't share all her views, especially on Israel and the war with Hamas.
I think she would be better placed for VP.
She has shown a flexibility to revise positions based on new data and also private enterprise management experience.
Her Wiki page;
She is fighting SO HARD to be relevant.
Is she truly worthy? I don't think so.
I'm sure you could find a 40ish Mother in Lynden that is More Qualified.
Clinton, did pretty good as Potus. Obama did OK, recovering the economy and leaving it on an upward track. You would need to see how she operated and/or administrated in lower position to determine and probable track at all. No need to roll the dice on amateur hour, starting her at the top. Maybe good as Governor of your state.
She would definitely be major improvement of gruppen fuhrer Inslee, or Ferguson.
I dispute Clinton's record, he decimated Defense to direct to other budget items, leaving USA less than ready for the first round with Saddam.
Obama didn't recover the economy, just lucked out being there when it took the inevitable up tick. Also, that "upward track" was at expense of other national priorities.

FWIW, college degree can be grossly over-rated. Especially political science of community activism.
Again, none of the three past clown POTUS from the DemocRATs had any for profit business experience and it shows in their deficit and debt tracks.
I would vote for this woman to be the first female POTUS. Would you?

She is fighting SO HARD to be relevant.:rolleyes:
Is she truly worthy? I don't think so.
I'm sure you could find a 40ish Mother in Lynden that is More Qualified.
Because she's not a liberal socialist, she isn't worthy in some minds. I'd take her any day over SHIllary.:rolleyes:
"Qualified" has to be balanced against willingness to campaign. Something those never involved in politics fail to appreciate.

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