Zone1 A Strong and Intelligent Woman Speaks Truth

I agree with most of your post.
That being said,

Why do people run for office when they know their entire past will be exposed, or even lied about.

So why do they run for office.
I have two theories.

1). they truly believe in their heart that they can make changes ( make a difference) for the good of their Community, State, or Nation.

2). They know they can manipulate the system and their constituents and the gains (Power and Money) will outdo their past/current exposures, and it's worth it to them.

I don't see a different reason for people to choose Politics.
The ones I've known and worked with these past several years, through local GOP, are in that "1)." However many also tire of the constant attacks and strains upon their families and often wear out after a couple~few terms. Also there is the frustration factor that legislative politics can be a difficult process to make real gains in , and often the compromises being best one can do, aren't good enough to be worth the hassles.

As for the "2)."; my experience is that most of those tend to be Democrats.
That's ^^^^ not racist.
That is exactly what Lynden Washington is.
Lynden Washington is a highly regarded community in WA.
A Highly Dutch Community, with Blonde Citizens.

Nice try fuckstain.
Go take that dirt nap.
Founded by Dutch over a century and half ago, but not Dutch only nowadays. Being agriculture focused we have good dose of Hispanic and Sikh, along with other ethnics, include some SE Asian. Not everyone is blonde.

BTW, anytime invoking specific race or ethnic can slide into "racist" from some perspectives.
I really think people need to stop dogging Biden. He's way better than Trump and he might be better than Obama
dogging comes with the job.....and if trump would not have fucked up with the covid shit.....he would probably still be president, big mouth and all....
Just a reminder that this is a Zone 1 thread.

Numerous off topic posts and personal attacks were deleted in an attempt to redirect the discussion back to its intended subject matter.

Please stay on topic, or the next step will be to issue thread bans.
dogging comes with the job.....and if trump would not have fucked up with the covid shit.....he would probably still be president, big mouth and all....
The problem with doggng Biden is that you're lying. 400,000 dead Americans because a president mishandled a pandemic is pretty serious stuff.
Founded by Dutch over a century and half ago, but not Dutch only nowadays. Being agriculture focused we have good dose of Hispanic and Sikh, along with other ethnics, include some SE Asian. Not everyone is blonde.

BTW, anytime invoking specific race or ethnic can slide into "racist" from some perspectives.
No talking about racism is not that simple. There are specific things that show up in order for that claim to be made.
The ones I've known and worked with these past several years, through local GOP, are in that "1)." However many also tire of the constant attacks and strains upon their families and often wear out after a couple~few terms. Also there is the frustration factor that legislative politics can be a difficult process to make real gains in , and often the compromises being best one can do, aren't good enough to be worth the hassles.

As for the "2)."; my experience is that most of those tend to be Democrats.
College isn’t the panacea of leadership you seem to imply. There’s no denying that she’s intelligent and an effective communicator, which are both more important in a POTUS than a piece of paper that says you attended a university.
A degree, bespeaks a level of self-discipline to put up with the crap included in the package, to attain the degree. It is kind of like the crash course of OCS, many that have the potential, simply do not have the self-discipline to see it through all the crap, included in the package. I cannot count how many intelligent Sergeants (who were Sergeants before entering OCS) quit, telling me they just didn't have to put up with the shit. I can only tell you, there were 144 in my class, but only 47 walked across the stage, receiving commission and a gold bar. Self-discipline to see something hard, through to the end, is an important quality in a leader.
A degree, bespeaks a level of self-discipline to put up with the crap included in the package, to attain the degree. It is kind of like the crash course of OCS, many that have the potential, simply do not have the self-discipline to see it through all the crap, included in the package. I cannot count how many intelligent Sergeants (who were Sergeants before entering OCS) quit, telling me they just didn't have to put up with the shit. I can only tell you, there were 144 in my class, but only 47 walked across the stage, receiving commission and a gold bar. Self-discipline to see something hard, through to the end, is an important quality in a leader.
Your anecdotal evidence doesn’t change the truth of my post.
Your right, I was a bit rushed there.
Clinton is the one that botched getting Osama bin Lauden and al Qaeda, setting the stage for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks to succeed.
Obama had the Deep State fawning over him. He still managed to mismanage the budget and rack up too much deficit and debt. He turned me off when I discovered his friend and major political advisor was domestic terrorist and murder Bill Ayers. Obamy's first two books were piles of tripe. Had he not been POTUS I would have needed payment to read that narcissistic garbage.
The thing on Clinton is understandable on the basis of both US Law and international law in general and specifically laws of war. Would we have had possibly better outcome, if preemptively taken or assassinated? Probably, but the firestorm of our doing it and the domestic and international blowback landing squarely on him without legal justification would have been huge. The only way, would have been a CIA black ops thing. Unfortunately, those secret ops have had history of failure in previous and ministrations, as well as a history of not remaining secret.
Nah. I was still in service back then. Had plenty of resources and training dollars. Besides, the first round of Saddam was handled under Daddy Bush before Clinton came to office.

I was working civilian before the Bush Crash, seeing factories close (mine included) people losing homes. Obama did well enough, considering what he had to work with.

Dropping out as a junior with student loan issues? She simply failed to complete as the money was out there. I know, I had twins in college at the same time, with big scholarships and working while they went to school. After graduation, debt free within 6 months and buying first home. I did not have to pick up the vast majority of that education cost. She just dropped out and quit.
Clinton gutted research and procurement. Most of my neighbors worked at Plant 42 in Palmdale or other aircraft companies. They all lost their jobs when Clinton cancelled all development and production to create his fake "peace dividend".
I really think people need to stop dogging Biden. He's way better than Trump and he might be better than Obama
That's the most delusional thing you have ever posted. Biden can't even follow a teleprompter or find his marks on a stage. At least Obama could read a teleprompter convincingly.
College isn’t the panacea of leadership you seem to imply. There’s no denying that she’s intelligent and an effective communicator, which are both more important in a POTUS than a piece of paper that says you attended a university.
About a third of all US presidents either never attended college or achieved a degree.
Dreams are often the precursors to reality. Once upon a time, men dreamed of flying like birds and walking on the moon. I don’t expect small minds to comprehend such things, though.
If men where supposed to fly god would have given us wings.

If god wanted men to use their mind for critical thinking he wouldn’t have allowed religion or maga.

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