A Suburban Drug Conspiracy: Rescuing Innocence [Capitalism?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a suburban drug-conspiracy vignette inspired by the modernism-symbolic film Traffic (Michael Douglas).

Cheers (signing off),


My dad, a happy construction-worker named Steve, was busy on a new site on Monday. However, on Tuesday, right after work, his co-worker friend Alan took him to a strange night-club party where they hooked up with a group of hip young party-goers who took them in a big truck along with some beautiful costumed ladies. My dad has been missing since.


Witnesses saw my dad get in the truck driven by a celebrity in a gorilla mask and accompanied by a trio of beautiful costumed ladies leaving from the night-club Alan showed my dad Steve. Rumors flew that the truck belonged to a relative of notorious druglord Pablo Escobar. No one knows what happened to the truck.


I may be only 12 years-old, a junior-high student named Gary, but I suspect my dad Steve was taken with Alan and his truck-friends to a remote location in Mexico (some distance from the San Diego construction-site where my dad works everyday) where they hooked up with that unnamed relative of Pablo Escobar. I believe Steve was 'incorporated' into some drug-group in Mexico and that's why he hasn't come home. I've been investigating further...


Escobar changed the 'face' of drug-trafficking, and today his legacy endures in pop-culture and underground 'descendancy groups' such as the Black Hand in L.A. and Tijuana (Mexico). I think my dad Steve and his friend Alan were taken to a hide-out of Black Hand in Tijuana where they were treated to a special party and offered the opportunity to be employees of their 'company.' I just want my dad to come home...


My dad lives in a nice San Diego condo with my mom and me, and he's worked at that construction-site in San Diego for about 2 years now. I fear Steve (my dad) is now masked and costumed and working as a 'runner' for a special secret drug-mission involving corrupt D.C. officials and Mexican druglords. If my dad manages to make it out of this 'adventure' alive, I'll tell him never ever again to get involved in 'strange parties.'


Drugs are a major 'sector' of modern economics now. There are drugs flowing around the world and through major cities such as Tokyo, Amsterdam, New York, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, and even Sydney (Australia). There are drugs like marijuana, opium, cocaine, PCP, and LSD which make their way in 'various forms' through various hands/handlers. If my dad Steve has become a 'pawn' in this 'capitalism-empire,' I will have to present my theories to the San Diego police.


It's never too young to get involved in civil affairs. After all, we have to avoid the evil dragons of traffic such as drug-dealers and tyrants. I remember playing in my toy model cop-bike and cop-car with my friend Eli when I was younger and how we both dreamed of being cops when we became adults. I just might pursue that dream now that my dad Steve might be a pawn in a grand 'suburban drug conspiracy' that stretches from Mexico City to Los Angeles and cuts through the suburbs of San Diego. How do we save our souls?


I found this eerie Internet-blog the other day by a self-proclaimed 'democracy-vigilante' named Ajay Satan who was posting about pornography/censorship in the modern age of media/Internet. Ajay insisted that new age networks/labyrinths made 'communication customs' a thing that even the NSA would monitor to ensure Homeland Security. I wonder if Ajay got kidnapped in a 'drug-conspiracy' like my dad if he'd be able to help my dad see through all this 'traffic-relevant destruction of innocence.'


When I turn on the TV or watch movies, I notice beautiful actresses and wild movie stars engaging in questionable behaviors and indulge in luxurious living. Are these individuals truly happy? I know I don't want Steve (my dad) to become a 'wanderer' in this capitalism-confused modern 'civilization.' I'm sure my mom agrees with me, so I'll be continuing my investigations into exactly where Steve was taken so when he returns home and perhaps refuses disclosing his 'adventures' to me and my mom, I can continue to do my personal research about the 'sins' of American capitalism! This can be either Christian...or the work of the Devil.


I met a nice girl in junior-high named Edie who wants to be a schoolteacher someday. Edie shares my belief that suburban values have to be safeguarded in this new age of great traffic and social activity and even media chatter. I hope my dad Steve returns home safe so I can show him my notes about modern media 'scruples.' I hope he'll never again get into a strange truck after a night-club party!


If my dad never comes home, I might get some She-Hulk (Marvel Comics) and Wonder Woman (DC Comics) artwork and post them on the Internet as presentations of democratic ideals and why many American women feel that more progressive actions need to be taken by politicians as well as President Trump so capitalism can feel more like intelligence...and less like Devil-worship.





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