A Suggestion For Hal


Sep 23, 2010
I am trying to reconcile Putin and our gloriously leader with the Left’s long-running propaganda message for using the U.S. Military for everything except defending the country:

So who is fighting for people in the Middle East who cannot fight for themselves? Our president? Hardly, since he fights for the people who slaughter the people who cannot fight for themselves.

NOTE: President Clinton fought for Muslims in the Balkans by killing Christians who were fighting for themselves.

How about Putin? He fought for the people who could not fight for themselves against Chechen Muslims.

By Jere Van Dyk CBS News April 19, 2013, 6:45 PM
The birth of Chechen Muslim radicals

The birth of Chechen Muslim radicals

I understand Putin’s politics, but I do not know who he is fighting for in Syria today according to “Hal” in the video.

I sure as hell do not know who Taqiyya the Liar is fighting for. I do know he will never fight for the people Communists kill:

Obama’s statement would also have applied to the Soviet Union’s intervention in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968. In both instances, the Soviets had to invade because their client was crumbling.

Posted on October 3, 2015 by Paul Mirengoff in Iran, Obama Foreign Policy, Russia
Putin kicks Obama, who pretends not to feel a thing

Putin kicks Obama, who pretends not to feel a thing

I doubt if I will ever figure it out. The best I can do is offer Hal a suggestion. Drop the liberal horseshit and defend the nation.

If Americans have a job, food on the table, low crime and no wars, government has little purpose.
If Americans have a job, food on the table, low crime and no wars, government has little purpose.
To saveliberty: True up to a point.

Free people must always rely upon their government to coordinate the defense of the nation in peace and in war, as well as defend themselves against their own government. The New World Order crowd claims that a global government makes self-defense and fear of government obsolete. The fact is that a one government world changes nothing:

Government and organized religion will always plague mankind. The trick is to limit government and keep organized religion voluntary. Give either one too much power and freedom dies.

The things government is doing to Americans through the United Nations proves my case.

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