A summary of the Healthcare Meeting

That "very large stack of paper" is the friggin' bill, and those "talking points" are nothing more than reading crap that's actually in that bill.

Ok, the Rs were so in sync with talking points it was embarrassing, Obama was in command. The Dems hardly said anything, he took total control of that meeting and continued to engage the Republicans but they refused to do anything but repeat the same old shit.

I thought it was successful and in spite of Reid saying they haven't been talking about reconcilliation, they are going to get it done with or without conservative input and imo, reconcilliation is the only option at this point.

all Obama does is repeat rhetoric.

Here's some rhetoric for you.

The healthcare bill is dead

Pay for your own shit!!!

There is no cure for cancer

Everyone dies.

I don't know what you were watching, but even all of the major news networks say the exact opposite of what you're saying. They all say that Obama and the Democrats looked silly and came out far behind where they were when they went in to this "summit."

And reconciliation isn't really even an option at this point, the Democrats don't even have the votes right now to pass this piece of crap bill that way.


Reconciliation is certainly an option and the probable way they will begin piecing this bill together. You don't know what you are talking about.

Your entire first paragraph was such a talking point.. Too funny.

Please, explain to me your understanding of reconciliation. Because using reconciliation has nothing to do with "piecing this bill together." It is their attempt to try to override the rules that are in place and try to push this bill through with a majority vote. And from everything I've seen reported the Democrats don't have the votes to even get this through using reconciliation at the moment. You're really telling me that I don't know what I'm talking about when you can't even support your own views?

And no, my first paragraph was not a "talking point." It was stating what I'm seeing with every new report of this summit that I've seen. Most are either saying that Obama and the Democrats lost ground or they are ignoring it all together. But, being the liberal that you seem to be, I can see how a well thought out response is seen as "talking points" since that's what Obama tried to use to dismiss any well thought out discussion yesterday as well.


Looks like it wasn't me who doesn't know what they're talking about, doesn't it? I'm still waiting for you to tell me exactly what you think reconciliation is, since you seem to know so much about it.

And I think it's funny how you've never used the phrase "talking points" until magically on Thursday after hearing Obama say it about 20 times at that summit, and now every time a Conservative comes up with an argument that you can't counter it's just dismissed as a "talking point." Please also give us your understanding of what a talking point is, since right now it looks like you are define it as anything that you don't agree with and want to dismiss.

The GOP:

  • showed up but left their principles and the interests of the American people in their cars.
  • Pointed out to the Democrats that this could have all been done if they had been included at the beginning.
  • Compromise with everything.
  • America loses.

The Democrats:

  • Mr. Obama speaks smoothly, looks suave and manages to humm and ahh his way through without actually getting to any point. GOP skewers him and makes him look foolish.
  • Pelosi frightens small children and racoons when the television turns on her while she speaks
  • Democrats whine about not getting any Republican votes even though they didn't need them
  • They agree to go with Mr. Obama's proposal, as was planned before they even sat down.


  • The left will fawn and clean themselves up and claim that Mr. Obama made the GOP look like idiots. No proof will be offered.
  • The middle: Will whine.
  • The Right: Will continue to complain that the GOP are spineless lemur monkeys, unable to make a rational, solid argument in favor of the American People.


  • I will be sitting back and laughing at it all.

Enjoy the theatrics.

LOL Your so right. I'll be sitting there laughing through this complete waste of time. LOL

Then why are you both wasting your time talking about it on a message board?

Frankly, I thought it was a good meeting, where both "sides" got to air their differences directly in front of the people for a change, instead of individually going on television and grandstanding. It was easy to follow and for the most part civil. The differences in this whole thing have to do with basic ideologies, period, and that is not about to change.
It is a lot of Obama talking, over long set ups, over long replies, and over long preening with out saying much of anything meaningful.

If it takes too long to get to the point most people won't get the point.
These guys got to the point and it is hard not to agree , If your deductible is to low ,you can afford coverage if it is to high you cant afford treatment, a classic catch 22.
If you get it just right, you will find out you have a preexisting condition which means you cant change policies or jobs .

It would be nice to have those things fixed .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf65cHBg_s8]YouTube - preexsisting[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGAoFebsFG8]YouTube - high deductible[/ame]

Well thank you very much for that. Without denigrating either "side," you hit the nail on the head.
Obama already called out Cantor for bringing props. Cantor is all ready for some campaigning today with the cameras rolling.

I don't care if they end up in shouting matches, just don't be so dishonest saying you're coming to participate when you really just want yet another obstructionist, teabag Obama down every chance you get type moment.

He's doing well, congress is not.

Do you know what the "prop" was that Cantor brought? Surprise, it was specific parts of the very bill being debated. What Obama calls a "prop" is what they are all supposed to be there talking about.


Everyone knows how thick the document is. It was a PROP--also brought by Boehner and the same talking points were used by both of them that we've been hearing for months. I learned a lot from the various speakers, but not from those clowns.
Once again, that "very large stack of paper" that Obama was calling a "prop" was the very bill they were there to discuss.


Do you think she cares? To her, like most liberals, the truth is inimical to her worldview.

Did Cantor and Boehner actually think that group was going to go though it page by page in that session? THAT'S WHAT WAS STUPID about bringing it along.

It's a bill that could drastically change policy. OF COURSE it's going to be long. If it wasn't, the door would be wide open for all sorts of loopholes as the various interest groups do their own interpretations.
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That "very large stack of paper" is the friggin' bill, and those "talking points" are nothing more than reading crap that's actually in that bill.

Ok, the Rs were so in sync with talking points it was embarrassing, Obama was in command. The Dems hardly said anything, he took total control of that meeting and continued to engage the Republicans but they refused to do anything but repeat the same old shit.

I thought it was successful and in spite of Reid saying they haven't been talking about reconcilliation, they are going to get it done with or without conservative input and imo, reconcilliation is the only option at this point.

I don't know what you were watching, but even all of the major news networks say the exact opposite of what you're saying. They all say that Obama and the Democrats looked silly and came out far behind where they were when they went in to this "summit."

And reconciliation isn't really even an option at this point, the Democrats don't even have the votes right now to pass this piece of crap bill that way.


What major news networks would those have been? Other than FOX, they were saying nothing of the kind. Not even close. What they DID say was that the meeting really didn't bring the two sides any closer together. Even that can hardly be characterized as "silly."
So, on the way there, Obama said that he was looking forward to listening, yet he talks more than those to whom he wants to listen. How does that work?


Or, the Dems are trying their best to gaslight the rest of us.

For one thing, he's the POTUS. For another thing, he chaired the meeting and controlled the agenda.

So, on the way there, Obama said that he was looking forward to listening, yet he talks more than those to whom he wants to listen. How does that work?


Or, the Dems are trying their best to gaslight the rest of us.

For one thing, he's the POTUS. For another thing, he chaired the meeting and controlled the agenda.


I wonder if I invited you to meet me for lunch so that I could hear your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions, and then monopolized the conversation so that you could not really participate and cut you off every time you attempted input, would you say that oh well, I called the meeting and had control of the agenda, and you had no right to expect anything different?

Or would you feel that I had little or no interest in what you had to say? Feel cheated? Used? Insulted? And that I called the meeting for some other reason than what you were told?
Ok, the Rs were so in sync with talking points it was embarrassing, Obama was in command. The Dems hardly said anything, he took total control of that meeting and continued to engage the Republicans but they refused to do anything but repeat the same old shit.

I thought it was successful and in spite of Reid saying they haven't been talking about reconcilliation, they are going to get it done with or without conservative input and imo, reconcilliation is the only option at this point.

I don't know what you were watching, but even all of the major news networks say the exact opposite of what you're saying. They all say that Obama and the Democrats looked silly and came out far behind where they were when they went in to this "summit."

And reconciliation isn't really even an option at this point, the Democrats don't even have the votes right now to pass this piece of crap bill that way.


I have to agree with HB here. On the other thread I posted this exerpt from Erick Erickson's (Redstate) summary of the meeting:

There are many reasons the Republican Party is often referred to as the Stupid Party. Many Republicans thought that after the President overshadowed the GOP at their Baltimore retreat last month, going to Blair House yesterday would just be another PR disaster.

It was anything but.

The GOP won the day so convincingly that even the traditional media had to praise the party for talking issues.

Contrast that with Barack Obama who scowled, berated, lied, and harassed the attendees — not to mention filibustered them.

In the most ironic moment of the day, Barack Obama lectured Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor on having the Democrats’ 2,700+ page health care bill on his desk at the meeting. Obama called it a “prop.” At the same time, Democrats were in the newspapers admitting that, in effect, Barack Obama was using the GOP as a prop in a vain effort to show bipartisanship on health care.

There is bipartisanship on health care. There is bipartisan opposition to it. The Democrats must realize today that they would get nothing out of the meeting. They will now try to force health care deform through Congress on a majority vote in each house.

Only a couple of years ago, Barack Obama praised the filibuster claiming it was what the founding fathers wanted to prevent the tyranny of the majority. Now he is intent on ignoring the filibuster and ramming through health care deform.

If nothing else, today shows the American public that the Republicans have a better agenda, better ideas, and are willing to stand up and oppose a reckless scheme that will increase health care costs. . . .

That is such complete BULLSHIT that it's hardly worth responding to. You post an OPINION from Redstate blog? Way to go, Foxy, way to go. And you wonder why it's difficult to find you credible.

If anyone wants to watch (or tape) the entire proceedings again, it will be aired on C-Span tomorrow morning starting at 10:30am. Then we'll see who's lying, as above.
Once again, that "very large stack of paper" that Obama was calling a "prop" was the very bill they were there to discuss.


Do you think she cares? To her, like most liberals, the truth is inimical to her worldview.

Did Cantor and Boehner actually think that group was going to go though it page by page in that session? THAT'S WHAT WAS STUPID about bringing it alone.

It's a bill that could drastically change policy. OF COURSE it's going to be long. If it wasn't, the door would be wide open for all sorts of loopholes as the various interest groups do their own interpretations.

What's stupid is the fact that your party wrote that 2400 page monstrosity and your ignorance of that fact. You are right though...you progressives don't have the fricken balls to go through that bill page by page....your party would be exposed for the gaggle of ignoramuses and petty thieves they truly are....after all.... it WAS WRITEN AND PASSED BY DEMOCRATS ALONE!!!!!
I don't know what you were watching, but even all of the major news networks say the exact opposite of what you're saying. They all say that Obama and the Democrats looked silly and came out far behind where they were when they went in to this "summit."

And reconciliation isn't really even an option at this point, the Democrats don't even have the votes right now to pass this piece of crap bill that way.


Reconciliation is certainly an option and the probable way they will begin piecing this bill together. You don't know what you are talking about.

Your entire first paragraph was such a talking point.. Too funny.

Please, explain to me your understanding of reconciliation. Because using reconciliation has nothing to do with "piecing this bill together." It is their attempt to try to override the rules that are in place and try to push this bill through with a majority vote. And from everything I've seen reported the Democrats don't have the votes to even get this through using reconciliation at the moment. You're really telling me that I don't know what I'm talking about when you can't even support your own views?

And no, my first paragraph was not a "talking point." It was stating what I'm seeing with every new report of this summit that I've seen. Most are either saying that Obama and the Democrats lost ground or they are ignoring it all together. But, being the liberal that you seem to be, I can see how a well thought out response is seen as "talking points" since that's what Obama tried to use to dismiss any well thought out discussion yesterday as well.

I can only conclude that most of you saw only clips from FoxNews. He consistently made comments to Republican points such as "that might be something we could work with," and "those are ideas that could be included in the bill." In fact, most of the "talking points" by the Republicans (such as medical malpractice tort reform and purchasing across state lines) are already drafted and will be included.
I agree...the President had 119 minutes, the Democrats had 243 minutes and DIDN'T SAY A GOD DAMN THING....once again we find common ground Sarah!!!!:lol:

The Democrats didn't say much at all. Better than opening mouth and inserting foot like the Rs did tho.. :cuckoo:

So what...you got to give them an A for effort...better than sitting there with their thumbs up their asses like the D's and Obama who did nothing but spew DNC talking points.

About the only thing he got right was "I'm the President." Then he lied and said "We're not campaigning anymore." He's done nothing BUT campaign the last year...that's why his numbers are in the shitter. At least in November or 2012 he can stop campaigning after he loses the White House.

Except his "numbers" aren't in the shitter. You need to take a look at ALL THE POLLS, not just Rasmussen.

So, on the way there, Obama said that he was looking forward to listening, yet he talks more than those to whom he wants to listen. How does that work?


Or, the Dems are trying their best to gaslight the rest of us.

For one thing, he's the POTUS. For another thing, he chaired the meeting and controlled the agenda.


I wonder if I invited you to meet me for lunch so that I could hear your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions, and then monopolized the conversation so that you could not really participate and cut you off every time you attempted input, would you say that oh well, I called the meeting and had control of the agenda, and you had no right to expect anything different?

Or would you feel that I had little or no interest in what you had to say? Feel cheated? Used? Insulted? And that I called the meeting for some other reason than what you were told?

He didn't "monopolize" the conversation. I heard a LOT from the various members. You stretch everything beyond recognition. That said, I seriously doubt you would invite me to lunch to hear my thoughts. You've already dismissed them all.
I don't know what you were watching, but even all of the major news networks say the exact opposite of what you're saying. They all say that Obama and the Democrats looked silly and came out far behind where they were when they went in to this "summit."

And reconciliation isn't really even an option at this point, the Democrats don't even have the votes right now to pass this piece of crap bill that way.


I have to agree with HB here. On the other thread I posted this exerpt from Erick Erickson's (Redstate) summary of the meeting:

There are many reasons the Republican Party is often referred to as the Stupid Party. Many Republicans thought that after the President overshadowed the GOP at their Baltimore retreat last month, going to Blair House yesterday would just be another PR disaster.

It was anything but.

The GOP won the day so convincingly that even the traditional media had to praise the party for talking issues.

Contrast that with Barack Obama who scowled, berated, lied, and harassed the attendees — not to mention filibustered them.

In the most ironic moment of the day, Barack Obama lectured Virginia Congressman Eric Cantor on having the Democrats’ 2,700+ page health care bill on his desk at the meeting. Obama called it a “prop.” At the same time, Democrats were in the newspapers admitting that, in effect, Barack Obama was using the GOP as a prop in a vain effort to show bipartisanship on health care.

There is bipartisanship on health care. There is bipartisan opposition to it. The Democrats must realize today that they would get nothing out of the meeting. They will now try to force health care deform through Congress on a majority vote in each house.

Only a couple of years ago, Barack Obama praised the filibuster claiming it was what the founding fathers wanted to prevent the tyranny of the majority. Now he is intent on ignoring the filibuster and ramming through health care deform.

If nothing else, today shows the American public that the Republicans have a better agenda, better ideas, and are willing to stand up and oppose a reckless scheme that will increase health care costs. . . .

That is such complete BULLSHIT that it's hardly worth responding to. You post an OPINION from Redstate blog? Way to go, Foxy, way to go. And you wonder why it's difficult to find you credible.

If anyone wants to watch (or tape) the entire proceedings again, it will be aired on C-Span tomorrow morning starting at 10:30am. Then we'll see who's lying, as above.

Yep. I consult Redstate pretty often because they do damned good research. One of these days I look for Erickson to overtake Drudge as the master of what is important in the news. Both are already religiously consulted by all media organizations and most of Congress. So if I am uncredible for reading Redstate, then so is Barack Obama, because he or his staff does too.

If you want to know what Redstate is all about, here's a pretty good essay from TampaBay.com:
The man behind RedState.com shakes up the Republican Party - St. Petersburg Times

I posted the Redstate clip, by the way, because it is an excellent illustration of what those of us who read something other than Daily Kos and Huffington Post are seeing the media--even mainstream media--say about the healthcare summit meeting.

If that makes me uncredible in your eyes, so be it. I didn't think you found it difficult to brand me as uncredible though, Maggie. I thought that had already been decided. I don't drink any of the kool-ade that makes some support the President no matter what he says or no matter what he does or no matter how arrogant or partisan he comes across, so I don't expect to be loved by those who have.
Did Cantor and Boehner actually think that group was going to go though it page by page in that session? THAT'S WHAT WAS STUPID about bringing it along.

It's a bill that could drastically change policy. OF COURSE it's going to be long. If it wasn't, the door would be wide open for all sorts of loopholes as the various interest groups do their own interpretations.

Yeah, having the bill to reference is stupid when you are debating the bill.

You seem to think 1500+ page bills are common. They aren't.

Loophooles are alot easier to squeeze into long bills that no one can possibly read than in small bills.
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He didn't "monopolize" the conversation. I heard a LOT from the various members. You stretch everything beyond recognition. That said, I seriously doubt you would invite me to lunch to hear my thoughts. You've already dismissed them all.

He alone spoke more than all the Republicans combined. He spoke more than all the Democrats combined. He didn't monopolize the conversation?

Democrats have already dismissed Republican ideas without a thought. Yet Obama still invited them. It wasnt to hear their ideas.

Fortunately, Obama is transparent and incompetant so nothing bad happened.
So, on the way there, Obama said that he was looking forward to listening, yet he talks more than those to whom he wants to listen. How does that work?


Or, the Dems are trying their best to gaslight the rest of us.

For one thing, he's the POTUS. For another thing, he chaired the meeting and controlled the agenda.

Facts elude you, dear. He TALKED more than those to whom he said he wanted to listen.

His saying he wanted to listen is typical and continued bullshit from him.

I suck at deprogramming, though, so my post is an effort in futility with you.
So, on the way there, Obama said that he was looking forward to listening, yet he talks more than those to whom he wants to listen. How does that work?


Or, the Dems are trying their best to gaslight the rest of us.

For one thing, he's the POTUS. For another thing, he chaired the meeting and controlled the agenda.

Facts elude you, dear. He TALKED more than those to whom he said he wanted to listen.

His saying he wanted to listen is typical and continued bullshit from him.

I suck at deprogramming, though, so my post is an effort in futility with you.

What I find most amusing is that Maggie doesn't even appear to realize that the polite term for the President is the President, not POTUS - POTUS is considered disrespectful. :lol::lol: I refer to Obama as POTUS as a sign of disrespect.

If Obama was being open about the whole bill, why only CSPAN the meeting with the opposition, why not all the closed door meetings? Open and transparent, my ass.

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