A Tale of 2 Governors, one from Hell, both in corrupt Pennsylvania


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022

If anyone ever needs a clear definition of the term RINO, you can direct them to this site.

Tom Ridge is that definition. He was pro-abortion (probably still is?) and allowed Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors to continue to operate until one heroic cop brought him down (with help from other wonderful people in the court system).

But Gosnell got away with murdering thousands of people, most of them helpless children for 30 years (plus?).

Governor Corbett who came after Ridge (not sure what year) got rid of the worthless people who never held Gosnell to account, people who were supposed to have inspected his filthy "clinic" but never did, yet let him continue operating it... against the law. A lot of those people (if I read this correctly), have not been charged! They are accomplices to murder but they got off scot free. I guess it's one of the perks of having a govt job

This is a story about "choice" in the area of reproductive "health" and how lovely it can be :rolleyes:

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