A Tale of Two Administrations


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Not even 100 days into his administration, and Trump proves the benefit of having a man in the Oval Office, rather than a boy.....and a lying boy at that.

Watch When Obama and Other Democrats Claimed They Had Removed All the Chemical Weapons From Syria

Did you hear all the boot-lickers singing paeans to their messiah???

Day after day, Trump has been proving how much better he is at domestic policy than the snake.....today we see him essentially taking Obama to the wood shed.
PC - please comment on Trump's tweets back in 2013 urging Obama not to attack Syria, and on his current tweets where he blames Obama's inaction for the current Syrian situation.

PC - please comment on Trump's tweets back in 2013 urging Obama not to attack Syria, and on his current tweets where he blames Obama's inaction for the current Syrian situation.



“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your turn: how'd you like the way Trump proved the Obamunists lying incompetence?
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PC - please comment on Trump's tweets back in 2013 urging Obama not to attack Syria, and on his current tweets where he blames Obama's inaction for the current Syrian situation.



“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your turn: how'd you like the way Trump proved the Obamunists lying incompetents?

lol, the white flag comes out after only 2 posts.
They didn't have Chem weapons. Until Trump showed up!
They didn't have Chem weapons. Until Trump showed up!

Two lies:

1. The Obama administration crowing that 'the last of the chemical weapons had been removed from Syria.'

2. "They didn't have Chem weapons. Until Trump showed up!"

Now....if you meant that as a joke, to assuage your stress over the lies of Obamunists being revealed....it's quite the knee-slapper on the corpses of dead children.
PC - please comment on Trump's tweets back in 2013 urging Obama not to attack Syria, and on his current tweets where he blames Obama's inaction for the current Syrian situation.


Your turn: how'd you like the way Trump proved the Obamunists lying incompetence?

Zho-Toxic.....where's your answer???
PC - please comment on Trump's tweets back in 2013 urging Obama not to attack Syria, and on his current tweets where he blames Obama's inaction for the current Syrian situation.



“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your turn: how'd you like the way Trump proved the Obamunists lying incompetence?

FAIL #1.

I asked you to comment on Trump's tweets. Posting another person's quotation does not count as your comment on the issue.

Try again.

(And then afterwards, I would be willing to answer a question by you, as long as the question is an actual fact-based question with real words.)
PC - please comment on Trump's tweets back in 2013 urging Obama not to attack Syria, and on his current tweets where he blames Obama's inaction for the current Syrian situation.



“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your turn: how'd you like the way Trump proved the Obamunists lying incompetence?

FAIL #1.

I asked you to comment on Trump's tweets. Posting another person's quotation does not count as your comment on the issue.

Try again.

(And then afterwards, I would be willing to answer a question by you, as long as the question is an actual fact-based question with real words.)

Your turn: how'd you like the way Trump proved the Obamunists lying incompetence?

Zho-Toxic.....where's your answer???
"PolitiFact retracts 'mostly true' ruling that US removed '100 percent' of Syria's chemical weapons
Fact-checking website PolitiFact on Wednesday retracted a 2014 article that found it "Mostly True" the Obama administration helped broker a deal that successfully removed "100 percent" of chemical weapons from Syria.

"We struck a deal where we got 100 percent of the chemical weapons out," then-Secretary of State John Kerry said on NBC's "Meet the Press" in July 2014. Kerry was referring to a deal the U.S. and Russia struck in September 2013 in which the Russians agreed to help confiscate and then destroy Syria's entire chemical weapons stockpile.

When making its ruling, PolitiFact cited a statement from Ahmet Üzümcü, director general of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

"The last of the remaining chemicals identified for removal from Syria were loaded this afternoon aboard the Danish ship Ark Futura," Üzümcü said in June 2014."
PolitiFact retracts 'mostly true' ruling that US removed '100 percent' of Syria's chemical weapons

Gee.....a Liberal fake news checker throwing Obama under the bus.

More to come????

How ya' feel now, Obama voters????
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????
Bashar......Daddy's boy.

Daniel Silva, writing about Hafez Assad, father of Bashar, and his rise to power in Syria:

"He was born in the Ansariya Mountains of northwestern Syria in October 1930, in the village of Qurdaha.Like the other villages in the region, Qurdaha belonged to the Alawites, followers of a tiny, persecuted branch of Shia Islam whom the majority Sunnis regarded as heretics."

"Syria itself became a vast prison, a place where fax machines were outlawed and a misplaced word about the ruler would result in a trip to the Mezzeh, the notorious hilltop prison in western Damascus....controlled by the Alawites, as was the Syrian military.

Within a decade of his ascent however, much of the country's Sunni majority was no longer content to be ruled by an Alawite peasant from Qurdaha. Bombs exploded regularly in Damascus, and in June 1979 a member of the Muslim Brotherhood killed at least fifty Alawite cadets in the dining hall of the Aleppo military academy. A year later, Islamic militants hurled a pair of grenades at the ruler during a diplomatic function....[Assad's brother] declared all-out war on the Brotherhood and its Sunni Muslim supporters....eight hundred political prisoners were slaughtered in their cells.

But it was in the town of Hama, a hotbed of Muslim Brotherhood activity along the banks of the Orontes River, that the regime showed the lengths to which it would go to ensure its survival. With the country teetering on the brink of civil war, the Defense Companies entered the city early on the morning of February 2, 1982, along with several hundred agents of the feared Mukhabarat secret police. What followed was the worst massacre in the history of the modern Middle East, a month long frenzy of killing, torture, and destruction that left at least twenty thousand people dead and a city reduced to rubble.

The ruler never denied the massacre, nor did he quibble over the number of dead....a new term came into vogue: Hama Rules."

The legacy of the Assads.
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

" Like you did when Obama was after Assad."

Second lie I've caught you in today.

Oh....I mean, second lie in the very same thread.
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

" Like you did when Obama was after Assad."

Second lie I've caught you in today.

Where am I lying ? Was that not your thread? From back in the day?
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

" Like you did when Obama was after Assad."

Second lie I've caught you in today.

Where am I lying ? Was that not your thread? From back in the day?

My name isn't 'Joe Biden.'

That's his quote.
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

" Like you did when Obama was after Assad."

Second lie I've caught you in today.

Where am I lying ? Was that not your thread? From back in the day?

My name isn't 'Joe Biden.'

That's his quote.

Then why start the thread ? In doing so you imply you agree obama should be impeached . Is that why you never add more than a cut n paste ? So you can say "not me ." ?
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

" Like you did when Obama was after Assad."

Second lie I've caught you in today.

Where am I lying ? Was that not your thread? From back in the day?

My name isn't 'Joe Biden.'

That's his quote.

Then why start the thread ? In doing so you imply you agree obama should be impeached . Is that why you never add more than a cut n paste ? So you can say "not me ." ?

Why are you opposed to preventing the deaths of Syria's children?

What are you, a Liberal????
As far back as 2008, even the Democrats knew that Obama wasn't fit for the job....or at lest warned of it:

. Biden: Obama will be tested:
"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

Even Biden knew this guy was a lightweight!

Assad made the mistake of testing Trump....and found out the difference.

But Trump's action may not have been just for Assad's consumption....

Guess what the fat boy was discussing with his pals:

I hope he and the Mullahs that Obama fêted are rational enough to understand who this new President is.
He's not the cryto-Islamist who hid under his desk.
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Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

" Like you did when Obama was after Assad."

Second lie I've caught you in today.

Where am I lying ? Was that not your thread? From back in the day?

My name isn't 'Joe Biden.'

That's his quote.

Then why start the thread ? In doing so you imply you agree obama should be impeached . Is that why you never add more than a cut n paste ? So you can say "not me ." ?

Why are you opposed to preventing the deaths of Syria's children?

What are you, a Liberal????

You sanctimonious turd. If those kids showed up at the us border you would have them airmailed right back to Syria .

And Answr the question. Would you have been ok with obama bombing Assad ?

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