A Tale of Two Administrations

" Like you did when Obama was after Assad."

Second lie I've caught you in today.

Where am I lying ? Was that not your thread? From back in the day?

My name isn't 'Joe Biden.'

That's his quote.

Then why start the thread ? In doing so you imply you agree obama should be impeached . Is that why you never add more than a cut n paste ? So you can say "not me ." ?

Why are you opposed to preventing the deaths of Syria's children?

What are you, a Liberal????

You sanctimonious turd. If those kids showed up at the us border you would have them airmailed right back to Syria .

And Answr the question. Would you have been ok with obama bombing Assad ?
Good luck getting anything close honesty..
PC - please comment on Trump's tweets back in 2013 urging Obama not to attack Syria, and on his current tweets where he blames Obama's inaction for the current Syrian situation.



“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your turn: how'd you like the way Trump proved the Obamunists lying incompetence?
And the foolish inconsistency of a pathological liar is better? We shall see how this one decision on the part of the orange clown turns out. Better I hope than the rest he has made thus far.

As the saying goes,If one wishes to know what the Left is doing, watch what they claim about the other side.
You, a case in point.

You love trying to use the term 'liar'....but when challenged, can never point to any lies.

Hence....once again, proving

If one wishes to know what the Left is doing, watch what they claim about the other side.
You did the same when you accused him of lying, damn if the old tricks aren't blurring together..
Where am I lying ? Was that not your thread? From back in the day?

My name isn't 'Joe Biden.'

That's his quote.

Then why start the thread ? In doing so you imply you agree obama should be impeached . Is that why you never add more than a cut n paste ? So you can say "not me ." ?

Why are you opposed to preventing the deaths of Syria's children?

What are you, a Liberal????

You sanctimonious turd. If those kids showed up at the us border you would have them airmailed right back to Syria .

And Answr the question. Would you have been ok with obama bombing Assad ?
Good luck getting anything close honesty..

Let's remind all who is a dishonest little worm....you.

I know it's gilding the lily to prove you a liar.....you do that so well all by yourself...but....I challenge you to find my quotes that prove your lie:

1. "...all the brown people you discriminate against..."

2. "...your hate of brown people is well noted..."

3. "....you edited your original OP to exclude your use of brown people..."
Still waiting, you lying low-life.
Inauguration 'Brown-Out'???

And...another of your lies:

"I know, you are such a bitch when it comes to truth and honesty in positioning yourself,, and the demeaning manner you pretend to be white..."
The Danger of Democrats....

Still can't back up any of those?

Then you can return to the sewer where you belong, gnome.
You answer my question first.

I told you to get lost....

Now...learn to obey your betters.


Now answer the question...or are you afraid to?

You had two chances to answer, and then I answered for you.

You're done.

Now...do what you do best: slither away.

Unfortunately, you cannot answer for me. And apparently, you cannot answer for yourself.

Continue spinning, friend.

And thanks for letting us ride on the roller coaster which is your "logic".

Don't go away mad....just go away.

I'm not mad.

I'm actually sad.

I am sad to see someone, so clearly delusional, who is not medicated. It is clear to everyone who reads your posts, that you are struggling with inner demons which consume your every thought. Your psychosis controls you. Your thoughts are scattered and illogical, and your judgement is severely compromised.

I strongly urge you to seek professional help and consider a medication which might help you to live a more normal life.

(And I'm not going away.)
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Poli, I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did.

You blame Biden?! Then why did you start a thread if you ain't implying obama should be impeached ?

You have a lot of nerve stating lefties are party first .
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Poli, I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did.

You blame Biden?! Then why did you start a thread if you ain't implying obama should be impeached ?

You have a lot of nerve stating lefties are party first .

There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work.
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Poli, I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did.

You blame Biden?! Then why did you start a thread if you ain't implying obama should be impeached ?

You have a lot of nerve stating lefties are party first .

There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work.

Her MO is to cut n paste wh no comment. Then she never has to claim any stance on anything .
I told you to get lost....

Now...learn to obey your betters.


Now answer the question...or are you afraid to?

You had two chances to answer, and then I answered for you.

You're done.

Now...do what you do best: slither away.

Unfortunately, you cannot answer for me. And apparently, you cannot answer for yourself.

Continue spinning, friend.

And thanks for letting us ride on the roller coaster which is your "logic".

Don't go away mad....just go away.

I'm not mad.

I'm actually sad.

I am sad to see someone, so clearly delusional, who is not medicated. It is clear to everyone who reads your posts, that you are struggling with inner demons which consume your every thought. Your psychosis controls you. Your thoughts are scattered and illogical, and your judgement is severely compromised.

I strongly urge you to seek professional help and consider a medication which might help you to live a more normal life.

(And I'm not going away.)

"... It is clear to everyone who reads your posts, that you are struggling with inner demons..."

Remember how, in kindergarten, you wrote note "everybody hates you"?

Seems you haven't advanced either emotionally nor intellectually.
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Poli, I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did.

You blame Biden?! Then why did you start a thread if you ain't implying obama should be impeached ?

You have a lot of nerve stating lefties are party first .

"I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did."

Actually, you simply pointed to a quote by Joe Biden that I provided.

Was that before or after you make an awkward joke about dead Syrian babies?
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Poli, I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did.

You blame Biden?! Then why did you start a thread if you ain't implying obama should be impeached ?

You have a lot of nerve stating lefties are party first .

There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work.

"There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work."

Let's test to see if you apply this, "a person with severe mental illness," to me....or, if you are so full of it that if given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

If you believe what you've posted, I won't hear from you again.
"There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work."

Let's test to see if you apply this, "a person with severe mental illness," to me....or, if you are so full of it that if given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

If you believe what you've posted, I won't hear from you again.

I believe what I posted...but I'm not reasoning with you.

I am monitoring you for your own safety.

Now answer the question...or are you afraid to?

You had two chances to answer, and then I answered for you.

You're done.

Now...do what you do best: slither away.

Unfortunately, you cannot answer for me. And apparently, you cannot answer for yourself.

Continue spinning, friend.

And thanks for letting us ride on the roller coaster which is your "logic".

Don't go away mad....just go away.

I'm not mad.

I'm actually sad.

I am sad to see someone, so clearly delusional, who is not medicated. It is clear to everyone who reads your posts, that you are struggling with inner demons which consume your every thought. Your psychosis controls you. Your thoughts are scattered and illogical, and your judgement is severely compromised.

I strongly urge you to seek professional help and consider a medication which might help you to live a more normal life.

(And I'm not going away.)

"... It is clear to everyone who reads your posts, that you are struggling with inner demons..."

Remember how, in kindergarten, you wrote note "everybody hates you"?

Seems you haven't advanced either emotionally nor intellectually.

I'm just trying to help you.

Clearly you either don't recognize that you need help or don't want help...which is part of your disease.
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Poli, I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did.

You blame Biden?! Then why did you start a thread if you ain't implying obama should be impeached ?

You have a lot of nerve stating lefties are party first .

"I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did."

Actually, you simply pointed to a quote by Joe Biden that I provided.

Was that before or after you make an awkward joke about dead Syrian babies?

Where did I joke about dead Syrians ?
"There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work."

Let's test to see if you apply this, "a person with severe mental illness," to me....or, if you are so full of it that if given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

If you believe what you've posted, I won't hear from you again.

I believe what I posted...but I'm not reasoning with you.

I am monitoring you for your own safety.

Let's review

1. You proclaimed the following as a statement of your belief:
"There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work.

2. I knew you were doing what you do best....lie....so I spotlit you painting yourself into a corner.

3. If your statement was true and if you believed it to be true....you would not be posting to me again (my fondest wish).

4. Yet.....here you are, yearning for my attention, recognizing greatness and a superior intellect....

5. QED...in a succinct and efficient manner, I proved my hypothesis:
You are so full of it that if given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

Now....be gone.
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Poli, I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did.

You blame Biden?! Then why did you start a thread if you ain't implying obama should be impeached ?

You have a lot of nerve stating lefties are party first .

"I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did."

Actually, you simply pointed to a quote by Joe Biden that I provided.

Was that before or after you make an awkward joke about dead Syrian babies?

Where did I joke about dead Syrians ?

I think that was an example of transference.
"There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work."

Let's test to see if you apply this, "a person with severe mental illness," to me....or, if you are so full of it that if given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

If you believe what you've posted, I won't hear from you again.

I believe what I posted...but I'm not reasoning with you.

I am monitoring you for your own safety.

Let's review

1. You proclaimed the following as a statement of your belief:
"There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work.

2. I knew you were doing what you do best....lie....so I spotlit you painting yourself into a corner.

3. If your statement was true and if you believed it to be true....you would not be posting to me again (my fondest wish).

4. Yet.....here you are, yearning for my attention, recognizing greatness and a superior intellect....

5. QED...in a succinct and efficient manner, I proved my hypothesis:
You are so full of it that if given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

Now....be gone.

As I said above: I'm not reasoning with you.

I am monitoring you for your own safety.

And for the safety of humanity...

"recognizing greatness and a superior intellect"...delusions of grandeur...another symptom of severe mental illness.
Seems that Assad had to learn what Bill's wife learned.....not to underestimate Donald Trump.

"Others have speculated about why the Assad government would engage in such a provocative act at a time when he appears to be winning the six-year civil war.

One reason, said Jihad Yazigi, a visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, is that the attack and the publicity it has generated will humiliate the international community and, once again, highlight its fecklessness over continuing civilian deaths.

"Assad wants the West to beg him to stop attacking civilians," Yazigi told Middle East Eye."
ANALYSIS: With gas attack, Assad wants world to 'beg him' to stop

Trump isn't the feckless empty suit that Obama was....

"Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama
The strength of Syria, the support of its allies, and the fear of a powerful retaliation to any attack, scared Americans. This is why Barack Obama, described as "weak" by the Israeli media, "hesitant and confused", as called by the Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Moqdad, announced Saturday night, the postponement of aggression against Syria. Abandoned by his closest allies, unable to form an international coalition, Obama..."
Bashar al-Assad has broken the will of Obama, by Wassim Raad

Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Poli, I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did.

You blame Biden?! Then why did you start a thread if you ain't implying obama should be impeached ?

You have a lot of nerve stating lefties are party first .

"I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did."

Actually, you simply pointed to a quote by Joe Biden that I provided.

Was that before or after you make an awkward joke about dead Syrian babies?

Where did I joke about dead Syrians ?

I think that was an example of transference.

Soooo.....how are you feeling today???
Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get the matchbox ready?
Hey Poli,

You calling for Trumps impeachment ? Like you did when Obama was after Assad.

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Poli, I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did.

You blame Biden?! Then why did you start a thread if you ain't implying obama should be impeached ?

You have a lot of nerve stating lefties are party first .

"I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did."

Actually, you simply pointed to a quote by Joe Biden that I provided.

Was that before or after you make an awkward joke about dead Syrian babies?

Where did I joke about dead Syrians ?

I think that was an example of transference.

Soooo.....how are you feeling today???
Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get the matchbox ready?

Confabulate much?
"There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work."

Let's test to see if you apply this, "a person with severe mental illness," to me....or, if you are so full of it that if given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

If you believe what you've posted, I won't hear from you again.

I believe what I posted...but I'm not reasoning with you.

I am monitoring you for your own safety.

Let's review

1. You proclaimed the following as a statement of your belief:
"There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work.

2. I knew you were doing what you do best....lie....so I spotlit you painting yourself into a corner.

3. If your statement was true and if you believed it to be true....you would not be posting to me again (my fondest wish).

4. Yet.....here you are, yearning for my attention, recognizing greatness and a superior intellect....

5. QED...in a succinct and efficient manner, I proved my hypothesis:
You are so full of it that if given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

Now....be gone.

As I said above: I'm not reasoning with you.

I am monitoring you for your own safety.

And for the safety of humanity...

"recognizing greatness and a superior intellect"...delusions of grandeur...another symptom of severe mental illness.
Poli, I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did.

You blame Biden?! Then why did you start a thread if you ain't implying obama should be impeached ?

You have a lot of nerve stating lefties are party first .

"I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did."

Actually, you simply pointed to a quote by Joe Biden that I provided.

Was that before or after you make an awkward joke about dead Syrian babies?

Where did I joke about dead Syrians ?

I think that was an example of transference.

Soooo.....how are you feeling today???
Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get the matchbox ready?

Confabulate much?

What I do 'much,' Matchbox, is prove which posters are liars, and are full of excrement.

You were simply one more victim of my work.
"There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work."

Let's test to see if you apply this, "a person with severe mental illness," to me....or, if you are so full of it that if given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

If you believe what you've posted, I won't hear from you again.

I believe what I posted...but I'm not reasoning with you.

I am monitoring you for your own safety.

Let's review

1. You proclaimed the following as a statement of your belief:
"There is no reasoning with a person with severe mental illness. It just doesn't work.

2. I knew you were doing what you do best....lie....so I spotlit you painting yourself into a corner.

3. If your statement was true and if you believed it to be true....you would not be posting to me again (my fondest wish).

4. Yet.....here you are, yearning for my attention, recognizing greatness and a superior intellect....

5. QED...in a succinct and efficient manner, I proved my hypothesis:
You are so full of it that if given an enema, you could be buried in a matchbox.

Now....be gone.

As I said above: I'm not reasoning with you.

I am monitoring you for your own safety.

And for the safety of humanity...

"recognizing greatness and a superior intellect"...delusions of grandeur...another symptom of severe mental illness.
"I showed u your own thread where obama should be impeached for doing just what trump did."

Actually, you simply pointed to a quote by Joe Biden that I provided.

Was that before or after you make an awkward joke about dead Syrian babies?

Where did I joke about dead Syrians ?

I think that was an example of transference.

Soooo.....how are you feeling today???
Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get the matchbox ready?

Confabulate much?

What I do 'much,' Matchbox, is prove which posters are liars, and are full of excrement.

You were simply one more victim of my work.

The only poster you prove is a liar and is full of excrement...is yourself.

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