A teenager knocked on the wrong door. Now he’s dead, and the homeowner is accused of murder.

Oh good, it's slut-boy. Don't you wanna hold your kill-the-victim vitriol until you find out if the victim was black?
Libtards bringing race into EVERY argument.

Who is suprized?

Actually I already linked that thread. That's what "slut-boy" refers to. He can't use "slut" on a male so he goes with "thug", even though he's got no evidence for either. And when I pressed him on "slut"-- he ran away.

Race? He brought it up, two years ago. You lose.
Shooting an unarmed kid through a door is not defense.

That's a matter of one's perception. You weren't there. You don't know what words were exchanged. You don't know the home owner didn't know if he had a weapon or not of any kind. If the person on the other side of the door has a gun or other weapon then shooting through the door absolutely is defense.

I know they didn't break down the door so he was armed behind a door. I know if he had shot them after they did break through a door he wouldn't be in jail. My perception is that I'm not scared and paranoid and looking to shoot everyone. I sure as hell am not scared when I am armed behind a door with two drunk kids outside.
Three drunk kids and you are full of shit.

You have no idea what goes through your mind when drunk adult sized teens are trying top break into your home despite your warnings.

It was two kids. Well we know what goes through the mind of a gun nut. Shoot the kids through the door. Now a kid is dead and he's going to jail. That's what you support. Stupid.
It was two kids. Well we know what goes through the mind of a gun nut. Shoot the kids through the door. Now a kid is dead and he's going to jail. That's what you support. Stupid.

Oh, sorry forgot about the Libtard Allergy to Factes Syndrome.

Jeffrey Lovell, 42, of Chicopee, Massachusetts, was home when he heard banging on his door. Three teens were outside, trying to get in around 3:40pm Saturday.

Lovell retrieved his firearm called in a burglary in progress.

Cops say he tried to communicate with the victim through the door but when he heard a pane of glass break, he shot once through the door, hitting one teen in the abdomen.

Read more: Man 'kills15-year-old boy who knocked on his door by mistake'
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There was no defense. It was 2 drunk, unarmed kids and he shot through a door.

Three drunks.

Jeffrey Lovell, 42, of Chicopee, Massachusetts, was home when he heard banging on his door. Three teens were outside, trying to get in around 3:40pm Saturday.

Lovell retrieved his firearm called in a burglary in progress.

Cops say he tried to communicate with the victim through the door but when he heard a pane of glass break, he shot once through the door, hitting one teen in the abdomen.

Read more: Man 'kills15-year-old boy who knocked on his door by mistake'
The kid was in the act of burglary with breaking the window.
And right on cue the left side with the criminal.
I know they didn't break down the door so he was armed behind a door. I know if he had shot them after they did break through a door he wouldn't be in jail. My perception is that I'm not scared and paranoid and looking to shoot everyone.

And my perception is you may just be a sissy who would rather cower in the corner waiting for someone else to save your ass.

I sure as hell am not scared when I am armed behind a door with two drunk kids outside.

Okay, big bad keyboard warrior. Obviously you know exactly what you would do when faced with a potentially dangerous and life threatening situation that most people never experience in their entire life.

We all know you have an anti-gun bias, so your opining doesn't really carry a whole lot of weight.
He shot through the door and is charged with murder? Either the DA is purposely over-charging to get this guy an acquittal or we're not being given the whole story.

DAs don't overcharge to get an acquittal. This is western Massachusetts. The politics out there are very far left. I would gather this is more of a case of the DA not thinking you have the right to protect your yourself against an intruder.

No the politics there are not "very far left". I've lived there. It's everyday working class.

Yes, they are. I grew up in Massachusetts, in Boston. An elected Republican anywhere in western Mass is far and few between. After the 80s it became the most Democratic part of the state.

Western Mass ain't Boston. Far from it. "Democratic" and "Republican" voting is irrelevant to that, especially on the local level. D and R don't get votes solely on a left-right philosophy scale. Not on a city/county level.

Hell, the ultra-conservative South voted Democratic for decades. On some levels it still does.
"Murder"? Bullshit.

But use of lethal force was not justified. One wonders what the verbal exchange was - if there was one.

Prosecutors said there was a verbal exchange. They also indicated glass was broken.

So? He shot him through the door. Was not defense. Kid is dead and this moron is going to jail.

Isn't that what Joe Biden advised?

It looks like a good shoot to me.

Unknown person knocks on door, probably told to go away by homeowner.
Person is continues to knock is now trespassing.
Homeowner tells person to leave, person breaks glass. Person is now breaking and entering.
Pull the trigger.

Why do you liberals constantly make people who are committing crimes victims and heroes?

Gun nuts really are scared and paranoid.

What makes someone living in house where a drunk person coming to it breaking windows paranoid?
Our society really is in trouble when some paranoid idiot shoots unarmed drunk kids through a door and forum morons support it.
The kid was in the act of burglary with breaking the window.
And right on cue the left side with the criminal.

The home owner was obviously scared out of his mind when these three drunks show up, and simply start banging on his door then try to break in while he was warning them and calling the cops.

Usually the perp isnt the one trying to call the cops in the middle of a crime or just before it. Usually that is the vitcim here.

But the libtards want our society to be destabilized and introduce anarchy so that they can use their thugs to scare the shit out of everyone.

I am ready to start hanging the bastard from lamp posts, myself.
I shoulda knows the excuse that he broke a window is no where in the article. SO he literally got shot because this guy was paranoid someone knocked on his door
It is in this article, fucktard.

Man 'kills15-year-old boy who knocked on his door by mistake'
"It's unclear how the pane of glass broke."
Maybe from shooting through the door?
You're just a fan of criminals.

I'm very lawful actually. And this was no defense.
More lives wasted thanks to a paranoid gun owner.

A teenager knocked on the wrong door. Now he’s dead, and the homeowner is accused of murder.

Two teenagers were drinking in Chicopee, Mass., Saturday afternoon when they set off to find a friend, according to authorities. Whether it was the booze or the sheer similarity of the neighborhood’s low-slung homes, the teens somehow ended up at the wrong house.

One of the teenagers, a 15-year-old boy, banged on the door.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out from inside the house, and the boy slumped on the porch with a bullet to his belly.

The boy died at a hospital. He has not yet been identified.

The homeowner, 42-year-old Jeffrey Lovell, was arrested and charged with murder, according to the Chicopee Police Department.

Let's see. Drunk and breaking windows. In your summary, you failed to mention that window breaking and the attempted communication before shots were fired.

Desperation to defend milady Her Gun Majesty's honor. ^^

We bow before thee, O Almighty Gun, in humble supplication, yea verily to the point of picking people off from inside our own house. For thine is the power and the gory and the weeping and gnashing of teeth, and we dig that because we're fucking sadists, amen.

But "we don't have a gun culture". :rolleyes:

Apparently we have a culture where people can go to another person's house and break windows without you idiots believing those of us that live there can do anything about it.

Shooting one of them dead is not what you do when a drink kid is at your door. Gun nuts really are sad defending this pathetic behavior.

The kids wasn't simply at the door. Windows were broken and conversations that didn't stop it occurred. You ignore that.
Our society really is in trouble when some paranoid idiot shoots unarmed drunk kids through a door and forum morons support it.
Now you are just being a fucking liar, and anyone reading the thread can see that

Jeffrey Lovell, 42, of Chicopee, Massachusetts, was home when he heard banging on his door. Three teens were outside, trying to get in around 3:40pm Saturday.

Lovell retrieved his firearm called in a burglary in progress.

Cops say he tried to communicate with the victim through the door but when he heard a pane of glass break, he shot once through the door, hitting one teen in the abdomen.

Read more: Man 'kills15-year-old boy who knocked on his door by mistake'

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