A thought on politics


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
When Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were building their enterprises they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House and who controlled Congress. Maybe we could learn something from these smart guy's. Stay informed and vote of course, but don't let politics waste your time and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:
When Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were building their enterprises they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House and who controlled Congress. Maybe we could learn something from these smart guy's. Stay informed and vote of course, but don't let politics waste your time and drain your energy. You have more important things to do. :bye1:
Politics is the only game we old farts can play without pulling a muscle or breaking a leg.
I write and play video games on the side, and in fact did just as the OP suggested (gave up on it) but as a citizen who nearly left the country because of the socialist pit we almost fell into I felt obliged to act, to get back into it and not give up without [speaking] a fight. (I can't even punch like a girl heh)

I was so stunned when Trump won, it's really warmed my heart and eased my concerns for my children's future, and the future of the US a bit - though I do fear it's a temporary reprieve unless we somehow wrest the education system out of those radical liberal's control.

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