A thread to explain USMB Zionists

Nope - wrong again its NOT JEW ONLY, its Israeli Versus Palestinian, regardless of religion, and this is democratic elections, they can be PM and everything they desire.
The "Jew only roads" are in the West Bank, on land that isn't yours!
First its not Palestinian roads anyway not to mention land, second please name two roads (you said roads in plural) that ain't permitted for non-Jews, and also tell me again why you call it Israeli Apartheid not allowing non-Israelis to go inside Israel without a visa or any kind of permit?

You always mistaken between Israeli Citizens and Civilians, Palestinians are not Israelis, however you got Israeli Arabs which are Israeli so stop bullshitting I'm so tired explaining this over and over again.
Palestinian's are not recognized in Israel.
That's apartheid!

Also tell me why Abbas can go inside Israel, and why Palestinians SHOULD be recognized in Israel when they are not Israelis or belong to ANY state in the world?
I don't give a shit about your armored jeep!
Chris Hedge said that, my point is to prove its a demonizing lie, because its the same I'll say all Palestinians died in Gaza killed by Hamas UFO and I witnessed this with my own eyes, this is why you SHOULD care about the "armored jeeps" he claim Israel used in Gaza when they actually didn't.
I asked you a question about the "johnnies", are you going to answer it?
You're so FOS!
My bad, explain to me what is the "Johnnies" - I have no idea what are you talking about.
Israel is the only nuclear power in the ME, the "fate of Israel" is not even an issue.
So basically you say that Israel used the nuclear power? whats the point? no evidence show Israel got nuclear power, used it, or threatened to do so, the fate of Israel is not relayed on nuclear power because if there was 1768 dead Israelis ISRAEL WON'T USE THAT AND WE STILL HAVE DEAD ISRAELIS.
No. You are. Like I said, you are too irresponsible to take ownership over the things you do. Or are you just a coward?
Me? I never heard a word from you about what you said regarding the Arabs cant be elected to PM, not to mention the other times before, and WE do take ownership on the things we do, Israel still supporting Gaza although they are hostile enemy.
You pulled the trigger. You decided to shoot. That is YOUR fault!
No, we don't agree.
God is not a humanitarian? HE created humanity, but he's not a humanitarian?
Leave God out of this, just punch the wall next to you hard as you can, and tell me if God is responsible for your pain, go ahead.
So if you want to talk about FACTS to disprove - go for it, if not, fuck off I'm sick of you evading and dodging just to justify everything against Israel/Jews - you never bothered to criticize Hamas, "Mercy on the cruel and you'll end up cruel to the merciful." if you really want to change something in the world, go and protest against Hamas - Don't give us excuses to "genocide Palestinians"
You think God likes you genociding Palestinian's?
I Think its God job to judge US not you..

PS. Daniyel means Judged by God in Hebrew, and right now with all the friendly neighbors we have I'm in the lions pit, you can swear you can hate, you can do whatever you want, it doesn't change anything.
That's because you don't want to change.
Hmm..God still believe in us.
P F Tinmore, et al,

By pre-arrangement, the UNPC was the Successor Government and the UNSC Representative.

Indeed, people have pointed to resolution 181 over the years to pretend to have some legitimacy. However, none of it was done by the Security Council as part of the implementation process.

The UNPC was the Security Council Action Arm in Palestine. The Security Council doesn't actually leave New York, it has a representative in the field.

Most Respectfully,

Where were those clowns when Israel was attacking the proposed UN run international city of Jerusalem?
P F Tinmore, et al,

By pre-arrangement, the UNPC was the Successor Government and the UNSC Representative.

Indeed, people have pointed to resolution 181 over the years to pretend to have some legitimacy. However, none of it was done by the Security Council as part of the implementation process.

The UNPC was the Security Council Action Arm in Palestine. The Security Council doesn't actually leave New York, it has a representative in the field.

Most Respectfully,

Where were those clowns when Israel was attacking the proposed UN run international city of Jerusalem?

What attack are you talking about?
First its not Palestinian roads anyway not to mention land, second please name two roads (you said roads in plural) that ain't permitted for non-Jews, and also tell me again why you call it Israeli Apartheid not allowing non-Israelis to go inside Israel without a visa or any kind of permit?
I'm not talking about Israeli proper in reference to the "roads". The "Jew-only" roads are the ones going to the illegal settlements in the West Bank.

As far as Israeli apartheid in Israel itself, Arab-Israeli citizens live under a different set of laws than Israeli-Jews live under. Why can't the wife of an Israeli-Arab citizen, be allowed into the country to be with her husband?

Also tell me why Abbas can go inside Israel,
Because he's an Israeli bitch and they take care of their whores.

and why Palestinians SHOULD be recognized in Israel when they are not Israelis or belong to ANY state in the world?
They were living in that area for generations before Israel ever became a state, why aren't they Israeli citizens?

My bad, explain to me what is the "Johnnies" - I have no idea what are you talking about.
I'm talking about human shields. You claimed in another thread the IDF spoke the truth. So here's the truth about human shields according to the IDF...

Testimony 1 – Human Shield

People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods. In checking out houses, “we send the neighbor in, the ‘Johnnie,’ When necessary, combat helicopters are called in to fire anti-tank missiles at civilian homes. Then send a “Johnnie” in to check for dead and wounded.

Human shields were also used to check for booby-traps and perform other services. “Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”
That's what a "johnnie" is.

So basically you say that Israel used the nuclear power? whats the point? no evidence show Israel got nuclear power, used it, or threatened to do so, the fate of Israel is not relayed on nuclear power because if there was 1768 dead Israelis ISRAEL WON'T USE THAT AND WE STILL HAVE DEAD ISRAELIS.
You got over 400 nukes. No country in the ME has the ability to take Israel out.

Me? I never heard a word from you about what you said regarding the Arabs cant be elected to PM, not to mention the other times before, and WE do take ownership on the things we do, Israel still supporting Gaza although they are hostile enemy.
You blame Hamas is responsible for you deciding to attack Gaza and for you deliberately targeting children and for you deliberately pulling the trigger on those children.

Those were your choices, your decisions, that you refuse to take ownership over.

Leave God out of this, just punch the wall next to you hard as you can, and tell me if God is responsible for your pain, go ahead.
If I did punch the wall has hard as I could, I certainly wouldn't react like you would and blame the wall for the punch.

I Think its God job to judge US not you..
I wasn't judging, I was asking a question.

Are you going to answer it?

Hmm..God still believe in us.
HE doesn't believe in you killing the very people HE created.
Okies here we go.
1.Israel lying? - Never seen any record of Israel lying, maybe anyone mind pointing it out? -
That's a lie right there.

You said Hamas was responsible for the deaths of the 3 teens, but you've never produced any evidence proving it. So you lied.

Every time you blame someone else, for the shit things you do, is a lie.

However, totalitarianism regime is common in 90% of the Arab Muslim states, Israel always been democracy fighting to secure liberty of all citizens, the eternal proof is the minorities elected to the Knesset, unless someone mind to disprove it or point how Israel is a totalitarian regime..which is not.
Let me spell this out for you junior, you cannot have a country for only one group of people and not prejudice the people who are not part of that group. It cannot be done.

Arabs may be part on the Knesset, but they can't run for PM. In addition to that, you have Jew-only roads, Jew-only communities and apartheid laws that reduce Israeli-Arabs, to 2nd class citizens, like your Nakba Law.

This is so disjointed, I can't figure out what your point is here.

Another disjointed statement. You can't draw conclusions from those.

Nothing but conjecture on your part. Doesn't prove shit.

"...lets accept..." "...lets accept..."?

How about, let's not accept you responding to rock throwing kids (you provoked in the first place) with deadly force? Let's not accept that!

No we don't all know its a lie.

The "lie" is you claiming the kids were caught in a crossfire when the reality is, you deliberately targeted them and shot them in cold blood.

More bullshit conjecture that doesn't prove shit.

You left out the "johnnies"!

Why did you leave out the "johnnies"?

Israeli investigations are bullshit fakes.

You show 3 different videos of the same rocket launch?

What a fuckin' dolt!

No, we will not continue from this point.

Here we have a paradox too beautiful to pass up. A "lie" and a "truth", fused into one statement.

You don't give a fuck about civilians, but want us to believe it's Hamas fault when you target people "you don't give a fuck about"!
Yeah, that should be said loud and clear, over and over, again and again.

Take that condescending sarcasm and stick it where your gafilda fish swim.

You don't want a camera in your face, get rid of those fucking checkpoints, asshole!

People mean nothing to you, that's why you're inhuman.

Well look who's trying to wipe who out?

22. The only cure for Terrorists is a bullet in their head, you advocate and support them - you are guilty as well.
How German of you?

It took me like an hour to write everything here, and this is my only respond here on the board, imagine how many readers agree with Chris without even hearing what WE have to say about it, this is why demonizing Israel prevent every possible peace solution, they keep telling them they are correct when they are not, the worse kind of lie to incite violence against us, may God take you all.
GFY. You need to realize the possibility exists, that God doesn't like you?

You see, God created humans. HE'S into "humanity", not inhumanity.

You dig inhumanity, so you're not into God.

Oh darling, it looks like Daniel,
must be the clouds in my eyes!

The evidence was produced in the form of recorded speech known to be from hamas operatives at the time the boys were murdered, even you acknowledge this.

Tell that to the ISLAMONAZI countries doing just that, and then tell it to the Palestinians who have it as their charter that no Jews will be allowed to live when they gain control of ALL OF PALESTINE. Mass murder and genocide of the Jews and you are supporting the scum who are advocating this.

Were are these Jew only roads in Israel then dildo, as for Jew only communities what law says that you have to sell your home to anyone. If I don't want to sell my home to a muslims I don't have to. Same with you if you don't want to sell your home to a Jew no one can force you to do so. The west bank is not Israel and is under martial law as laid down in the Geneva conventions, don't like it then get the Geneva conventions changed.

In other words you know you have your back to the wall so feign ignorance

See above

See above and this time you make personal attacks

Lets put rock throwing into perspective and see how many people are murdered each year by rock throwing. In the UK it has become a capital crime and the courts come down very hard on anyone caught throwing rocks. And here you are defending attempted murder by Palestinian terrorists.

LINK that shows this, and not from some partisan source that has an axe to grind

Once again you show you are on thin ice by using profanities

Because they were a phase to stop the Palestinian monsters from booby trapping homes, schools and hospitals. I would make the captured hamas terrorists enter every building to trigger the booby traps. Then you can whinge about "johnnies" and look to the US armies use of the same "johnnies" in Vietnam, Iraq and Afgahnistan to clear IED's

Yet they say that it was done and the culprit will face prison, what do the Palestinians do but give child murdering scum a large pension and send them on a 2 year holiday

To prove that hamas is using civilians as human shields.

Why should we care about CHILD MURDERING TERRORIST SCUM AND THEIR HOMES they should be executed on sight and to hell with the collateral damage.

Whats wrong don't like the truth about your beloved Palestinian CHILD MURDERING TERRORISTS

Don't want the checkpoints stop trying to murder Israeli children and firing rockets.

People mean everything, but you show that one subset mean nothing to you and they are the Jews. You show this every time you post your JEW HATRED AND NAZI ANTI SEMITISM

Yes lets starting with Mohamed the mental defective inventor of islam, and end with the Palestinians who have it as part of their culture and charter to "KILL THE JEWS ". The same people who have tried to massacre the Jews 4 times in the last 66 years and failed every time. So stick that were the sun don't shine because yiu will just ignore the facts as you always do.

By your answer we see that you are very 1930's German and don't see that the only sentence that should be passed on terrorists is summary execution. And this means all terrorists from the muslims throwing stones to the IRA throwing petrol bombs.

You also need to realise that God and many Humans don't like you and your fellow NEO NAZI JEW HATING ANTI SEMITIC SCUM and would willingly watch you die from cancer and not lift a finger to help you. You talk about inhumanity yet support and defend the most inhumane violent mass murdering group of pond scum that has ever existed. You demonise the Jews because you are just an INHUMAN MONSTER like the Palestinians that you worship and defend all the time.
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Nope - wrong again its NOT JEW ONLY, its Israeli Versus Palestinian, regardless of religion, and this is democratic elections, they can be PM and everything they desire.
The "Jew only roads" are in the West Bank, on land that isn't yours!

You always mistaken between Israeli Citizens and Civilians, Palestinians are not Israelis, however you got Israeli Arabs which are Israeli so stop bullshitting I'm so tired explaining this over and over again.
Palestinian's are not recognized in Israel.

That's apartheid!

I don't give a shit about your armored jeep!

I asked you a question about the "johnnies", are you going to answer it?
You're so FOS!

Israel is the only nuclear power in the ME, the "fate of Israel" is not even an issue.

No. You are. Like I said, you are too irresponsible to take ownership over the things you do. Or are you just a coward?

You pulled the trigger. You decided to shoot. That is YOUR fault!
No, we don't agree.
God is not a humanitarian? HE created humanity, but he's not a humanitarian?

Boy, you got some serious issues, dude.
So if you want to talk about FACTS to disprove - go for it, if not, fuck off I'm sick of you evading and dodging just to justify everything against Israel/Jews - you never bothered to criticize Hamas, "Mercy on the cruel and you'll end up cruel to the merciful." if you really want to change something in the world, go and protest against Hamas - Don't give us excuses to "genocide Palestinians"
You think God likes you genociding Palestinian's?

PS. Daniyel means Judged by God in Hebrew, and right now with all the friendly neighbors we have I'm in the lions pit, you can swear you can hate, you can do whatever you want, it doesn't change anything.
That's because you don't want to change.

Irrelevant as the Geneva conventions show, the occupation is legal and the west bank is under military law. This means that the IDF can restrict access and travel if it safeguards the military needs of Israel.

No it is just the same as Palestinians not being recognised in Egypt or Jordan. In fact Palestinians are not recognised in any Islamic nation, which is why they are still kept locked away in concentration camps. There is no LAW that says that Israel has to recognise Palestinians in Israel, unless you can find me one. So it is not apartheid just defence of the civilians in Israel.

Why should we give in to your vile demands when you wont answer our polite questions ?

What has the fact Israel may have nuclear weapons to do with anything, have they used them to threaten like iran has. Just another of your red herrings because you arte losing the argument.

According to the Geneva conventions hamas is responsible for the deaths of the civilians because they refused to stop using civilian areas for attacks on Israel and forced the civilians to be human shields. Once that happened the civilians became militia and thus military targets.

Instead you LIE because you know that you are wrong

And you don't when you abuse Israel and the Jews, then cant see what is wrong with doing this.

Do you think god likes the muslims ?
Nope - wrong again its NOT JEW ONLY, its Israeli Versus Palestinian, regardless of religion, and this is democratic elections, they can be PM and everything they desire.
The "Jew only roads" are in the West Bank, on land that isn't yours!

Palestinian's are not recognized in Israel.

That's apartheid!

I don't give a shit about your armored jeep!

I asked you a question about the "johnnies", are you going to answer it?
You're so FOS!

Israel is the only nuclear power in the ME, the "fate of Israel" is not even an issue.

No. You are. Like I said, you are too irresponsible to take ownership over the things you do. Or are you just a coward?

You pulled the trigger. You decided to shoot. That is YOUR fault!
No, we don't agree.
God is not a humanitarian? HE created humanity, but he's not a humanitarian?

Boy, you got some serious issues, dude.
You think God likes you genociding Palestinian's?

PS. Daniyel means Judged by God in Hebrew, and right now with all the friendly neighbors we have I'm in the lions pit, you can swear you can hate, you can do whatever you want, it doesn't change anything.
That's because you don't want to change.

Irrelevant as the Geneva conventions show, the occupation is legal and the west bank is under military law. This means that the IDF can restrict access and travel if it safeguards the military needs of Israel.

No it is just the same as Palestinians not being recognised in Egypt or Jordan. In fact Palestinians are not recognised in any Islamic nation, which is why they are still kept locked away in concentration camps. There is no LAW that says that Israel has to recognise Palestinians in Israel, unless you can find me one. So it is not apartheid just defence of the civilians in Israel.

Why should we give in to your vile demands when you wont answer our polite questions ?

What has the fact Israel may have nuclear weapons to do with anything, have they used them to threaten like iran has. Just another of your red herrings because you arte losing the argument.

According to the Geneva conventions hamas is responsible for the deaths of the civilians because they refused to stop using civilian areas for attacks on Israel and forced the civilians to be human shields. Once that happened the civilians became militia and thus military targets.

Instead you LIE because you know that you are wrong

And you don't when you abuse Israel and the Jews, then cant see what is wrong with doing this.

Do you think god likes the muslims ?

In international law, when a state is dissolved and new states are established, “the population follows the change of sovereignty in matters of nationality.”5 As a rule, therefore, citizens of the former state should automatically acquire the nationality of the successor state in which they had already been residing.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

All of the Palestinians who normally lived in the area that became Israel, including refugees, are Israeli citizens.
the "jew only roads" are in the west bank, on land that isn't yours!

Palestinian's are not recognized in israel.

That's apartheid!

I don't give a shit about your armored jeep!

I asked you a question about the "johnnies", are you going to answer it?
You're so fos!

Israel is the only nuclear power in the me, the "fate of israel" is not even an issue.

No. You are. Like i said, you are too irresponsible to take ownership over the things you do. Or are you just a coward?

You pulled the trigger. You decided to shoot. That is your fault!
No, we don't agree.
God is not a humanitarian? He created humanity, but he's not a humanitarian?

Boy, you got some serious issues, dude.
You think god likes you genociding palestinian's?

That's because you don't want to change.

irrelevant as the geneva conventions show, the occupation is legal and the west bank is under military law. This means that the idf can restrict access and travel if it safeguards the military needs of israel.

No it is just the same as palestinians not being recognised in egypt or jordan. In fact palestinians are not recognised in any islamic nation, which is why they are still kept locked away in concentration camps. there is no law that says that israel has to recognise palestinians in israel, unless you can find me one. So it is not apartheid just defence of the civilians in israel.

why should we give in to your vile demands when you wont answer our polite questions ?

What has the fact israel may have nuclear weapons to do with anything, have they used them to threaten like iran has. Just another of your red herrings because you arte losing the argument.

According to the geneva conventions hamas is responsible for the deaths of the civilians because they refused to stop using civilian areas for attacks on israel and forced the civilians to be human shields. Once that happened the civilians became militia and thus military targets.

Instead you lie because you know that you are wrong

and you don't when you abuse israel and the jews, then cant see what is wrong with doing this.

Do you think god likes the muslims ?

in international law, when a state is dissolved and new states are established, “the population follows the change of sovereignty in matters of nationality.”5 as a rule, therefore, citizens of the former state should automatically acquire the nationality of the successor state in which they had already been residing.

genesis of citizenship in palestine and israel

all of the palestinians who normally lived in the area that became israel, including refugees, are israeli citizens.
no they are not israelis.
In international law, when a state is dissolved and new states are established, “the population follows the change of sovereignty in matters of nationality.”5 As a rule, therefore, citizens of the former state should automatically acquire the nationality of the successor state in which they had already been residing.Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel
All of the Palestinians who normally lived in the area that became Israel, including refugees, are Israeli citizens.
Mutaz M. Qafisheh?
irrelevant as the geneva conventions show, the occupation is legal and the west bank is under military law. This means that the idf can restrict access and travel if it safeguards the military needs of israel.

No it is just the same as palestinians not being recognised in egypt or jordan. In fact palestinians are not recognised in any islamic nation, which is why they are still kept locked away in concentration camps. there is no law that says that israel has to recognise palestinians in israel, unless you can find me one. So it is not apartheid just defence of the civilians in israel.

why should we give in to your vile demands when you wont answer our polite questions ?

What has the fact israel may have nuclear weapons to do with anything, have they used them to threaten like iran has. Just another of your red herrings because you arte losing the argument.

According to the geneva conventions hamas is responsible for the deaths of the civilians because they refused to stop using civilian areas for attacks on israel and forced the civilians to be human shields. Once that happened the civilians became militia and thus military targets.

Instead you lie because you know that you are wrong

and you don't when you abuse israel and the jews, then cant see what is wrong with doing this.

Do you think god likes the muslims ?

in international law, when a state is dissolved and new states are established, “the population follows the change of sovereignty in matters of nationality.”5 as a rule, therefore, citizens of the former state should automatically acquire the nationality of the successor state in which they had already been residing.

genesis of citizenship in palestine and israel

all of the palestinians who normally lived in the area that became israel, including refugees, are israeli citizens.
no they are not israelis.

I just post the law.

You can believe it or not.
all of the palestinians who normally lived in the area that became israel, including refugees, are israeli citizens.
no they are not israelis.

I just post the law.

You can believe it or not.

Oh you just post the law? funny..because I was a border policeman who enforced the law.
But you might want to read Coyote and my discussion over this thread where we cover the subject of the "Palestinians status"

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