A Time to Face Reality-Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

That is not why the Dems are doing it.................tis a smoke screen and nothing more for next years election and to cover Biden's butt for the corruption and pay to play he has done..........

This is a circle the wagons moment for the left..................and nothing more.
The Dems did NOT bring this up. Do you think they wanted their front runner completely swamped in conspiracy theories about corruption and shakedowns and nepotism? Are you crazy? Trump and his minions got this started months ago -- Rudy and Barr ready to guide the efforts and grab any goodies.
I think you need to come back to earth.

The Dems have been running their fat mouths for 3 years now...............Trump Trump Trump.

BS.............This is a scripted play for the elections and nothing more................and they are trying to help Biden escape his dirty laundry in the process..........

We'll hear this noise for another year from the bunch of Whiners.........already had enough of that whining sound......

No one believes anything they have to say anymore...........why your side is losing moderates in droves......

Your side is screwed at the moment and you know it...........why the shrill calls for Impeachment again....

Enjoy your shrill barks.................no one cares anymore.
I am one of those moderates, but the way you guys keep ignoring the President's unethical behavior will keep me away from your "side" for a long time. I'm an Independent, not a Dem, and if there was good evidence that Biden had done what you say, I'd believe it. I'm going with the facts presented and the facts come down overwhelmingly on the side of Biden not doing anything corrupt involving Shokin. That's been argued to death in other threads this week and I'm not going there all over again, but you're aware of all the facts there, even if you don't want to admit them.

I just want to see arguments based on facts, not imagination. Usually, lately, that is my point in the threads here, because so many people are arguing total nonsense. I don't mean "it's nonsense because I don't like it," I mean "it's nonsense because there is no evidence or indication it happened." So what might seem like being in opposition to the conservative side is actually being in opposition to the malarkey some of them are using to justify their positions.
You aren't moderate.................your posts scream Far left..............

Facts..........people like you with TDS couldn't recognize facts if they came up and bit you in butt.

This is a media circus and nothing more so we can listen to noise about it to the point of nausia again........Trump has already played the left like a Fiddle on this no matter how you play it.

As they rant and rave about the phone call, he will use the Media Feeding Frenzy to expose Biden and his son's dealings there and show it to the public............

Biden is done now.............class dismissed.......

Who is your second choice now that he's gone..........whether you like it or not this finishes him.................


Your argument is fact less bullshit. Biden is not going anywhere. This is about more than a phone call.

The time has come for Trump. And people like you.
Dream on...........your side has shouted wolf so many times no one believes you.........

Biden has been exposed publically................he's done. Class dismissed.
You can not even read because I have stated very clearly that what is presented is not going to get a conviction in the Senate!
That is not why the Dems are doing it.................tis a smoke screen and nothing more for next years election and to cover Biden's butt for the corruption and pay to play he has done..........

This is a circle the wagons moment for the left..................and nothing more.
The Dems did NOT bring this up. Do you think they wanted their front runner completely swamped in conspiracy theories about corruption and shakedowns and nepotism? Are you crazy? Trump and his minions got this started months ago -- Rudy and Barr ready to guide the efforts and grab any goodies.
I think you need to come back to earth.

The Dems have been running their fat mouths for 3 years now...............Trump Trump Trump.

BS.............This is a scripted play for the elections and nothing more................and they are trying to help Biden escape his dirty laundry in the process..........

We'll hear this noise for another year from the bunch of Whiners.........already had enough of that whining sound......

No one believes anything they have to say anymore...........why your side is losing moderates in droves......

Your side is screwed at the moment and you know it...........why the shrill calls for Impeachment again....

Enjoy your shrill barks.................no one cares anymore.
I am one of those moderates, but the way you guys keep ignoring the President's unethical behavior will keep me away from your "side" for a long time. I'm an Independent, not a Dem, and if there was good evidence that Biden had done what you say, I'd believe it. I'm going with the facts presented and the facts come down overwhelmingly on the side of Biden not doing anything corrupt involving Shokin. That's been argued to death in other threads this week and I'm not going there all over again, but you're aware of all the facts there, even if you don't want to admit them.

I just want to see arguments based on facts, not imagination. Usually, lately, that is my point in the threads here, because so many people are arguing total nonsense. I don't mean "it's nonsense because I don't like it," I mean "it's nonsense because there is no evidence or indication it happened." So what might seem like being in opposition to the conservative side is actually being in opposition to the malarkey some of them are using to justify their positions.
You aren't moderate.................your posts scream Far left..............

Facts..........people like you with TDS couldn't recognize facts if they came up and bit you in butt.

This is a media circus and nothing more so we can listen to noise about it to the point of nausia again........Trump has already played the left like a Fiddle on this no matter how you play it.

As they rant and rave about the phone call, he will use the Media Feeding Frenzy to expose Biden and his son's dealings there and show it to the public............

Biden is done now.............class dismissed.......

Who is your second choice now that he's gone..........whether you like it or not this finishes him.................

First, it's not polite to ask someone who they plan to vote for. Were you raised in a barn?
Second, If you had actually read my posts and had any idea who I am, you would already know I never had any interest in voting for Biden, and I haven't supported any of the Dems running yet.

It is a media circus, you're right, and I am amazed every time they pull it, but it is to feed the appetite of a paying public so I guess the people want to know about it. And in the midst of that "circus," the facts are floating around. Dates, places, statements and correspondence and reports. I have read and read on this--the background, the time lines, on the most neutral sites I can find and on the partisan rags. You folks have got to give me more to go on. John Solomon's say so, when he is quoting Shokin as evidence, is NOT enough to convince me.

If you call that "far left," so be it.
That is not why the Dems are doing it.................tis a smoke screen and nothing more for next years election and to cover Biden's butt for the corruption and pay to play he has done..........

This is a circle the wagons moment for the left..................and nothing more.
The Dems did NOT bring this up. Do you think they wanted their front runner completely swamped in conspiracy theories about corruption and shakedowns and nepotism? Are you crazy? Trump and his minions got this started months ago -- Rudy and Barr ready to guide the efforts and grab any goodies.
I think you need to come back to earth.

The Dems have been running their fat mouths for 3 years now...............Trump Trump Trump.

BS.............This is a scripted play for the elections and nothing more................and they are trying to help Biden escape his dirty laundry in the process..........

We'll hear this noise for another year from the bunch of Whiners.........already had enough of that whining sound......

No one believes anything they have to say anymore...........why your side is losing moderates in droves......

Your side is screwed at the moment and you know it...........why the shrill calls for Impeachment again....

Enjoy your shrill barks.................no one cares anymore.
I am one of those moderates, but the way you guys keep ignoring the President's unethical behavior will keep me away from your "side" for a long time. I'm an Independent, not a Dem, and if there was good evidence that Biden had done what you say, I'd believe it. I'm going with the facts presented and the facts come down overwhelmingly on the side of Biden not doing anything corrupt involving Shokin. That's been argued to death in other threads this week and I'm not going there all over again, but you're aware of all the facts there, even if you don't want to admit them.

I just want to see arguments based on facts, not imagination. Usually, lately, that is my point in the threads here, because so many people are arguing total nonsense. I don't mean "it's nonsense because I don't like it," I mean "it's nonsense because there is no evidence or indication it happened." So what might seem like being in opposition to the conservative side is actually being in opposition to the malarkey some of them are using to justify their positions.
You aren't moderate.................your posts scream Far left..............

Facts..........people like you with TDS couldn't recognize facts if they came up and bit you in butt.

This is a media circus and nothing more so we can listen to noise about it to the point of nausia again........Trump has already played the left like a Fiddle on this no matter how you play it.

As they rant and rave about the phone call, he will use the Media Feeding Frenzy to expose Biden and his son's dealings there and show it to the public............

Biden is done now.............class dismissed.......

Who is your second choice now that he's gone..........whether you like it or not this finishes him.................

First, it's not polite to ask someone who they plan to vote for. Were you raised in a barn?
Second, If you had actually read my posts and had any idea who I am, you would already know I never had any interest in voting for Biden, and I haven't supported any of the Dems running yet.

It is a media circus, you're right, and I am amazed every time they pull it, but it is to feed the appetite of a paying public so I guess the people want to know about it. And in the midst of that "circus," the facts are floating around. Dates, places, statements and correspondence and reports. I have read and read on this--the background, the time lines, on the most neutral sites I can find and on the partisan rags. You folks have got to give me more to go on. John Solomon's say so, when he is quoting Shokin as evidence, is NOT enough to convince me.

If you call that "far left," so be it.
Whatever......................I'll be voting Trump by the way.............

The next coup attempt will fail..................and Biden is gone..............

Who's next..............Warren...........they know they can't play that card........Booker...........not a prayer............Harris is establishment California style.....................think she'll be next............maybe..

If the Dems were smart they'd play the Gabby card..............
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
By statute it doesn’t matter if it’s second hand. The phone call corroborated it in. Any event
I am not saying Trump is innocent or guilty


What is the high crime or misdemeanor ?

Funny how you cut out the rest of what I wrote when I also said I will wait to see!

Why the fuck are you on the fringe right automatically attacking everyone that says let wait and see?

It is an investigation and until all the evidence is provided I will not proclaim anything except wait and let see the fucking evidence!

Is that so much to ask?

Of course it is!

I mean I am sick of both fucking sides with this partisan nonsense because the fringers on the fucking left scream guilty and those like you scream innocent when let admit Trump is a asshole Troll and no that is not impeachable at all!

Also I have written that those that told the whistleblower this or that need to come forward and say yes they said that and provide the evidence or say no the whistleblower is incorrect and provide the evidence to support the whistleblower is lying or incorrect!

Also I wrote as it fucking stands now the evidence is weak and Trump might be impeached by the fucking House but he will never be convicted by the Senate with this evidence!

Now does that fucking clear it up for you or do I need to write it Trump not guilty until caveman shows you evidence?
Tell that to piglosi................they went full bore based on MSM articles without the transcript at all..............Couldn't eve wait a couple of days to get the proper records before doing it.

They couldn't wait to jump all over it.............a set up.............

This will back fire on them............Biden is done.
Pelosi finally pulled the trigger because the White House was refusing to give Congress the documents. When she let her minions have their way and said "Impeachment investigation," the White House changed its tune fast.

That is not a statement either for or against either side. It is simply why Pelosi jumped in before the proper records were in her hands. Because the WH and administration were trying to dick her around.
For all those like Grampa Murked U :

It is better to let the investigation continue and let Pelosi do what she will do and why?

The fact is if the evidence is weak and does not support Pelosi and Democrats call for Impeachment it will then hurt them in the Polls.

Pelosi believe she has the votes in the House and believe voters will agree with her BUT as it stands the evidence she is presenting will never carry a conviction in the Senate.

Now again the evidence will never carry a conviction in the Senate.

Again, the evidence will not carry a conviction in the Senate...

One more time the evidence will not carry a conviction in the Senate.

Now I am sure some of you will scream what evidence and act daft, well many of you are daft but still let the investigation proceed because all it can do if this is the evidence is swing the swing voters to Trump and Pelosi loses the House.

I have stated this many times in many threads but again many of you are daft and just nuts!

Now why is Pelosi doing this?

She want the Senate and hopefully a super majority in the Senate but she need to realize Trump base is rock solid and she may not get the Senate even with a impeachment and conviction a d she definitely will not get the Senate if the Senate backs Trump...

Now what happens IF ( NOTICED IF IS THA WORD HERE ) Pelosi find something worthy of Impeachment and Conviction?

I still say this will sour many voters and Pence could get reelected and House falling still.

Pelosi is playing a political game she will lose but to the Trump voters let the investigation go on and stop screaming it is a witch hunt!

This is the left payback to Trump for being a sexist birther but what the left forget most of American men are sexist, racist ( yes you are and do not deny and so am I ) and some are still birthers.

In the end House will impeach, Senate will not convict because of lack of evidence and Trump uses this to win in 2020...

Now let all of you nutters go nuts and just pick certain words of mine and say I believe the media hype when I read the transcript and the favor was for Cyberstrike and not Biden or his goofy son!
I am not saying Trump is innocent or guilty


What is the high crime or misdemeanor ?

Funny how you cut out the rest of what I wrote when I also said I will wait to see!

Why the fuck are you on the fringe right automatically attacking everyone that says let wait and see?

It is an investigation and until all the evidence is provided I will not proclaim anything except wait and let see the fucking evidence!

Is that so much to ask?

Of course it is!

I mean I am sick of both fucking sides with this partisan nonsense because the fringers on the fucking left scream guilty and those like you scream innocent when let admit Trump is a asshole Troll and no that is not impeachable at all!

Also I have written that those that told the whistleblower this or that need to come forward and say yes they said that and provide the evidence or say no the whistleblower is incorrect and provide the evidence to support the whistleblower is lying or incorrect!

Also I wrote as it fucking stands now the evidence is weak and Trump might be impeached by the fucking House but he will never be convicted by the Senate with this evidence!

Now does that fucking clear it up for you or do I need to write it Trump not guilty until caveman shows you evidence?
Tell that to piglosi................they went full bore based on MSM articles without the transcript at all..............Couldn't eve wait a couple of days to get the proper records before doing it.

They couldn't wait to jump all over it.............a set up.............

This will back fire on them............Biden is done.
Pelosi finally pulled the trigger because the White House was refusing to give Congress the documents. When she let her minions have their way and said "Impeachment investigation," the White House changed its tune fast.

That is not a statement either for or against either side. It is simply why Pelosi jumped in before the proper records were in her hands. Because the WH and administration were trying to dick her around.
LOL the transcripts were authorized within a week....

pretty dang quick for the gov't.........

Doesn't show anything of value being used...............to try and influence Ukraine...............Obama asked the Ukraine to do the same thing on Manafort.........while Manafort was a Trump Campaign manager ............

Imagine that.................

Where was the screeching noises about that...................they didn't exist........

And where do you stand on Biden on the CFR conference bragging about holding a billion dollar loan over the Ukraine's head if they didn't fire a Prosecutor..........

Hmmmm.................speak into the microphone............Was Biden WRONG FOR DOING THAT...............
I am not saying Trump is innocent or guilty


What is the high crime or misdemeanor ?

Funny how you cut out the rest of what I wrote when I also said I will wait to see!

Why the fuck are you on the fringe right automatically attacking everyone that says let wait and see?

It is an investigation and until all the evidence is provided I will not proclaim anything except wait and let see the fucking evidence!

Is that so much to ask?

Of course it is!

I mean I am sick of both fucking sides with this partisan nonsense because the fringers on the fucking left scream guilty and those like you scream innocent when let admit Trump is a asshole Troll and no that is not impeachable at all!

Also I have written that those that told the whistleblower this or that need to come forward and say yes they said that and provide the evidence or say no the whistleblower is incorrect and provide the evidence to support the whistleblower is lying or incorrect!

Also I wrote as it fucking stands now the evidence is weak and Trump might be impeached by the fucking House but he will never be convicted by the Senate with this evidence!

Now does that fucking clear it up for you or do I need to write it Trump not guilty until caveman shows you evidence?
Tell that to piglosi................they went full bore based on MSM articles without the transcript at all..............Couldn't eve wait a couple of days to get the proper records before doing it.

They couldn't wait to jump all over it.............a set up.............

This will back fire on them............Biden is done.
Pelosi finally pulled the trigger because the White House was refusing to give Congress the documents. When she let her minions have their way and said "Impeachment investigation," the White House changed its tune fast.

That is not a statement either for or against either side. It is simply why Pelosi jumped in before the proper records were in her hands. Because the WH and administration were trying to dick her around.

And this will backfire on Pelosi badly.

As of now the evidence being presented is not worthy of impeachment and conviction...
The fact is if the evidence is weak
evidence of what? Being a poopyhead? A tax evader? A murderer? WHAT?

Evidence you voted for him...

What evidence are they looking for?

They want to see if the transcript they were handed is factual and if not and was altered.

Personally I believe you can not comprehend what I am saying, so why don't you go and watch Hannity while I read the transcript that said the favor was to investigate Cyberstrike which is not illegal at all...

Got it?


Will you claim I am just being daft when it is you?
I am one of those moderates, but the way you guys keep ignoring the President's unethical behavior will keep me away from your "side" for a long time.

Imagine being this shallow lol

Someone else is a poopyhead so I'm going to alter my life as a result.

Why would I vote for people who have come out and publicly championed unethical behavior?
"I'm going to alter my life?" In what way, Poindexter?
They want to see if the transcript they were handed is factual and if not and was altered.

That is NOT how this started. The impeachment started BEFORE any transcript was even aware of. So yet again the left and the media are moving the goal posts? Or is this just you trying to rationalize what you can't actually pin down?
I am one of those moderates, but the way you guys keep ignoring the President's unethical behavior will keep me away from your "side" for a long time.

Imagine being this shallow lol

Someone else is a poopyhead so I'm going to alter my life as a result.

Why would I vote for people who have come out and publicly championed unethical behavior?
"I'm going to alter my life?" In what way, Poindexter?
Vote against your pocketbook POINDEXTER
I am not saying Trump is innocent or guilty


What is the high crime or misdemeanor ?

Funny how you cut out the rest of what I wrote when I also said I will wait to see!

Why the fuck are you on the fringe right automatically attacking everyone that says let wait and see?

It is an investigation and until all the evidence is provided I will not proclaim anything except wait and let see the fucking evidence!

Is that so much to ask?

Of course it is!

I mean I am sick of both fucking sides with this partisan nonsense because the fringers on the fucking left scream guilty and those like you scream innocent when let admit Trump is a asshole Troll and no that is not impeachable at all!

Also I have written that those that told the whistleblower this or that need to come forward and say yes they said that and provide the evidence or say no the whistleblower is incorrect and provide the evidence to support the whistleblower is lying or incorrect!

Also I wrote as it fucking stands now the evidence is weak and Trump might be impeached by the fucking House but he will never be convicted by the Senate with this evidence!

Now does that fucking clear it up for you or do I need to write it Trump not guilty until caveman shows you evidence?
Tell that to piglosi................they went full bore based on MSM articles without the transcript at all..............Couldn't eve wait a couple of days to get the proper records before doing it.

They couldn't wait to jump all over it.............a set up.............

This will back fire on them............Biden is done.
Pelosi finally pulled the trigger because the White House was refusing to give Congress the documents. When she let her minions have their way and said "Impeachment investigation," the White House changed its tune fast.

That is not a statement either for or against either side. It is simply why Pelosi jumped in before the proper records were in her hands. Because the WH and administration were trying to dick her around.
LOL the transcripts were authorized within a week....

pretty dang quick for the gov't.........

Doesn't show anything of value being used...............to try and influence Ukraine...............Obama asked the Ukraine to do the same thing on Manafort.........while Manafort was a Trump Campaign manager ............

Imagine that.................

Where was the screeching noises about that...................they didn't exist........

And where do you stand on Biden on the CFR conference bragging about holding a billion dollar loan over the Ukraine's head if they didn't fire a Prosecutor..........

Hmmmm.................speak into the microphone............Was Biden WRONG FOR DOING THAT...............
I've spent over fifteen minutes searching for some articles on how Obama asked the Ukraine to do the same thing to Manafort. Please link
  • Thanks
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I am not saying Trump is innocent or guilty


What is the high crime or misdemeanor ?

Funny how you cut out the rest of what I wrote when I also said I will wait to see!

Why the fuck are you on the fringe right automatically attacking everyone that says let wait and see?

It is an investigation and until all the evidence is provided I will not proclaim anything except wait and let see the fucking evidence!

Is that so much to ask?

Of course it is!

I mean I am sick of both fucking sides with this partisan nonsense because the fringers on the fucking left scream guilty and those like you scream innocent when let admit Trump is a asshole Troll and no that is not impeachable at all!

Also I have written that those that told the whistleblower this or that need to come forward and say yes they said that and provide the evidence or say no the whistleblower is incorrect and provide the evidence to support the whistleblower is lying or incorrect!

Also I wrote as it fucking stands now the evidence is weak and Trump might be impeached by the fucking House but he will never be convicted by the Senate with this evidence!

Now does that fucking clear it up for you or do I need to write it Trump not guilty until caveman shows you evidence?
Tell that to piglosi................they went full bore based on MSM articles without the transcript at all..............Couldn't eve wait a couple of days to get the proper records before doing it.

They couldn't wait to jump all over it.............a set up.............

This will back fire on them............Biden is done.
Pelosi finally pulled the trigger because the White House was refusing to give Congress the documents. When she let her minions have their way and said "Impeachment investigation," the White House changed its tune fast.

That is not a statement either for or against either side. It is simply why Pelosi jumped in before the proper records were in her hands. Because the WH and administration were trying to dick her around.

And this will backfire on Pelosi badly.

As of now the evidence being presented is not worthy of impeachment and conviction...
We haven't seen any evidence of anything yet--it goes to the committee.
I am one of those moderates, but the way you guys keep ignoring the President's unethical behavior will keep me away from your "side" for a long time.

Imagine being this shallow lol

Someone else is a poopyhead so I'm going to alter my life as a result.

Why would I vote for people who have come out and publicly championed unethical behavior?
"I'm going to alter my life?" In what way, Poindexter?
Vote against your pocketbook POINDEXTER
That's all you got, isn't it? The economy that is supposedly so good the homeless situation hasn't been this bad since the Great Depression.
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info
Volume does not replace quality or content value. I prefer the transcript.

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