A Timely Trip down Memory Lane

Historical fact is a bitch when it squishes your argument like a grape rolling down the freeway eh.


Let's bring the wives of all those people that died in all those embassies and hear their stories.

Let's be fair.
Let's be fair. Show us where Bush lied about it!

Let's bring the wives of all those people and hear from them. Apparently their lives didn't matter to Republicans at all. And HRC was not president, she was only Secretary of State. You know if conservatives won arguments or even just put forth honest arguments I could have some respect for them, that is how conservatives used to be generally. Now though they've come to the conclusion that fact and reality only work against them, so they lie about everything, then they quote their own lies as if they are fact.

The family of the US ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens wants Republicans to stop using their dead family member as their political football and fundraising object.

Benghazi Ambassador’s Sister Would Like Republicans To STFU And Stop Blaming Hillary

Let's be fair.

Yes, let's be fair. The other Mom stated plainly that Lying Hillary lied to her. Hillary continues to lie even about her emails as she did to the nation and Chris Wallace just yesterday when she tried to come off as the only person in the world who did not hear the FBI Director state that she trafficked in classified emails. It must be especially hard for you folks to be forced to defend a habitual liar and incompetent corrupt politician.

Let the hate swell inside you. You've given yourself to the dark-side. You people have been so terribly brainwashed by con-media that it is only sad. Only pity for you.
Pot....meet kettle.

You gonna cry? There's no crying in baseball!

Can you quote the words he said where he bash a veteran? Please do or retract your statement. (I laugh)
"I like people who weren't captured." Awaiting your apology
Why are you bitching about that? You libtards bashed McCain mercilessly when he ran for President.
Actually, Hillary did call that Benghazi Mom a liar. You Liberals set a double standard? Let's be fair and balanced.

Yes let's be fair and have all the widows from 9/11 tell of their horrible loss because of Bush's horrendous failures.

Let's be fair.

Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.
Actually, Hillary did call that Benghazi Mom a liar. You Liberals set a double standard? Let's be fair and balanced.

Yes let's be fair and have all the widows from 9/11 tell of their horrible loss because of Bush's horrendous failures.

Let's be fair.

Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

I don't blame crooked Hillary for all of Benghazi. I blame her for allowing Stevens to go there without proper protection. The results prove me right.

On the other hand you are really not being honest with blaming Bush for 9/11. There is no connection. Bush didn't have the radar systems go to stand down. He didn't lower airport security so it could happen. And you have no evidence that he had prior knowledge. All you are trying to do is excuse crooked Hillary by deflection.
Actually, Hillary did call that Benghazi Mom a liar. You Liberals set a double standard? Let's be fair and balanced.

Yes let's be fair and have all the widows from 9/11 tell of their horrible loss because of Bush's horrendous failures.

Let's be fair.

Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

I don't blame crooked Hillary for all of Benghazi. I blame her for allowing Stevens to go there without proper protection. The results prove me right.

On the other hand you are really not being honest with blaming Bush for 9/11. There is no connection. Bush didn't have the radar systems go to stand down. He didn't lower airport security so it could happen. And you have no evidence that he had prior knowledge. All you are trying to do is excuse crooked Hillary by deflection.

Enjoy your delusions. And don't worry, I'm sure Fish Dimbaugh and Faux News are dreaming up new ones to keep you occupied indefinitely.
Actually, Hillary did call that Benghazi Mom a liar. You Liberals set a double standard? Let's be fair and balanced.

Yes let's be fair and have all the widows from 9/11 tell of their horrible loss because of Bush's horrendous failures.

Let's be fair.

Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

I don't blame crooked Hillary for all of Benghazi. I blame her for allowing Stevens to go there without proper protection. The results prove me right.

On the other hand you are really not being honest with blaming Bush for 9/11. There is no connection. Bush didn't have the radar systems go to stand down. He didn't lower airport security so it could happen. And you have no evidence that he had prior knowledge. All you are trying to do is excuse crooked Hillary by deflection.

Enjoy your delusions. And don't worry, I'm sure Fish Dimbaugh and Faux News are dreaming up new ones to keep you occupied indefinitely.

Remove Issac newton as your avatar.....he was a Christian and practiced real science

As for Benghazi, you're comparing that to 9/11?

If Clinton had killed Bin Laden, we wouldn't have had that issue.
Yes let's be fair and have all the widows from 9/11 tell of their horrible loss because of Bush's horrendous failures.

Let's be fair.

Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

I don't blame crooked Hillary for all of Benghazi. I blame her for allowing Stevens to go there without proper protection. The results prove me right.

On the other hand you are really not being honest with blaming Bush for 9/11. There is no connection. Bush didn't have the radar systems go to stand down. He didn't lower airport security so it could happen. And you have no evidence that he had prior knowledge. All you are trying to do is excuse crooked Hillary by deflection.

Enjoy your delusions. And don't worry, I'm sure Fish Dimbaugh and Faux News are dreaming up new ones to keep you occupied indefinitely.

Remove Issac newton as your avatar.....he was a Christian and practiced real science

As for Benghazi, you're comparing that to 9/11?

If Clinton had killed Bin Laden, we wouldn't have had that issue.

The level to which conservatives have just wrapped their arms around the big lie is amazing. You don't even flinch any more. As long as you hear some dope on radio or tv tell you 'it's so' you believe it as if jeezus whispered in your ear.

For anyone to excuse the failures of Bush and the Republicant's for 9/11, that takes self-delusion to it's ultimate heights. It distorts reality beyond the breaking point and incites only pity for you.
Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

I don't blame crooked Hillary for all of Benghazi. I blame her for allowing Stevens to go there without proper protection. The results prove me right.

On the other hand you are really not being honest with blaming Bush for 9/11. There is no connection. Bush didn't have the radar systems go to stand down. He didn't lower airport security so it could happen. And you have no evidence that he had prior knowledge. All you are trying to do is excuse crooked Hillary by deflection.

Enjoy your delusions. And don't worry, I'm sure Fish Dimbaugh and Faux News are dreaming up new ones to keep you occupied indefinitely.

Remove Issac newton as your avatar.....he was a Christian and practiced real science

As for Benghazi, you're comparing that to 9/11?

If Clinton had killed Bin Laden, we wouldn't have had that issue.

The level to which conservatives have just wrapped their arms around the big lie is amazing. You don't even flinch any more. As long as you hear some dope on radio or tv tell you 'it's so' you believe it as if jeezus whispered in your ear.

For anyone to excuse the failures of Bush and the Republicant's for 9/11, that takes self-delusion to it's ultimate heights. It distorts reality beyond the breaking point and incites only pity for you.

No the big lie is the southern strategy, but what did Bush and Cheney not do? They knew about the attack?
Actually, Hillary did call that Benghazi Mom a liar. You Liberals set a double standard? Let's be fair and balanced.

Yes let's be fair and have all the widows from 9/11 tell of their horrible loss because of Bush's horrendous failures.

Let's be fair.

Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

No. What I blame Hillary for is not demanding the DOD send assets to help her ambassador and the others. I also blame her for blaming the attack on a damn video for two weeks when she knew better that same night. I also blame her for lying to the Mom.

Now, you will come back and claim that Hillary could not order any forces to go to the aid of the ambassador. That point has been shot down by the Military already. Thy have already stated that a Secretary of State would have gotten a response had she requested a response. Next you will claim any response would have failed due to the distance and time involved. That matters not a whit. Anyone who has served in the Military knows you leave no one at peril. You scramble and send aid whether that aid would have been successful or not. Hillary did absolutely nothing at all to aid those directly under her command. That is piss poor leadership by any standard. To sit on your hands and do absolutely nothing is a disgrace.
Actually, Hillary did call that Benghazi Mom a liar. You Liberals set a double standard? Let's be fair and balanced.

Yes let's be fair and have all the widows from 9/11 tell of their horrible loss because of Bush's horrendous failures.

Let's be fair.

Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

No. What I blame Hillary for is not demanding the DOD send assets to help her ambassador and the others. I also blame her for blaming the attack on a damn video for two weeks when she knew better that same night. I also blame her for lying to the Mom.

Now, you will come back and claim that Hillary could not order any forces to go to the aid of the ambassador. That point has been shot down by the Military already. Thy have already stated that a Secretary of State would have gotten a response had she requested a response. Next you will claim any response would have failed due to the distance and time involved. That matters not a whit. Anyone who has served in the Military knows you leave no one at peril. You scramble and send aid whether that aid would have been successful or not. Hillary did absolutely nothing at all to aid those directly under her command. That is piss poor leadership by any standard. To sit on your hands and do absolutely nothing is a disgrace.


The whole Benghazi thing is a constructed pile of crap meant to harm a political opponent of the Republicans. They used taxpayer money and the power of government to harm another political party's candidate. When Nixon did it he had to resign or be sent to prison. It is treason.

Thus any of your sentimental bullshit arguments are useless. You ignore all these other deaths and focus only on what makes you have wet dreams, brought about by your con-media manipulators.
Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

I don't blame crooked Hillary for all of Benghazi. I blame her for allowing Stevens to go there without proper protection. The results prove me right.

On the other hand you are really not being honest with blaming Bush for 9/11. There is no connection. Bush didn't have the radar systems go to stand down. He didn't lower airport security so it could happen. And you have no evidence that he had prior knowledge. All you are trying to do is excuse crooked Hillary by deflection.

Enjoy your delusions. And don't worry, I'm sure Fish Dimbaugh and Faux News are dreaming up new ones to keep you occupied indefinitely.

Remove Issac newton as your avatar.....he was a Christian and practiced real science

As for Benghazi, you're comparing that to 9/11?

If Clinton had killed Bin Laden, we wouldn't have had that issue.

The level to which conservatives have just wrapped their arms around the big lie is amazing. You don't even flinch any more. As long as you hear some dope on radio or tv tell you 'it's so' you believe it as if jeezus whispered in your ear.

For anyone to excuse the failures of Bush and the Republicant's for 9/11, that takes self-delusion to it's ultimate heights. It distorts reality beyond the breaking point and incites only pity for you.
We had OBL in our crosshairs.
Clinton was a coward and refused to let them kill him.
The rest is history.
Actually, Hillary did call that Benghazi Mom a liar. You Liberals set a double standard? Let's be fair and balanced.

Yes let's be fair and have all the widows from 9/11 tell of their horrible loss because of Bush's horrendous failures.

Let's be fair.

Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

No. What I blame Hillary for is not demanding the DOD send assets to help her ambassador and the others. I also blame her for blaming the attack on a damn video for two weeks when she knew better that same night. I also blame her for lying to the Mom.

Now, you will come back and claim that Hillary could not order any forces to go to the aid of the ambassador. That point has been shot down by the Military already. Thy have already stated that a Secretary of State would have gotten a response had she requested a response. Next you will claim any response would have failed due to the distance and time involved. That matters not a whit. Anyone who has served in the Military knows you leave no one at peril. You scramble and send aid whether that aid would have been successful or not. Hillary did absolutely nothing at all to aid those directly under her command. That is piss poor leadership by any standard. To sit on your hands and do absolutely nothing is a disgrace.


The whole Benghazi thing is a constructed pile of crap meant to harm a political opponent of the Republicans. They used taxpayer money and the power of government to harm another political party's candidate. When Nixon did it he had to resign or be sent to prison. It is treason.

Thus any of your sentimental bullshit arguments are useless. You ignore all these other deaths and focus only on what makes you have wet dreams, brought about by your con-media manipulators.
How many Americans died in those US Consulates under Bush?
How many were US Ambassadors?

Game Over.
Actually, Hillary did call that Benghazi Mom a liar. You Liberals set a double standard? Let's be fair and balanced.

Yes let's be fair and have all the widows from 9/11 tell of their horrible loss because of Bush's horrendous failures.

Let's be fair.

Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

No. What I blame Hillary for is not demanding the DOD send assets to help her ambassador and the others. I also blame her for blaming the attack on a damn video for two weeks when she knew better that same night. I also blame her for lying to the Mom.

Now, you will come back and claim that Hillary could not order any forces to go to the aid of the ambassador. That point has been shot down by the Military already. Thy have already stated that a Secretary of State would have gotten a response had she requested a response. Next you will claim any response would have failed due to the distance and time involved. That matters not a whit. Anyone who has served in the Military knows you leave no one at peril. You scramble and send aid whether that aid would have been successful or not. Hillary did absolutely nothing at all to aid those directly under her command. That is piss poor leadership by any standard. To sit on your hands and do absolutely nothing is a disgrace.


The whole Benghazi thing is a constructed pile of crap meant to harm a political opponent of the Republicans. They used taxpayer money and the power of government to harm another political party's candidate. When Nixon did it he had to resign or be sent to prison. It is treason.

Thus any of your sentimental bullshit arguments are useless. You ignore all these other deaths and focus only on what makes you have wet dreams, brought about by your con-media manipulators.

Must we continue to educate you? How many Americans needless died in any of those attacks? Mabye 5, 4 being Benghazi. How many presidents lied about what happened. 1, Obama. How many secretary of states lied, 1 Crooked Hillary.
How many of those attacks involved a protracted attack? I will say 1, Benghazi.

Benghazi was different than all the rest.

And I notice just to add more to the disingenuous nature of the argument I see your chart ends on 2008, well there has been attacks since 2008, someone is lying to you. Now ask yourself, if there have been other attacks, and people dying, why have they not been made an issue? Because, for the above reasons Benghazi is different.
Yes let's be fair and have all the widows from 9/11 tell of their horrible loss because of Bush's horrendous failures.

Let's be fair.

Oh for God's sake are you that dimwitted to blame Bush for 9/11? Really?

Uh, he was president, yet you blame a Secretary of State for Benghazi and think it a coherent thought. Your disconnect from reality, is it intentional? Or did someone trip on the cord.

No. What I blame Hillary for is not demanding the DOD send assets to help her ambassador and the others. I also blame her for blaming the attack on a damn video for two weeks when she knew better that same night. I also blame her for lying to the Mom.

Now, you will come back and claim that Hillary could not order any forces to go to the aid of the ambassador. That point has been shot down by the Military already. Thy have already stated that a Secretary of State would have gotten a response had she requested a response. Next you will claim any response would have failed due to the distance and time involved. That matters not a whit. Anyone who has served in the Military knows you leave no one at peril. You scramble and send aid whether that aid would have been successful or not. Hillary did absolutely nothing at all to aid those directly under her command. That is piss poor leadership by any standard. To sit on your hands and do absolutely nothing is a disgrace.


The whole Benghazi thing is a constructed pile of crap meant to harm a political opponent of the Republicans. They used taxpayer money and the power of government to harm another political party's candidate. When Nixon did it he had to resign or be sent to prison. It is treason.

Thus any of your sentimental bullshit arguments are useless. You ignore all these other deaths and focus only on what makes you have wet dreams, brought about by your con-media manipulators.

Must we continue to educate you? How many Americans needless died in any of those attacks? Mabye 5, 4 being Benghazi. How many presidents lied about what happened. 1, Obama. How many secretary of states lied, 1 Crooked Hillary.
How many of those attacks involved a protracted attack? I will say 1, Benghazi.

Benghazi was different than all the rest.

And I notice just to add more to the disingenuous nature of the argument I see your chart ends on 2008, well there has been attacks since 2008, someone is lying to you. Now ask yourself, if there have been other attacks, and people dying, why have they not been made an issue? Because, for the above reasons Benghazi is different.

Lying to other people is what you do, but you actually lie to yourself so you feel better about it. You actually try to make lies real.

Just say you couldn't care less about all those other people that died in all those other embassy attacks and you will at least hold on to a shred of dignity. Otherwise you just expose yourself as another con who will lie with every breath you take. You are selling 100 year old snake oil that didn't cure anything back then and is laughable now. You really don't think any believes your nonsense anymore do you? Really?
To the year 2001, when the rightwing propaganda machine tried, dishonestly, to smear Hillary Clinton for

allegedly snubbing a group of Goldstar mothers!

Hillary Clinton Snubbed Gold Star Mothers?


Did someone mention hypocrisy??? lolol

In the past, Bill and Hillary openly loathed the military. Hillary was always mean to military people when she had to be around them. She treated them with total disrespect and even complained about having to see them in uniform.

She can't pretend now to be supportive of them. We saw how she feels when she refused to help our people in Benghazi, then lied to the families. And now insinuates that they are all liars.

When the debate was on over the debt ceiling, the Dems stood with Obama as he warned elderly people and military people that they might not get their checks. Social Security and military pay and military pensions are earned. No welfare person was threatened they might have to go without. No hostile countries were warned that they wouldn't get their billions in aid. They focused on military and the elderly, two groups that aren't a priority with them. The left wouldn't hesitate to make active and retired military to go without.

Hillary is no friend to any military people or their families. She is pretending to care because she wants to get elected, but her opinion of military people was made clear years ago.

"When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously," Kessler explains. "As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident." He adds: "Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi."

Kessler was an investigative reporter with the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post and has penned 19 other books. Among much more in First Family Detail, he reports: • "Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military," former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls. "She wouldn’t go over and meet military people or police officers, as most protectees do. She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her." "Hillary didn’t like the military aides wearing their uniforms around the White House," one former agent remembers. "She asked if they would wear business suits instead. The uniform’s a sign of pride, and they’re proud to wear their uniform. I know that the military was actually really offended by it."

• Former agent Jeff Crane says, "Hillary would cuss at Secret Service drivers for going over bumps." Another former member of her detail recollects, "Hillary never talked to us. . . . Most all members of first families would talk to us and smile. She never did that." "We spent years with her," yet another Secret Service agent notes. "She never said thank you."

• Within the White House, Hillary had a "standing rule that no one spoke to her when she was going from one location to another," says former FBI agent Coy Copeland. "In fact, anyone who would see her coming would just step into the first available office." One former Secret Service agent states, "If Hillary was walking down a hall, you were supposed to hide behind drapes used as partitions." • Hillary one day ran into a White House electrician who was changing a light bulb in the upstairs family quarters. She screamed at him, because she had demanded that all repairs be performed while the Clintons were outside the Executive Mansion. "She caught the guy on a ladder doing the light bulb," says Franette McCulloch, who served at that time as assistant White House pastry chef. "He was a basket case."

While running for U.S. Senate, Hillary stopped at a 4-H club in upstate New York. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. "She turned to a staffer and said, ‘What the f*** did we come here for? There’s no money here.’"

Secret Service "agents consider being assigned to her detail a form of punishment," Kessler concludes. "In fact, agents say being on Hillary Clinton’s detail is the worst duty assignment in the Secret Service.""

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/424927/hillary-clinton-secret-service-treatment-abuse

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